76% of Millenials earn less than 40k

When the majority of a generation isn't making the country's median income, you should realize that America's wealth inequality will become as bad as Brazil's and Mexico's.

Only rural and suburban retards earn less than 40k

All the ultra high IQ coastal millennials are dark red and voted for Hillary.

Do you even try anymore

baby boomers: rebeled against the mores of the greatest generation

"here's the $20,000,000,000,000 & $70,000,000,000,000 entitlement bill- we're gonna retire now"

three generations of capital squandered

Entry level jobs don't pay as much. Compare the wages of people in their 40s with the national average.

Ouch, that's pretty pathetic. To be honest, I assumed the average income for Millennials was closer to $75k, with a standard deviation stretching into the low six figures.

What the fuck is wrong with this lazy piece of shit generation?

I wonder how many of those millennials oppose Trump's tax plan which completely eliminates the income tax for people with an annual income up to $47000 just because corporations also get to keep more money

The country is screwed.

Congratulations to them. Their cost of living is 12x higher than "rural and suburban retards" and they get to live in a sardine can hellhole, half robot world and half zoo.

I'm surprised the Millennial Under 40K isn't more like 95% tho

Good Lord Washington DC is corrupt.

With how many people there are on this board claiming to make six figures, there's no way that could possibly be true. Unless someone is lying...


kek 40k is poverty-tier in DC

>18 to 35 years old

Well no shit.

Women's entry into the workforce has effectively doubled the workforce without doubling the job availability, thus halving the negotiable effective wage per individual.
If you want to earn any sort of 1950s wages, you need to specialise, which comes with its own risks and in some cases a higher IQ requirement.
What then happens is you're enrolled by a business where you have to share your workbench with 3 H1B hires, and when your 1-year contract expires you're ordered to train your H1B replacement hire.
There could have been more jobs, but the corporate tax in America is far too high to compete with China so they've all crossed the ocean.

Why are you people are so materialistic? You can live a frugal and happy life under 40k

Most millennial are barely getting out of college, chill out

Yes, people who have been in the work force for 30 years make more money than people who have been in the workforce for 5 years.

Aren't 30 year olds millennials

Try having kids making under 40k.


Let us import more Mexicans and Brazilians to drive the median income down further.

Nothing like Montana's wage being the same or close to cali's.

Calicuks BTFO

t. montanafag

who would have thought that women's studies doesn't have a corresponding job market? how ridiculous.

Millennials are those born from 1981-1995, so by now all of them should be out of College

76% of millennials are useless faggots with degrees in feminist literature and no marketable skills. The system works.

I mean...is it possible? Sure. The chance of that happening is probably equal to getting into the 1% tho. I'd rather be rich and happy.

And every millenial coder graduating makes 1.5-4x this amount on their first day at work. What are the rest of you losers doing?

Yeah, up to 1982 I think.

Why are you having kids if you only make 40k?

citation needed

> Nonwhite % rises
> Poorfag % rises

c'est un mysterie

*smacks lips*
I'm still not getting this cracka

I'm actually shocked that ever 24% earn over 40k. I think I know one person my age who earns over that.

I'd assume a lot of these millennials "earning" over that amount are actually trust fund kids or pot dealers.

Definitely this. I don't get how Facebook / Google / Other faggot tech company coders don't feel like they are getting ass fucked.

120k to work at the best of the best in California? Is that supposed to be impressive? Sure, the stock options are pretty great. That said, I live in a midwestern flyover state. I started at 75k. I'm not even a good coder. I work like three hours a day. I get a 10% retirement match. I can day trade during the day ($SHIPW today, faggots).

I would have to put in an incredible amount of effort to get a job at a company like Facebook. For what? An adjusted extra 10k? Suck a dick.

The millennials were weened on self indulgence and 'protected' way too much by their parents. Unfortunately college doesn't teach life skills and the US is all fucked up right now with immigration, overseas manufacturing, and a job market full of college graduates. Why we don't have school tracking and taxes on companies that produce overseas, is a mystery to me. I say good luck, I hope you figure it out, the Babyboomers fucked you right in the ass.

Spending what little time we have on this planet shitposting on Sup Forums


>tfw midwest is the future of the economy
Come home white man

why do guys have standards of wanting a virgin wife (5% chance if that)???

You can live a frugal and happy life with under 50% chance of the marriage lasting.

