Has anyone else noticed this bullshit?

Pic related is a chunk of text from an IGN review on the new South Park episode. The focus on this thread isn't on the episode (Probably shit) but on the criticisms IGN had for it. Is anyone sick and tired of this pretentious, contradictory and dishonest fucking horse shit?

>Tackled white nationalism on a superficial level
>Chose to focus a lot more on the economic anxiety that SUPPOSEDLY fuels white nationalists

>Hoping for an INSIGHTFUL take
>Plain, simple racism

See how the upper text conflicts with the lower text? Someone needs to tell this cunt that Economic anxiety =/= Superficial level and Plain, simple racism =/= Insightful take.

>Lean in a slightly more right-wing-friendly direction

So being right wing is a FUCKING CRITICISM?This cunt is openly admitting that right wing = bad and left wing = good. God I hate the left and their pretentious, sneaky and disingenuous fucking attitude of hiding behind words.

Journalism is dead. The only news paper I read now is the local news paper because the topics are so mundane it's hard to twist them.

it's the only way they can push their narrative. the right is undeniably right, the only way the left can keep its story running is if they convince everyone that the right is fundamentally evil and thus not worth listening to.

>they think this is purely economically motivated
I think its something beyond simple economics. This is cultural, ethnic and economical Bolshevism must be smashed.

Mass immigration on a disgustingly large scale does cause economic anxiety. The attitude of this reviewer is that that just isn't possible, it's not an "insightful" enough explanation. The cunt.

It's mostly about quality of life.
>wages depressed, worse QoL
>entry level jobs taken over by the slave class, no way for unqualified people to make a living and gather experience, worse QoL
>going out in any city feels like you are in fucking post-fall Babylon, worse QoL
>crime, especially violent one, goes up dramatically, worse QoL
>taxation increases to sustain the growing welfare sector, worse QoL

> Its all economics, goy!

I would bet money its a jew that wrote this.


If your explanation into why a huge number of racially homogenous people shifted their votes and empathy from one place to another resulting in an outcome that may or may not have huge and ever lasting consequences that cannot be predicted or even seen in a plain and clear manner can be boiled down to a one word answer, 'racism', then I'm afraid you haven't been thinking about it hard enough.

last I checked we "leftists" ARE undeniably the good guys as literally all we want is for certain groups of people to be left the fuck alone and spare them the violence of the majority, which, has literally no grounds to hate them.

Gays for example do not impact your life in any way, live almost a separate lifestyle and typically tone their shit down in real life. Sup Forums wants to kill them all.

Do you see the left wanting to kill anybody for no reason? No. So we're good and you're an evil faggot, deal with it.

Of course most of you think evil is cool like Hitler dude but then dont make arguments how we dont have the moral high ground.

>south park
stop watching this shit it hasn't been funny for over a decade

poland, you are a bad troll.

Broh it's actually a funny episode worth watching the Cartman story line looks MGTOW parody

>South Park disagreed with my views that racists are merely evil monsters and instead chose to portray them as people motivated by the same things as every other group

well golly gee

IGN has always been pure fucking trash. Always. This is nothing new.

Well said.

And please stop shilling that show here.
If a thread is created next week it will be considered advertising Matt and trey

It has political themes loser it merits discussion on this board if you're not into it find another thread

My post was 100% unironic

If you think Poland is some sort of 1488 hardcore nazi country you couldn't be farther from the truth

Understand that most polish posts you see here are written by literal teenagers who don't dare voice these views in public and the extent of their redpilledness is wearing nazi underwear

>I was expecting more of a liberal bias that placed blame on the group that my masters have told me is incomprehensibly evil and would ignore underlying problems that create racial tension.

>Very disappointed that they rejected the inherent intellectualism of demonizing white people and simplifying complex issues while using academic vernacular to obfuscate and bewilder. It's obvious they didn't go to a good college like I did.

Um sweetie maybe you should head to the front page of reddit before you make of yourself a bigger fool. It was scientifically proven today that Republicans ALWAYS pick the option the hurts the most people when given two choices. Go ahead and read the post and tell me you still believe that racist shit.