The Space Elevator is the single most important political issue of our time

Consider the following benefits:

-End carbon emissions from electricity generation
-Pay off national debt within 10 years
-Completely eliminate taxes after that
-20% GDP growth for decades

Other urls found in this thread: Lofstrom

Corey Good is the single biggest faggot. What is with you guys.


>tfw you remember the comfy Space Elevator threads from back in the day

Damn shills ruined his threads and he fucked off to eight-chan.

This is Paul Birch, not Corey Good.

do you know what a sprite is? the main problem I see with this elevator is short circuiting our planet . connecting ground to space would create a current that ran from space to earth. not sure what it would do to our magnetosphere, or do to the structure itself.

That, and for some reason it became a gay porn meme.

Fucking flatshills and shitposting JIDF faggots chased based space elevator away.

Ladder to Heaven is will change humanity forever.
The first ones will be used to make more we could connect the world through a network of them
We will rethink rockets and spacecraft all together

We must build it first with meme magic.

Shills ruined Sup Forums and Sup Forums as a whole, this fucking board was so comfy before the American elections.

Launch loops would provide cheaper access to space, and can be done with the technology we have today.

It will just be a dindu delivery system (DDS) to the space colonies. Don't fucking bother.

>A literal american subway to space complete with grafitti and drugs

Inform me on these launch loops!

I Also wish DARPA fucking continued thier ALASA progrsm

... Could that current be used?

Launch loops are cool, too. Orbital ring can be done with current tech.

It's sort of like a giant roller coast that slowly speeds you up and launches you into space.

Glad to know the Nazis support it.

Yes, it would be possible to run a current to the ground, and having gaps of non-conductive material in the elevator would make it so that electricity going to the ground is not a concern. I ignored him because every time this subject is discussed, shills jump in and say the exact same thing.

could be. so who knows man, could be limited so that it doesn't fuck with our planet and also powers the lift itself

Basically, its a spinning 2000 km long iron belt that travels in an arc that peaks up to 80 km high. Its held up by its own momentum, and you send stuff into space with it by magnetizing the belt, then magnetizing a ship and use the belt to fling the ship into orbit.

It doesn't require any super materials, and it doesn't require any new tech, what it does require is a 2000 km stretch of land, (or build it on the ocean.)

Theoretically, it has an upfront cost of just $10 billion, which is very cheap for a space system, and can get payloads into orbit at $3 a killogram.

That $3 a kg is not a typo btw.

I meant, could that current be harnessed and used? I'd imagine there would be some economic incentive for that (skin cancer be damned).

The Orbital Ring is the most useful and easiest to construct.

Build it in the Sahara desert. China could probably do it if they got their population and economic issues squared away.

Why do you even care about the space elevator?
it's simply gonna make a few rich men even richer.

Frankly, a launch loop would be totally badass (like almost any non-rocket space launch), and I would support it 100%. The Orbital Ring has the advantage of being able to wire the power down to the surface instead of using wireless transmission, making it more efficient. There's no reason we haven't built one of these:

So what's it made of?

Don't carbon nanotubes lose their strength when they're not a single molecule?

>2000km long structure
>not flying apart immediately

What better way to expose the moral bankruptcy of the current regime than to show that we could have no taxes and 20% economic growth right now?

We don't need carbon nanotubes to build this. It can be done with kevlar, steel, and other materials we've had available for years. What is wrong with our government that they never even discuss these kinds of solutions?

What jew organization keeps pushing this tower of babel fag fest shit?

This is an Orbital Ring with a much shorter tether than the design you're imagining. Which is why it is feasible today, with current technology.

Of note, its makes it easier if you stick things like this on the equator, (since you are traveling faster at the equator and thus require less deltaV to reach escape velocity) and also, it should go west to east. I do not know if the Saharah would be at a good latitude, or if it is feasible to put one there politically with the local governments being what they are.

I would build mine as close to the equator as possible... possibly in the pacific as most of the landmass along the equator is unsuitable due to either terrain or political unreast. And I am unaware of any islands in the Atlantic along the equator.

Jarvis Island maybe? Or if worse comes to worse, we can build an island like the chinese do.

Exposing the moral bankruptcy of the occult Jews running the US government and the Federal Reserve is decidely in our best interest. Lofstrom
The engineering behind it is sound.

I just went with Sahara because the weather would be comparably easier to deal with, probably. The political unrest could easily be dealt with with a strong arm. The current unrest is because some, or perhaps all, of the powers that be want it that way. At worst, any nation playing host to the launch loop/elevator would end up like Saudi Arabia, imo.

Doesn't kevlar degrade over time? I know that kevlar vests have shelf-lives.

how can we make this happen?

What is the tensile strength needed to suspend something in geostationary?

Again, what tensile strength is needed?

Electrical engineers are not in any way qualified for this sort of engineering.

Find a wizard.

That's it. This is a magical blue pill. Ignore the slide thread.

The same way we got Trump into office.


