Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - 10 Days Countdown Edition

Upcoming elections:
15.10.2017 Regional election in Niedersachsen
15.10.2017 Austrian legislative election

>AfD Basic Program's list of contents in english

>AfD's Basic Program (in german)


>Petry's Interview on NATO, Refugees, Sharia, Turkey and Borders
>AfD MEP on Trump's victory
>60 Genders - AfD's Steffen Königer gives the Greens a Reality Check
>AfD pro-Syria on FB: "Merkel must go!"

>Meme Collections 2.0
postimg org/gallery/18y2lj7ka/

>Einzelfall-Map (Isolated cases - crime map)

>Resources from the 2016 election

>Gather lurkers
>Make memes
>Spell-check memes
>Spread memes
>Come up with new ideas
>Ignore the shills

If you can spare some shekels:

They accept PayPal



Weidel leaves ZDF Debate
Storch vs Bushido
Nigel Farage speech
Email Leak

Other urls found in this thread:

For german Anons who want to go the extra mile:

The AfD is still looking for people who can spend some time before the election to placard posters, distribute flyers and stuff into mailboxes, man info booths (together with experienced guys, of course), help prepare locations for speeches, look for posters being damaged/stolen, go to local meetups to discuss plans/ideas etc.

Also if not even more important apply as Wahlhelfer to prevent election fraud. (Check your local deadlines at your town hall) You get even some money from the government for this, between 60-90€

Or if you don't want to spend the entire election day at the polling station, please go there as Wahlbeobachter. Every citizen got the right to be there when they count the votes! Just go there a few minutes before 6pm on election day. You don't need to do anything else.


Biggest news of the morning:

>Bundestagswahl bald nur noch alle fünf Jahre?

>They plan to change the time between elections from 4 to 5 years

This has absolutely nothing to do with the AfD

Into archive


Nur so die JA der AfD ist schon unterwandert.

Junge Alternative leitet Ausschlussverfahren gegen Jannik Brämer ein 31. Mai 2017. Der Bundesvorstand der Jungen Alternative für Deutschland und der Berliner JA-Landesvorstand reagieren auf die Berichte, nachdem der mittlerweile zurückgetretene Landesschatzmeister der JA Berlin, Herr Jannik Brämer, offenbar für die Identitäre Bewegung Deutschland im Rahmen eines Protestes vor dem Bundesjustizministerium tätig wurde.

„Diese Teilnahme an einer Aktion der Identitären Bewegung Deutschland widerspricht dem Unvereinbarkeitsbeschluss mit der IB, den die Mitglieder der Jungen Alternative im vergangenen Jahr demokratisch beschlossen haben“, erklärte Markus Frohnmaier, Bundesvorsitzender, hierzu. Sein Co-Vorsitzender Sven Tritschler führte weiter aus: „Wir nehmen eine Verletzung unserer demokratisch gefassten Beschlüsse nicht hin. Wer den Willen unserer Mitglieder ignoriert, kann von uns keine Solidarität erwarten.“

Der Bundesvorstand der Jungen Alternative hatte vor der Einleitung des Ausschlussverfahrens Herrn Brämer zum Austritt aus der JA aufgefordert. Dieser hatte darauf nicht reagiert. Mit dem Ausschlussverfahren, das nun gemeinsam von Bundesvorstand und Berliner JA-Landesvorstand vorangetrieben wird, macht die JA unmissverständlich deutlich, dass sie die von den Mitgliedern gewünschte Abgrenzung zu vom Verfassungsschutz beobachteten Organisationen Ernst nimmt und alle gefassten Beschlüsse in der Sache mit Nachdruck durchsetzen wird.

>Er denkt das die AfD echte Opposition ist


>people use the democratic system
>Chaos und politische Verrohung

polish larpers
where are u at?

Still drunk in his bed

Bomber Harris do it again.

Do you guys have a turkroach party like the netherlands?

ahmed pls..

The Greens and SPD.

Yes "Allianz Deutscher Demokraten" but they are fairly new. Also they are controlled by Erdogan

Ach Malte, reib dir die Augen und wach auf.

Do you even lift bro?

Vote the AfD or go to the

>Alternative für Deutschland


Schulzfags when will you learn, that this tactic is useless?

on how many layers of cuck do you think we are at the moment bernd ?

I don't give a nigger about your little politicians.

>when will you learn, that this tactic is useless?
When will you? Do you think a country that was systematically blown to shit for 70 years will become all great again because you scribble some crosses on a piece of paper?
Well, why wouldn't you. You're German after all.

People like you are the worst. Drink some bleach and end your miserable life



Still voting for AfD, cunt. You lose.

10 german bombers....

You will loose when they start calling each other human trash and putting each other into gas wagons like they did when there where no jews left 1943. Kill yourself, its easier that way.


