Women are panicking about sex bots

>"sex bots might kill you, don't buy them!"
>meanwhile real women HAVE killed, ARE killing and WILL kill men

Even if you think that only lesser betas, basement-dwelling omegas and other losers will buy sex bots, you have to admit that this is going to be huge politically, socially, culturally and otherally.

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It's only the beginning

that thing is ugly

This one isn't.

>you have to admit that this is going to be huge politically
why? other than woman becoming even more worthless, there's no reason anyone would be against it

>huge politically, socially, culturally and otherally
At least you added the word political this time

Why would they make the sex bot strong enough to kill you? that makes no sense.

Seriously though it will disrupt the social dynamic in a large way. taking out the main motivation factor for men does not seem like a good idea.

wow really made me think

>Why would they make the sex bot strong enough to kill you? that makes no sense.
It's current year, grandpa. Strength isn't necessary to end a life.

I foresee many more women going into application development.

>sex and suicide
Sounds more like 2 birds with one stone.

I just hope we'll be able to buy little girl sexbots.


Check out this British slut lose her mind over the sex robot
>Its not ont he normal fetish spectrum
>The japs are too blame for this

She gets burned by the hosts too and is left red faced. Also a bunch of guys contacted her on facebook, pic related.

>taking out the main motivation factor for men does not seem like a good idea.
It's a great idea for gender equality. 2nd wave feminism did the same for women. Men were left behind. Now neither sex has any incentive to get together besides actual romance.

Basically, it fucks over the power of pussy and women stop lording over men. Women will have to have traits other than pussy to get a husband. Like, chastity, or cooking, or cleaning, or child rearing, loyalty, income, etc.

>dying happy
I see no problem here.

How long until the first degenerate is strangled to death by his eight foot futa succubot?

Fuck it. That's a risk I'm willing to take.
Death is preferable to nagging & entitlement.

at most I can see it hacked to fuck my washing machine on the side. we are nowhere close in technology for an animontronic of that size to be able to overpower a full grown male.
>inb4 can't strangle me if I'm 400lbs

Feminists already destroyed marriage which was the prime motivation for any hardworking man to continue working hard. They kept things going on artificial life support via one-sided divorce-rape (ie never-her-fault divorce), but men are responding by simply refusing to marry.

>You know that thing which doesn't fully exist right now ? Well it could kill you

Airgap. Non issue.

>it can kill you

At least it won't give me herpes or HPV.

I disagree.

The state should send free girl robots to every pedophile that cause full body radiation sickness.

>Not funding waifu programs so you can buy your favorite character and interact with her via a tablet


The final solution to the roastie question

>Queen of braap

you'd think women would be glad that sexbots are killing men. Feminazis and lezzis have long wanted a society without men. Women should be falling over themselves to try get men to buy sexbots.

I just hope I can invest at the ipo of the top producers before they hit the shelves

People who think deterministic "programmed" robots are the future are such idiots.

The future lies in non-deterministic, neural net based AI. That cannot be programmed or "hacked"... it could be brainwashed like any human, but that's another matter altogether.

Does the sexbot also come in child size......
asking for a friend.

>you have to admit that this is going to be huge politically, socially, culturally and otherally.
i don't think so. people can complain, but who has the right to limit the liberty of someone, who has the right to police someones bedroom. i can see some limits on pedo-dolls, but beyond some fat chicks complaining, this will be nothing but marketing exercises from doll companies.

if 2 guys can fuck each other legally, why would it be illegal to involve a rubber whole in the process?


So where can I buy one? I'm interested in anal.

Real women never wanna give anal.

air means sound can travel from your computer to your doll, so someone can give it the order to kill you in ultrasonic or infrasonic sound waves. Like the siri / alexa hack.

>Why would they make the sex bot strong enough to kill you? that makes no sense.
I want to be dominated by a cute sexbot

If so, they're probably gonna be half price or less.



>could be hacked
So could a self driving car - which could cause a lot more deaths and damage than a sex robot. I swear the roasties are grasping at any straws they can get their hands on.

