What are we

we are european, right ?... i dont want to be counted as a shitskinned middle eastern please ? (asia is ok too)


Sort of

It depends, some turks are european, some are roaches and a few are asians, just look in the mirror.

Embrace your Byzantine heritage and us Whites may reconsider.

Turkey is white

So even a communist clock is right once a day...

Not asian, that is something the bongs use to not offend your kind, when writing about gangs.


Pic related.

You are muslims man...sorry but no islam is highly explosive


Turks are just turks. Just like Russians are just russians.

Become Byzantine and retake Eastern Europe, your heritage demands it, user.

>Bulgaria judging someone's whiteness
And germans are turks too.

Your west coast used to be European 2,000 years ago with the Greeks but now you are Muslim scum and dirty Turks

>Byzantine heritage

Do you not know anything about history?

In my case : yes

actual turkic people came from today's Sinkiang or that steppes area near it. But since a lot of you raped Greeks and Armenians after you "settled" in Anatolia and then proceeded to commit genocide on both of those nations, some of you are white, but a lot of you are not. it's simple really, just look in the mirror

This girl is Italian/Turkish, she looks pretty white to me

Turkey is the best country I've been to as a tourist. (Out of 33) But things have seemed to have gone a little crazy since I was there last. I hope everything gets figured out quickly and well.

you're filthy asian muslim cockroaches and will forever be the enemy of Europe, so no.

Casual reminder that Modern turks are a mix of Oghuz settlers and the native Anatolians. The further east you go the stronger the Turkic admixture, and the further west the stronger the Anatolian.

this guy is a turk somehow so if you're like him you are european

Can't you read larper?
I said that muslim people tend to explode wich is dangerous.
No one is judging you shity skin.


Yes Onur u are european and dont care about fucking wh*te bois. Are u ll help our right to crush power of Germany and federalists?

the weird thing is, one of my eyes are slanted and the other one is normal also im white af.

Her too

I think you've confused a 3D modeling program with a human.

This is the real question

You are european, with some asian ancestry, consider yourself lucky, many turks are abominations.

Nope, she has good make up skills

You are mongol bitch.

Just muzzies. Goat fuckers, shitskins, borderline poo in loo. You tried before and didn't work. Now Europe is not going to let you guys. Continue eating your kebab, fuck your goats and rape underage girls and leave us aloe

And you are a nigger


bois im waiting for it too tale worlds employees are such cucks

It seems divided just like Brazil. It's a non white muslim country with some caucasian blood.

An albino nigger looks sort of white but it's still a nigger. A trap may have tits but there are no girls with dicks, there are guys with tits

Arabs since you're in the middle east.

And that's a trap

Sorry turk roaches aren't European.

We are germans, just like your larp-flag.

And you are a native indian, once again America proves it's amazing sense of logic.

No, she is not

Even if you're Arab, so what? You subjugated and raped Wh*Tes for the longest time, you're pretty based, user.

ataturk was your last hope to be a western country, and with erdogan as de facto dictator you've spitted on his grave

1: You don't know what larping means
2: you are not german, maybe you are white, but not german.


The fucking face anatomical features sells him out

My friend is from Turkey, I think she is from the Asian side

very few invaders actually came and spread their genes in anatolia. most are east-roman/greek and other type of mediterrainian stuff


lol these people think they are European.

Cute Turks

They are still Turkish mudslimes

>what are we
You are not europeans, you're nomads that forced yourselves into europe. Bu you can become part of the european commonwealth if you return Constantinopole.

>asia is ok too

you sir are an idiot

you ARE Asia. The roman word Asia was used to discribe the anatolian landmass. So by the true meaning of the word you are way mor asian than any jap.

Every Turkish side is a muzzie side.



She looks ok for me

give this man some numerals

>Implying I said Anatolians are European
Even if the Byzantine empire lived Anatolian still would not white

Non-meme answer if you're genuinely confused about our ethnicity.
Ortalama Türkiye Türkünün genetik olarak %30 u has Türk. Çoğumuz farklı milletlerle karıştık, aksi takdirde geçmişten gününümüze orta Asyadan gelen Türk toplulukları (Yörükler etc) Kazaklar gibi olurlardı (çekik ve Moğolumsu).
Çoğumuzda Anadoluluk var (ki Anadolu milletleri antik Yunanca konuşan fakat Yunan olmayan kendilerine has milletlerdi). Tabii Osmanlıdan kalan Türklerden bahsediyorum, modern Türk kavramı Laz, Çerkez, Kürt etc yi de kapsıyor.
Anadoluluk haricinde farklı milletlerin kalıtımıda var ki bu kişiden kişiye değişir. Soyun normal bir Türkiye Türkü olduğunu gösterse de önceden saydığım has milletler (Laz Çerkez Kürt) ile bir akrabalığın olabilir. Bunun yanı sıra çevredeki diğer milletlerle de (Arnavut, Bulgar (ki Bulgarlarda hafif has Türklük vardır), Ermeni, Çeçen, Bosnak, Slav/Rus, Rum, Yunan) de akrabalığın olabilir. Aile soyuna bakmak gerekir kesin bir fikir alabilmek için (ör. Eyer Kırım Tatarıysan hafif Slavlık çıkabilir, ve moğolluğa daha yakın olabilirsin)
Ortalama olarak modern Türkiye Türkü, uzak doğudan çok Avrupalı (ki bu "Avrupalı" tanımına Araplar ve Türkler hariç çevremizdeki her millet giriyor, Kürtler mesela) ve orta Doğulu (Sami/İbrani). Kesin olarak ne olduğunu anlamak istersen DNA testi yaptırman gerekli. Aksi takdirde Amerikalıların yaptığı gibi ten renginden varsayımlar da yapabilirsin.

