The Reason I lost is

Can I leave this here?












shes crooked.



make it for me.


>The reason I lost is because
I decided to spend the entire election cycle dressed like a toddler.

Comey + wikileaks nailed her in the ass. Probably would have squeeked a win if either didn't happen.











She could have easily won if she actually bothered doing work. She went nearly a year without doing a fucking press conference. Maybe her failing health was to blame, amazing how he's older than she is and she needs people to help her out of cars and up stairs.

And you'd be assed to find anyone who even knows what her big promises and policies were. Because she wasn't out there telling people about it. She ran her campaign on the basis of "I'm a woman" and "At least I'm not Donald Trump" and "If you don't vote for me you're racist/sexist."

Beyond that she's as fishy and crooked as they come, beyond just the emails, the deaths of the people who were going to testify against her are incredible, let alone how quickly she flip-flops on issues. Black people are SUPER PREDATORS who are genetically more likely to commit crime, but now they're our main outreach for voting? Marriage should only be between men and women but now we're the progressive LGBT friendly party?

Oh man good ol meme thread, brings me back


How about ones that blame groups of people who voted for her? Illegals, lgbt, Don Lemon, etc

>Donald Trump begins campaign stating that Mexicans are drug dealers and criminals and rapists and he'll deport 10million illegals including children
>Hillary gets less of the Latino vote than Obama

There is more at play than just the FBI and Russia, Hillary.

Thank you based VLAD!

Keep btfo them libcucks! SHADILAY AND ONWARD TO KEKISTAN!

Because the Macedonian content farms.







