It's just a drop in the bucket

>it's just a drop in the bucket

The oppressed need "space to destroy."

(((Bonus Reminders)))
>"The Melting Pot"
>race baiting (divide/conquer) orgs
>communism, Frankfurt Marxism
>Talmudic supremacists vs. gentiles, "Loxism"
>anti-white-European hatred over thousands of years
>globalism + communism = NWO desire for monoculture/dsygenicized permanent underclass centrally planned by (((elites)))
One cultural pathology underpins it all.













>I base my self-worth on the distribution of complete strangers who may or may not share a specific haplotype

Op, everyone


>I think I know what others base their self worth upon and conflate it with focusing on facts about anti-white hatred and very intentional anti-white, anti-European immigration policies promoted and funded by pathological subversion.
>Where's the downvote, goyim?




