Reminder that the U.S. is objectively the best country

Reminder that the U.S. is objectively the best country.

How the FUCK did Hillary voters (city people) evolve such ultra advanced, absurdly elaborate brains with an average IQ of 180 that they were able to build these highly aesthetic, unbelievable mega cities with these ridiculously complex 2000 feet tall buildings, sewage systems, fucking extensive underground transportation networks and manage to cram 2 million fucking people from all over the world in it while keeping it functional and prosperous and at the same time running a highly dynamic global economy without the whole thing collapsing under its own weight after two weeks?

And how the FUCK do Bernie and Trump voters (rural and suburban retards) look at that utterly otherworldly marvel of human achievement and think “Yep, we're totally equal to these people. We're not at all unevolved, underdeveloped, inbred, useless subhuman garbage in comparison who should all be exterminated in concentration camps so that we don't impede upon the progress of our infinitely superior in every imaginable way godlike urban overlords.”

Someone explain this to me.


When you have a high temp.. go straight for the hemp.


Wow, did they build all that during Hillarys campaign!? Impressive

trying too hard there buddy

In what?

The vast majority of the people in those cities had nothing to do with their construction. You really think that by living in a big city, you somehow have a claim to the accomplishments made therein? How fucking retarded and delusional can you be?

It's just a stupid meme

I'm a Trump supporter and an executive for one of Canada's top 100 employers. There's a decent chance you pay me. Stay in school. I did.

No, objectively. Don't be a lying, butt hurt little bitch about it. Denying the truth doesn't make it untrue.

whats the objective criteria you are basing this off of?

Moon landings

are you gay?

Oh, easily.

Hillary voters aren't responsible for the existence or success of New York City. New York City was forged over time by hardworking Americans during the 19th/20th century, ones who were alive during a time in which neither Trump or Hillary were running canidates.

Don't think my original post is a pro-Trump/anti-Hillary post disguised as a pro-America thread.

I said objectively.

In everything.

Kubrick confessed that they were fake

Successful countries are not 62% white


Sure they are. I'd be more than happy to provide examples of successful countries with a 60% white populace if you want.