>blue pilled leftypol larper

Once again, your concerns are imagined, as is obvious from your unsound logic (always be suspicious of the guy who can't think straight) and intentionally ignoring peer-reviewed science.

space elevator? is this 2012?

If you looked in the references, you would see that is more than just an EE behind it, it is just the brainchild of Mr. Lofstrom, he is not the sole creator.

hah, I'm a libertarian monarchist

Ad hominem. Because you have no argument. A wise observer asks: why are there multiple shills in a space thread? Kind of weird if this is all fake and gay, huh? Wonder what they're hiding?

No, you prove it. Don't hide behind a pdf you don't understand.

I'm sorry, that's insufficient. What he is describing is very far from reality.

Oh, so you're a pussy?

>my position is right because i am being attacked


>I'm sorry, that's insufficient. What he is describing is very far from reality.

How so? Explain your reasoning and what physical law is being broken?

Right... but what makes you think all the ressources won't go directly to SpaceElevator Inc ?
How are all those "rare" and expensive minerals help humanity? Cheaper Iphones? Nigga you can't have a bowl of platinum for breakfast. And there are enough ressources for everybody on this planet. The problem is wealth isn't shared and people in power are selfish

I hope the japs let us play with it.

Japanese company plans space elevator by 2050

the company

why do you have space elevators so much?

Sorry, will never happen, we need to use the money to feed, clothe, house, and care for our niggers.

>No, you prove it. Don't hide behind a pdf you don't understand.

You've asked no question capable of being answered in a rational way. Birch's papers demonstrate things like the ability of current materials to withstand Category 5 hurricanes, if that's what you meant to ask instead of screeching incoherently in the vain hope of holding back progress.

The space elevator is both the means and the method. It exposes the bankrupt system we live under in its entirity: if this can be done, why haven't they done it? It also supplies a way to remedy the bankrupt system. Thus, the space elevator pill is the final red pill, as shown above.

What if we send them to space, as counterweight?

Tens of trillions of dollars in economic growth will provide plenty of money to feed the destitute. And exposing the moral bankruptcy of this regime and its destruction of black families and culture will drastically reduce the frequency of feral specimens.

>single most important political issue of our time
As long as we use it to send niggers and muzzies into space



actually drempt about this last night
there was a global network of maglev tubes that streched across the world like vein fractals in the human body. larger and larger strands eventually joining to form numerous space elevators around the equator all of which joined a global ring. it was possible to ride smart pods from your house on the local network to the closest space elevator, around the world and back down in the matter of a couple hours.
cool dream desu


It won't be built within your lifetime. Get over it. Also, you will never live to see people go to other stars.

It doubles as a worldwide hyperloop system. Within 5 years, we could go to China in 5 hours for $20.

where is copy pasta anons

You will never demoralize us, because we know now what can be done. The cat is out of the bag for all eternity, death to the usury class, and God Bless America!

This all sound too good to be true, maybe our boy Elon Musk would be interested?

>This all sound too good to be true

Time to do your homework and decide what the evidence supports.

>maybe our boy Elon Musk would be interested?

He is a direct competitor to this game-changer project.

He seems to have his sights set on reusable rockets, which would be a interesting step, and the most likely one to get funded as rockets are useful for defense purposes.

Thread vid:

Jesus fucking christ I hate how dumb communists are.

Read a book on economics you stupid bastard.

Alright I'm in.

How do you stop retards blowing it up?

>How do you stop retards blowing it up?
fuck, I didn't even think of that

tower of babylon to take whores of babylon into space. no tnx. fix earth. space l8er wuheatfield.

>How do you stop retards blowing it up?

Mostly by instructing the CIA to stop training them. Otherwise, by things like basic screening to make sure no one brings a high yield explosive device capable of actually damaging the structure.

we would charge admission...

isn't this a thing in Gundam? This sounds stupid. Anime was a mistake!

And where are you going to pull the magic materials for that out of? Your gaping faggothole?

The Tower of Babel was immoral because it was constructed as a monument to paganism and the Mystery Babylon system of Nimrod. This is precisely the opposite, a "run the money changers out" project by a single nation state, to benefit the other sovereign nation states through freedom and trade.

How do you stop retards from blowing anything else up?

A combination of intelligence, and retard shooting. Plus contingencies in case they are successful, like parachutes attached to pre-segmented sections

We can produce plenty of kevlar and steel without invading anyone's "gaping faggothole," user.

>launch loop has projected cost about $2 bln with all the r&d
Why nobody even talks about building it? It's only a fraction of money spent on our boomstick launches each year.

There is no reason not to do this, except that they hate humanity and don't want economic growth.

No clue, whoever builds it first though has a monopoly on space travel, both manned and unmanned, for generations to come.


Assuming no other country blows it up first. It is a very potent military asset, you could put all sorts of things into orbit quickly, cheaply, and quietly.

Hooly fuck the dudes voice in OPs video is atrocious

>Assuming no other country blows it up first.
We could say the same thing about nuclear power plants, dams, or missile silos too.

Not by a mile, noob. Research NAWAPA, that would change the game for the US forever.