When is the election ?




yes they did mean "we" when they said they would make them themselves

It's actually you people who are the worst. Because you neither learn, see nor listen, don't even want to.
You brainwash yourselves with your own shit, also believing in the shit of strangers along the way and it's really quite disgusting to look at.

Go on then and feel good about yourself because you scribbled on paper. Go and save us all!

"Wäret ihr doch heiß, oder wenigstens kalt. Aber ihr seid nur lauwarm und ich spucke euch aus!"


like,, maybe 5, or 6 right now my Kamerad.

All the cuck parties want you to vote by letter. They say it's safe. Don't do it, it's not safe.
>vote personally!


>600k in Berlin alone

Sollten sich wieder sicher fühlen in deutschland, daher!
Musel raus!

is this a meme? how does the Jud manipulate voting by letter?

>how does the Jud manipulate voting by letter?

Dyke jew cunt as chancellor candidate
Jew socialist
Retarded libsocs

This election sucks ass.

fucking Juden

They did it before and they plan do to it again

>For the first time in decades there is a real alternative
>This election sucks ass.

I don't think so, this is the best election since 1930

i can't vote for my boy Hitler though..

and what will not making those crosses accomplish?


What alternative m8?
Merkel will win, a great coalition will become government.
You don't really think our cucked society will vote for afd?
Don't get your hopes up.

It's still a phenomenon that a new party like the AfD will become the 3rd strongest party. There is hope for this country

but we still have Gauland
someone got the pic with his nicknames ?

Let's hope so.
Germany cucked itself for way too long.

Can you come up with more than two short sentences? Meme pictures, empty accusations, lazy quotes and links.
Everything about you fits perfectly, just look at it.

Think god damn you. THINK! THINK!

Every time I look at these threads or talk to the people it's the very same.

Nothing. Just like going out and lynching every politician. That's just the point, you can not accomplish anything because there is a group of people up there who actually get shit done and they have their very own accomplishments to look out for, to secure whatever they have and get more of it. Those people tell you that you have a saying in the matter and that your vote is oh so important, which makes you feel important.
We're low life degenerates to them, slaves that secure their accomplishments by believing we achieve our own.


Do Berliners have no time on voting day because there is an ANTIFA seminar somewhere?

It's not the plan to win ****this**** election. It's about to be the biggest opposition. Another Groko will crash and lose support. The system is bleeding already.


Die letzen zwei zahlen von meinem post bestimmen die prozente der afd am wahltag.
Kontrolliert sie

If you're so nihilistic and think that nothing matters, why are you trying to convince us to not vote? What do you care if we vote AfD?

keep fucking fighting lads

Absolute Mehrheit 2021 bestätigt

firma dankt

because he is a fucking centrist lmao!!! what kind of faggot are you, believing actually in something, when all you have to do is to relativate everything!!!

*breaths in*

HAHAHAAHAH you fucking pussy

>Fremdenfeinde wählen Fremdenfeinde

>Nur ein Wunder kann den Einzug der AfD in den Bundestag verhindern. Denn ihre Parolen haben es längst in den Mainstream und die etablierte Politik geschafft. Die Kolumne.

They are really afraid

>mfw now even remainers want to leave the EU because of what Juncker said yesterday.

Talk about an own goal. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

AfD theme:

>why does not every citizen like niggers invading the country, raping and murdering! oy vey!

Shit, you're right. I forgot all about the horseshoe theory.

This right here is why you should vote, even if you think that nothing is gonna come out of it. Just the leftist tears and the fucking media butthurt alone are worth it.




Mainstream shill detected

yet people are still desperate enough to vote afd to get rid of merkel and the immigrants.

the afd is literally the reaction to the liberal political miasma.


FDP thinks Juncker's dream of the People's Republic of Europe is a good idea

Well imagine my shock



I imagine a lot of goymans agree.



>Die Partei

Halt die Maulfotze Zoni.

>Er denkt ich komme aus Mitteldeutschland

The fuck's this shit?!

If the afd had only feels on to Petry.
But no, it has to be a jew dyke.

What happened anyway?

Folllow your leader

Held on to petry*
Savage autocorrect

Petry is still the head of the party. Weidel is just the top candidate for this election, which means nothing anyway

Only a dead socialist is a good socialist.
Now please go where Lenin and Marx are.

Only after you and your kind are gassed.


>Geschichtslehrer, der regelmäßig mit Joseph Goebbels verglichen wird.

IB is (((cucked))) anyway. Fuck em, especially Sellner

What did they mean by this? Is this just another smear campaign?

>t. non german speaker

>Do you guys have a turkroach party like the netherlands?

What is funny is that Erdrogan told the turks in Germany not to vote for CDU, SPD or Grüne.

Which leaves what? The AFD? Linke?

Link btw

Of course it is, take a look at the news and you'll see that it's just like during the US election.