Has anyone tried anything similar? Does it really compare to the real thing? Because I can't stand women, I basically want them only for sex and send them away afterwards, so a bot would be perfect for me.


Sexbots can be hacked and kill you,
>Oh but AI cars are SAFE.
I cant wait to buy a sexbot and wheelchair her around to piss everyone off.

>sexbot may grant you a quick death
>woman will slowly kill you
Sometimes the choice is no choice at all.

>Does the sexbot also come in child size......
>asking for a friend.

Jesus, women are getting salty over losing their power.

What was that Michael Moore quote about the dinosaurs lashing out aggressively when the meteor was coming?

The solution is open source hardware and software. Hack your own fuckbot.

Anti-fuckmachine propaganda is feminist shilling.

go cry to mama then

So real women can't kill you now?

OP is a paid russian propagandist

>So where can I buy one? I'm interested in anal.
>Real women never wanna give anal.

You must be Hella ugly

That pic was chosen on purpose

>taking out the main motivation factor for men does not seem like a good idea

It's already been taken away. That's why so many men are choosing MGTOW.

>Men liberated
>World population quickly decreases to 1 billion within a century as the tech trickles down
>Women extinct
>AI / Robot reich

beats 300,000,000,000 niggers killing us all to the last whitey

embrace robo-fleshlight waifu reich
embrace the end of this species goyim :DDD

Why is it going to be huge? How is it any different to prostitution?

Will I go to jail if I download that pic? I wanna show it to my friend

You don't own a prostitute. A sexdoll like these can be kept in your house for convenience sake, thus entirely removing the sexual power women hold over men.

>mfw i am exactly in the middle of the red zone but can't afford housing, car, to learn a trae or a realdoll.

The one thing I love with sexbots is how feminists are freaking out about it.

This is potential KEK.

Women aren't going to win this war.


I don't really see how this will change the world. It may reduce hookups which is a good thing, but this could only replace the lowest of women. Real women do more than just small talk, sex and (with artificial wombs) have children. They raise those children and care for the husband, something that AI will never be able to do behind those soulless eyes. It's basically just an intelligent dildo for men.

Um. You live in a country in which the state frequently imposes its will to limit liberties in and out of the home


>leaving the house
>engaging in something requiring even minimal human interaction
What do you take me for, some kind of normie?

my friend will be so happy

You don't have to leave your house, and there isn't as much of a stigma on it (yet). It will also be cheaper and less awkward than fucking a prostitute.

I already called the internet police. It's too late, you're already going to jail.

Well, unless these sex box are as smart as humans, can cuddle and make me a sandwich, I am not interested.

Not sure who posts here, but I for one am human and need intimacy just as much as pure sex.

Men will stop wasting any time on women
Men will stop trying at anything (men only worked / fought / killed so they could get laid and pass on their seed)
The species will go extinct

what we need is a radical fascist authoritarian sexist governace wherein women are fully reduced to nothing but property with no rights whatsoever.

>my friend will be so happy

Your friend has good taste

>It's already been taken away. That's why so many men are choosing MGTOW.

MGTOW is a joke to me, but I agree and welcome our synth counterparts.

>It's basically just an intelligent dildo for men.
So are approximately half the women I know.

Just means I'll have to keep my sexbot chained up in the basement/shed until I need to use her. Lots of hostages try to kill their captors but can't cuz of the whole chain 'n shed scenario.

> Prostitute; Payment every time, you have to wait for them to arrive or go to them, will still have limits to what they do and what you can do to them, have loose flappy vaginas and could give you an STD.

> Perfect sex bot waifu; One payment, yours forever, will always be where you left her, will let you do anything to her and reward you with kind words and strong orgasms, can be reprogrammed depending on what you want, vagina can be as tight or loose as you want


Let's face it. It's only whores and workers from the sex-industry that are shilling against sex bots.

"If we associate sexrobots with pedophilia, it would properly villify it. He He He"

What planet are you from, women don't take care of their husbands or raise their kids. They dump them off at school, and watch TV all day collecting welfare, while the ex-husband slaves a job and lives alone eating Ramen.