Shitposting on Sup Forums while making 1.5-4x this amount

What do these statistics look like when ages 18-22 are removed? Should college students be expected to be full time earners? How was the sample selected?

All true, and a symptom of the greater problem of demoralization and deracination I believe.
Just ask any boomer how they feel about race, heritage, history, ancestry, etc and they'll likely give the same bullshit Amazing Atheist tier answer: "Feeling pride in anything but yourself is stupid".

>Born '85
>Making a bit over 40k
>Own house
>Upper midwest
I'm doing alright but its still rough out there

We're still recovering from the recession
obamacare put companies off hiring full time employees so they switched to burning through contract employees, so many younger people are putting off large purchases
H1B visa slavery depressing IT and STEM job wages
Millenials public image ruined by our laziest slobs
Baby boomers not retiring due to 401k's being bitchslapped for 6 years straight

fuck dems and RINOs for not repealing obamacare

you always start with a lower wage when you're young, retard

>also born in 85
>making 105k
>own house
>midwest as well
I guess I'm doing better than most but I still can't afford an GTR and that makes me feel really poor.

Why don't they just fucking go to college? Jeez.

Go to college, shake some hands. It isn't fucking rocket surgery.

>Go to college, shake some hands. It isn't fucking rocket surgery.
That's right Champ, just go up to that jewish professor, shake their hand, and ask for a degree.

take notice Politicians.. these are the 76% (silent majority) that voted Trump in.

Good for you, Belgium bro

How would this breakdown by race? I'm sure the niggers are skewing it. I'll say 75% of white millennial are at 55k plus while the niggers are around 25k...

that would be because the middle aged people are either refusing to or can't retire, thus competing for jobs with people in high school. social security is letting people live longer but the older people with social security refuse to enact other socialist policies that would help the u.s. succeed

Hey, that's what we did back in my day.

Walked 15 miles everyday between classes to the local steelmill and shook the janitor's hand. Got my first CEO job that way.

middle aged and older, i mean. can't stand it when i see truck drivers and cashiers with white hair while people my age can't even get a foot in the door because we don't have "experience"

How old are you?

how does one find a job like yours where you don't have to be good at coding and tell me more about them day trades

I'm 37 and have never make 35k. This country has been fucked in a way no one comprehends yet.

Born 83 making 120k at a Fortune 100 in the Midwest. Nice low cost of living. High school drop out who got bachelors in the Army, became officer, and left. Own home and married with 2 kids. Life is good

that's not how it works. the whole STEM thing is a myth. you will not be guaranteed a job if you go to a technical college, especially in the south. the south literally relies on hurricanes to destroy people's homes in order for people to have jobs in construction and welding. they've got fucking electricians going in to the keys and south florida from CANADA, but not people from the u.s.

you can import 25 y/o skylines all day every day for a couple grand

You gotta remember about half of millennial are black and mestizo with no ability to enter into a modern economy at all. So there goes a huge dead weight on the average. Add to that the H1B machine, diversity, and the outsourcing crippling white employment and you have a devil's brew.

Funny thing is, anyone could have seen this a mile away. Global income inequality is immense. De Facto open borders means you get global income inequality at home. Sure is going to be fun trying to live a middle-class life among the wreckage of a formerly white civil society degenerating into a third world mad max hellscape full of revolutionary marxists. Thanks Jews.

Yeah I don’t know many people that make above 40k.

>lost popular vote
>silent majority

No, most people who voted Trump in voted Trump because he had an R next to his name. Trump won because he won the Republican primary, that's all, that's it. Sometimes the Republicans can overcome the Democrats, sometimes they can't. This time they did.

Trump and the Republicans are going to continue to press for policies that do nothing to help that 76%, and many of them are going to continue to vote R because that's what they've been conditioned to do.

Thanks for saving me the trouble.

not 100% electricians from the U.S. is my gripe. of course there are people from the U.S. working there. the point is you shouldn't have to rely on natural disasters to have a job.

I hate being melodramatic but anyone else completely resigned to the fact that they're going to be poor and in debt for the rest of their lives?

I've been out of college for almost 3 years and I'm still making $17 an hour (in an expensive state, and I'm aware there are people in much worse positions than me) and any hope that things were going to get substantially better than this have gone out the window.