turks are ancient proud white people. lots of them lost their whiteness due to raping by mainly chinks, mongols and ar*bs. some people living in turkey are assimilated larpers and giving real turks a bad name but it's funny how inferior races like an*los, gayropeans and other weakling stock can make fun of such a mighty race

only way for salvation seems like civil war unfortunately and by the looks of things kikes are going to give it to us

i expected to be raped in this thread while posting it and i almost thought that this thread will be a nice and friendly one but the shitstorm just begun...

never said white, but western
all whites are western
not all westerns are white

thanks, feels good to be white

To be honest my family is really mixed. I don't even know what we are. My dad side has pale skin and green-blue colored eyes (they are not from le balkans). mother side is anatolian they look like Caucasians. Tldr I have no fucking idea what I am. I call myself Anatolian.

1. Either a larper or hiding your shitty flag.
2. I am from Hamburg

Asian middle Eastern Europeans

>I call myself Anatolian

you sound like a rape baby or a westernized race traitor cuck. which one are you?

Those who are living in Constantinople are half-European, half-Asian.
Those who are living countryside are full-roaches

You are a turk, and so am i kardeş.

Nope, you are Mongolian
Give back Constantinople.

>you sound like a rape baby or a westernized race traitor cuck.
non of them. My family is from Central Anatolia. So I'm. I'm not Western rape baby.
about your race traitor insult. Why are you so triggered? Because I look like atatürk and not some chink shit? lel. There is nothing wrong being anatolian.

Convert to Orthodox Christianity. Reinvent the Byzantine Empire. Rename Istanbul, Constantinople. Send the bought Americans and Jews to hell. Then the party begins.

is a white Muslim wife the true redpill?

Its ok neighbor, some of you are alright

My friend is from Central Anatolia, does she looks like a typical anatolian ? I think that she looks a little bit asian


Don't you mean wh*Te?

one of my grandfathers is albanian and the other one is laz also one of my grandmothers is laz and the other one is crimean...

Turks are whiter than Albanians

Well, you tried to be European.
But the retarded, islamist, brown masses from Anatolia run the show now.
You will be Kyrgyzstan (look it up on Wikipedia...oh wait, you can't) with beaches soon. Have fun.

that image is accurate as fuck tho

What are you? Fucked, that's what.

anatolia is a part of asia minor which is not part of europe, meaning that you cant join the EU due to geographical reasoning

And you anons actually believe we are the delusional wannabe whites of this forum?

Look at these posts...

Sounds like you take shitposting a little too close to heart user.

should i be proud to be a turk because of anzujaamu ?

Yeah. She looks like ''Turkmen'', There is a lot of them in Central anatolia. Mostly in Ankara.


Turks in the north can have colored eyes and pale skin (some Tatars do)
Anyway we're all Turks now. Genetics don't matter otherwise most of us would call ourselves Anatolians (Kurds are an exception because they're fucking retarded and think Mongols are trying to oppress them). Every minority, every ethnic identity is considered Turkish (hence the Albanians/Bosnians are Turks meme. They're Turks due to our national identity, not because they are Turkic)
Just know your ancestral history (where your great-grandfathers came from) in case someone asks where you're really from. After all literally no one gives a fuck about your genetics as we're all Turks in the end, people only about your family's history.

europe is a subcontinent of asia so you're asian

Oh, you are one of those "everything here is satirical" anons?
I stopped ignoring internet trends when I started to see it in real life.
Like the SJW movement's back in 2014 where some crazy US Europe thing, now I can't walk 2 block without seeing a pink hair feminist here.

If you become Christian and quit shitting on the Greeks then welcome to Europe, my Turkish brother.

You are a mostly arabic people,in the west of the peninsula manny got mixed with what we call today "greek" witch are basically byzantines with a "we wuz" disorder.

anzu is fake and gay, just like the rest of your turks.

Laz are literally not Greek, unless for some reason you think siktimin Rumları are Greek.
Literally the only thing that relates the siktimin Rumları and the amına kodumun Yunanları is their language.
Lazlar are caucasian (kafkas milleti yani, beyaz değil). Georgia has/had a lot of them iirc.