>what we need is a radical fascist authoritarian sexist governace wherein women are fully reduced to nothing but property with no rights whatsoever.

thats prolly what women will vote for on their own accord just so they can regain any sort of attention after these hit the shelves


MGTOW is basically choosing to be a chad. You pump and dump women as you desire, ensuring you do not get them pregnant and you avoid relationships

Men can go without intimacy for a lot longer than women can. Most of us are also skilled enough to feed ourselves and run a stable household without the feminine touch.

It's not like modern women have anything to offer anyways. All of the ones who know how to cook, run a household, and offer intimacy are already taken. They get taken as soon as they become available.

I'd be interested in an automatic sandwich machine as well. It doesn't need tits. I'm all right with having single function devices if they perform well enough.

The bar is breddy low for western women desu.

As long as they come in okuu shape...

Too bad I can't invenst in a company that makes these.

Let's compare them to cell phones. Once the quality and price reach the right equilibrium, there's no turning back.


I don't think a little convenience is going to cause any cultural revolution. You can order a 10/10 to fuck you in any way you'd like from a catalog on the internet right now, you can even have them act out any fantasy you want.

> Stigma

Fucking a robot is much weirder than fucking a hooker.

I really don't think they will. Maybe the bottom 10% of men who suffer from such crippling autism that they can't even fuck hookers will get faux companionship now. That's a win I suppose, but it's not changing much for everyone else.

A perfect sex bot waifu is going to cost about as much as a supercar, then you've gotta think about software updates and maintenance. Most people will have to settle for the budget models.

I can already see it now....beta suicide watch happening when I hack your "gf" to cheat on you.

It works in real life, why won't it work on robots?

That's more PUA. MGTOW is more of a weird pseudo-intellectual rationalization of rejecting the society that's actively or inadvertently trying to phase you out.

Both are fairly meme tier.

I think I'd rather be killed by a sex bot then be put in jail over a false rape accusation or be forced to pay alimony.

At least I was free up until my death and that matters to me.

if you're anti white women then you're anti white

>sperm so potent you get objects pregnant

no need to talk to a woman
no risks for STs or whatsoever, being robbed, killed, etc.
no risk of being arrested and sent to prison
and the most important for me : no need to have sex with it. I just want something that looks like a human and maybe, with IA , can talk, even basically for company.
real women, prostitutes, hands and fleshlight are for sex, these fembots are for unconditional love and romance.
I am planning to buy a non human looking one (for ex. like a cyborg) because it will be more realistic, at the beginning it will have basic conversation capabilities if not at all and it will be weird in case the body looks like exactly like a real woman (even if I have no clue of what a real woman looks like)

If they could like, bake bread, make sandwiches and cook a hot meal that would be pretty amazing.

>Most people will have to settle for the budget models.
Much like a car or a computer if you're knowledgeable and handy you can customize it and improve it.

>woman arguing solely with ad-hominems, projection and the fact that the person has been rejected by women in the past

getting a bit tired of this meme




How exactly the fuck do you accomplish that? How do you "ensure you don't impregnate anyone"? If your dick is in a woman it's already out of your hands.

And no MGTOW I have ever seen looks anything like a Chad, they look like they struggle to connect with women as a whole. It's kind of where their entire ideology comes from? A rejection of the "Chad" system? (Perpetuated by female choice)

Just bring your own condoms

Except feminism is nothing but an attempt at lording over men, because women can't compete on equal footing in many fields dominated by men, as we're biologically inclined to be interested in different things.
Women prefer working with people. Men prefer working with systems and technology. Women prefer leisure and family, while men are more career oriented and competitive. Women have more sick days, while men work more overtime.
Basically, men have traits that are more likely to lead to power and wealth. On the other hand, men's natural aggressiveness and willingness to take risks also means that more men than women end up at the bottom of society, which is obvious when you look at incarceration rates, suicide rates, drug use and homelessness.

Feminism doesn't aim for equality of opportunity. It aims for equity. That means they're aiming for equal distribution of every group in society, even if those groups don't perform at the same level. Demographically and socially, it's also been a disaster. Depression and anxiety is at an all time high, and no developed country on earth has a birth rate above the replacement rate.