Like in the beginning I was trying to save all my money but now it's like, what's even the fucking point. I spend almost half of my income on rent and once that, groceries etc. is gone it's like I might as well just spend the rest on booze and videogames it's not like I'll ever have the money/time to have a vacation, buy a home and start a family anyway.

fucking boomers.

A bunch of ignorant fucks. Definition of SHEEPLE>

Depends on where you are I guess. Born in '84, live in Silicon Valley. People that I know of around my age are making $100K+, but then again I'm in the tech industry here and everyone else I know of is in Google, Facebook or Apple.

the majority of adults feel that way

My buddy plays oboe in a professional orchestra. He makes 150k, gets 12 weeks vacation, and has to work (concerts, 3 days a week for like 2-3 hours a day)

I'm jelly as hell. But yes we fucked :)

I wish I had kike professors. All my programming teachers where slants that couldn't even fucking speak english. Didn't bother going to any classes. Waste of money aside from being the reason I got my job after graduation.


>Poland Pole will soon make more money than burger youth
>Burgers didn't even enter Sanders stage of communism yet

That's too low, none of them would be able to start families until their 30s/40s, if that.

White genocide or you raise wages, pick one.

I'm 38 and make $240k. I was making $45k out of college, $85k at 26, six figures at 27. Smart and STEM. Don't blame anyone but yourself.

Millennials are poorfags due to their generational preference to spend their entire income on consumables. So much so, they prefer rent to having a mortgage.

We've only been saying as much for 4 years now. How new are you?

College is too easy, so yes, just because you get a degree does not mean you'll get a sweet job easily. Most people that graduate college are morons and have shit work ethic in this country.

If you are competent, you will eventually get a good job.

im almost 30 and have never had a job where i made significantly more than minimum wage. i also have a math degree and analytics experience (with a research group at uni, again barely above minimum wage). i honestly would think it strange if someone offered me a salary of $40k / year.

what is the definition of mean in this chart?

Coast? That's about the range I'd say it would pay to work for a Big 4.

North Carolina, self employed consultant.

It doesn't require a high IQ to be a scrum manager. Stop sucking your own dick.

Lmao if you work at Facebook or google you basically compound your earnings by 50% per year

It's not like you get a 120k salary and you're done

You get 250k startin package and get new options every year if you're not brain dead

Yea you're paying a lot for housing and food, but even shorty engineers end up with 300k packages if they can hang for more than 2 years

>I assumed the average income for Millennials was closer to $75k
You're actually retarded.

>Tfw I don't make any money because i'm neet.

Wow, nice! Congrats++

I can afford all the video games I could ever want for $2000 a year. Making over $10k a year is a meme.

>I would be successful if it wasn't for a bunch of old people!
Why do failures in life always blame everyone but themselves? its sad really

Yah, I'm 40 with a degree in physics, a degree in math, an IQ of 161, and have never cleared 15k a year due to long term societal abuse, neglect, and corruption. Many have no idea yet of the number of forgotten.

So, dumb question, but since you're self-employed your salary doesn't include stuff like health insurance, 401k, life insurance, and other standard salaried perks, right?

Gotta go out there and take it. Number one thing is to know your worth and ask for it.

have fate in better future, try to visualize it daily..

Bait. Thats way more than the median household income. Kill yourself richfag

you on /r/cscareerquestions by chance?

go into trade

This. 23 and 80k. Everyone who thinks education is a scam is scared of shattering the illusion that "they're smarter than the average person just not very motivated".

>everyone has the money and life to go straight to college at 18
Kill your self

as someone who has lead PMOs for $100M+ initiatives, this is completely true

Quit being a nigger, my buddy went into a trade and is making 50k a year at 23.

>tfw you hope the job applications you are sitting on at the moment are all rejected because you are already a mortgage holding perfectly self sustainable inheritance NEET

What do?

I bill $125/hr. Heath insurance, which is going up 15%/year, is currently at about $6k/year for me for the best plan possible ($500 deductible, lowest prescription costs, etc). I pay myself roughly $100k in wages, so I have double FICA of an extra $7,650 or so. I have a solo 401(k) and dump over $40k/year into it pre-tax. The rest is S-Corp profits which, if Trump follows through (these days, who knows), could be taxed at only 15-20% going forward.

I can expense anything even remotely related to work - mileage, computer hardware, software, office supplies and furniture, cell phone and plan, ISP, etc.

Everyone's goal should be to work for themselves.

Boomer spotted