Hits his daughter so hard that she needs to put ice on it

>hits his daughter so hard that she needs to put ice on it
>won't let her be in a play because 'fuck showbusiness people'

This is why Japan have earthquakes

Other urls found in this thread:


Bet she remembered to put her fucking shoes on next time.

This whole movie is loljapan. Girls is 27 and they act like she is middle aged and even draw her as so

And they wonder why their women don't want to bear them children.

>This is why Japan have earthquakes
Aren't you korean?

>yet another Only Yesterday thread

Since when did Sup Forums have taste?

Yeah, they should be more like western parents, Japan seriously needs more non binary otherkin pansexuals, and to have their education teach them about how privileged they are and how they need to be self loathing to be good people.
Modern Japanese parents > Modern western parents.
Traditonal western is still best.

iirc, in the manga that this film is based on, the father only did this because his father did the same to him as a kid. He felt really bad and lost sleep over it.

Also, just so you know, not going outside barefoot is a Shinto thing, and this is set in the 60s, so I imagine that the dad's father was, like, a product of the late Meiji-era.

Learn some subtlety to you shitposting, man. You are laying it on far too thick.

>Taeko doesn't tell Naoko that her father felt guilty a couldn't sleep that night
>moviegoers miss a crucial bit of info that makes the father not Hitler
>could have easily been put in in one single post-flashback line

You had one job Isao.

what a hack. why didn't he include this?
it's pretty important...

Writers in general seem to fuck things like this up, and I dont get why. Maybe they just prefer a world where you have a bad guy with zero redeeming qualities because he's bad, and therefore shouldnt be seen as human.

It's not just in anime either, in the Metro 2033 game, nazi enemies were human as fuck, which was insanely refreshing after all the games of killing dehumanized enemies. Then in Last Light the writing was done by the author of the book, and they were back to being dogshit cartoonishly evil guys again.

Why is it so hard for people to make bad people human? It makes them so much better, and the human aspect is great becuase it shows that they arent a different species magically born evil, they ar something we can all become if we dont keep ourselves in check.
But nah fuck that, more black and white bullshit.

Regarding post No. 141464966
You are a cuck from another web-site

Did Taeko know? The movie never strays from her perspective so it makes sense to leave it out if she didn't.

Found the new guy

Yeah watching the father was difficult for me. The showbusiness thing was particularly irritating though. She was so excited and happy about the whole thing until a single fucking "no" shut the entire family up.

Since only yesterday.

It's been a while since I've seen this level of newfaggotry.




A lot of writing is wish-fulfillment (in the original sense of the term, fulfilling the author's wishes).
Vanquishing evil (read: shooting mobs) is simple, mindless fun, and it often bleeds over into what should be a more nuanced story.


I don't agree in this case. Why does everyone who does something morally questionable have to have some tragic backstory to explain it? It's so hokey.

I dont think thats a vey good excuse for them dehumanizing bad people entirely. The scariest part about bad people is how human they can be.

I get they want some story of heroics or whatever, but if you're going to put the effort into making a story I dont get why you would half ass characters.
Metro 2033 in specific was all about it's message not wish fulfillment. I think the writer was/is probably just a hack who had a good premise. Aside from shitting up characters, he also doesnt deliver his own message with the correct impact, much like Enders Game. If you're going to have a character commit genocide and feel guilty over it, it should be full blown "You have done irreperable damage, they are gone for good", instead they bring them back which really removes the impact of what happened when you know the species will be fine.

You dont need a tragic backstory. In Metro 2033's game the nazis werent particuarly tragic. You hear a bunch of conversations, only one mentions thinking about running away but being afraid him and his family would be killed as a result. The rest of them are human because they talk about their family, they say they dont consider themselves evil, if they were evil they would have the job as executioner, then one group justify their actions by saying they believe the only way humans stand a chance is through national socialism.
These arent tragic, they show the characters still have morals, they just have a different perspective and are still human.
You dont need tragic backstories.


