Did you know that the Mongoloid race (Asians, Native Americans) descent from Khosians?

Did you know that the Mongoloid race (Asians, Native Americans) descent from Khosians?

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what is convergent evolution


>convergent evolution
sure thing buddy


they wuz

If this isn't textbook mongoloid I don't know what is.

yup, turns out nogs have been destroying civilized people for even longer than we thought.

You do realize Khoasians aren't "black" right?

Khosians are Capeoids, not Congoids (dindus).

doesn't state that Asians descend from Khosians
you're retarded
all populations come from Africa


actually all of us decend from them, mr dane

What's with the mystery hominin?

We had dem horses n shieeeet but then da mass powder firearms came and Stole our gloryyyy

that is true.

The bantus will pay.


All races do NOT come from Africa. On the 6th day God created them man and woman, the pre-Adamic races, black and yellow. On the 7th day God rested. On the 8th day God created Adam, father of the White Race. The reason that the scientists say that we all came from Africa is because the Groids have been here longer than the Whites. They, the Groids are 6th day creation, we Whites are 8th day. Stop believing (((Their))) lies.

snippets of DNA found in Denisovans genome

They are the ancestors of the Bogdanoff family

Notice how this specific religious belief aligns with your ideology. Almost as if you can twist this shit anyway to conform to your belief. Y'know...meaning it's bullshit and not fact.

No they didn't you retard. They just share superficial traits. They are actually more separated genetically than Mongoloids and the British.

Khoi-san are believed to be the most ancient unchanged race of humans alive.

>actually all of us decend from them, mr dane

Recently, this and other findings are suggesting various "species" of homos at the same times in many places...with some branches dying out or disappearing.

I think that being fixed on the notion that all life came from africa without looking at other evidence is foolish. The only proof of africa as the cradle of humanity is proof of humans....but that sort of "proof" is popping up all over the world.

Please archive or screenshot

wait... so we can call asians niggers now or what?

american natives don't look like in anything to africans.

you're right op

>Recently, this and other findings are suggesting various "species" of homos at the same times in many places...with some branches dying out or disappearing.

...Yes. None human branches.

>I think that being fixed on the notion that all life came from africa without looking at other evidence is foolish.

This doesn't denote his statement. He didn't say ALL life came from Africa...just HUMAN life. The article you posted doesn't refute this. It blatantly says an ancestor of homo sapien branched out of Africa

Yes. Black people are western asian just like arabs. Then there's orientals/East Asians etc


>Recently, this and other findings are suggesting various "species" of homos at the same times in many places...with some branches dying out or disappearing.

Alright m8 dont get all 1488 and seld defensive about this shit, im not trying to shawn king u and africa is the cradle of civilization.

its just been more genetically proven that humans have a common lineage to africa.

and those other homos you speak of. yeah they existed we intermixed with some but european dna is still closer related to african than an Denisovans or neanderthal.


and say africa is the cradle *

>all populations come from Africa


Care to eloborate