"I don't like thing Japan does"
>Oh yeah you fucking SJW cuck I bet you don't

What the fuck, man.

ur'e gay

>implying western parents didn't physically discipline their kids in the 60s
>implying they're no parents who still do it
I'm not trying to be edgy and say it's alright to beat your children cause it's not, but even best parents are still people. They can lose their cool and make mistakes. Besides I'm pretty sure it wasn't until 2000s when society actually started caring about children abuse and so on

>Hitting your kids is abuse
Oh yeah, so abusive of my parents when I played chicken in traffic with my friends, or stole from a shop.

Hitting your kids is fine.

>Hitting your kids is fine.
In some cases, maybe, but I'd like to believe that there are better ways. Then again I'm not a parent (and I doubt I'll ever become one) so what do I know
And I'm not shittalking your parents or anything because I also got my shit slapped on couple of occasions for being stupid little brat

Agree, but no blood or breaking


cucks detected

"It worked for me, that must mean that it works for everyone!"


>Physical punishment can work momentarily to stop problematic behavior because children are afraid of being hit, but it doesn’t work in the long term and can make children more aggressive >Graham-Bermann, chair of APA Task Force on Physical Punishment of Children

>“Physical punishment doesn’t work to get kids to comply, so parents think they have to keep escalating it. That is why it is so dangerous, [...]”
>Children who were physically punished were more likely to endorse hitting as a means of resolving their conflicts with peers and siblings. Parents who had experienced frequent physical punishment during their childhood were more likely to believe it was acceptable, and they frequently spanked their children. Their children, in turn, often believed spanking was an appropriate disciplinary method.
>The negative effects of physical punishment may not become apparent for some time, Gershoff says. “A child doesn’t get spanked and then run out and rob a store. There are indirect changes in how the child thinks about things and feels about things.”
>Elizabeth Gershoff, PhD, a leading researcher on physical punishment at the University of Texas at Austin

However, also noted should be:
>Gershoff says all of the studies on physical punishment have some shortcomings. >“Unfortunately, all research on parent discipline is going to be correlational because we can’t randomly assign kids to parents for an experiment. But I don’t think we have to disregard all research that has been done,” she says. “I can just about count on one hand the studies that have found anything positive about physical punishment and hundreds that have been negative.”


Oh please, we can see what happens when parents dont discipline their kids.
This is just more of the same "progressive" bullshit, where people replace a system that works, with one they want to believe is better.

I assure you, non binary otherkin wouldnt exist if parents hit their kids more often. It's the lack of discipline that lets people go so far off the dep end, parents are afraid to raise their kids, effectively let their ignorant children make all the rules, and raise failures as a result.
You think Tiger mom's dont hit their kids?


Their studies are publicly available. If you think they are just "progressive bullshit", then surely you can show us the flaws in methodology, propose a better research design and publish better studies.

After all, you know better than the consensus of psychologists, reflected by the APA.

All of that is Jewish bullshit, trust my country wisdom you cuck

Everything you quoted in that post is just rhetoric and fallacies.

>Child gets disciplined physically
>Accepts it as a proper way of discipline later
Has nothing to do with if it's good or bad in the first place.

>Hitting them doesn't always work and is just a temporary measure
Guess what, doing nothing (or worse, appeasement) works less of the time and doesn't even do that.

>They may be more aggressive
Meanwhile civilized nations are in a panic about herbivores and dropping birthrates

There are no compelling arguments there.

>just rhetoric
I suggest you take a course on rhetoric. Rhetoric is something completely different from what the uneducated layman thinks and actually something very positive.

>doing nothing (or worse, appeasement) works less
There are all sorts of alternative methods of conditioning besides corporal punishment, which is just one form of negative reinforcement. People underestimate the effectiveness of positive reinforcement.

>works less of the time and doesn't even do that.
Do you know that or do you just belief it? What are your warrants?

>Meanwhile civilized nations are in a panic about herbivores and dropping birthrates
Aggressiveness here can refer to methods of conflict solving. Do you want people to solve their conflicts rather by force than arguments? Should a scientist win a debate when he can beat up the other scientists?

>There are no compelling arguments there.
The argument that it's bad because it doesn't work and leads to undesired side effects like increased violence sounds pretty compelling to me.