Why aren't you following the dream of becoming a doujinshi or anime artist user?

Why aren't you following the dream of becoming a doujinshi or anime artist user?
You love anime don't you?

I'm a horrible artist. This goes for any artistic expression, not just drawing.

The ability to create a waifu at will is a power that shouldn't be used lightly

No passion.

I tried


Because drawing on a tablet is hard.

What the hell happened there.

Someone describe me his OC, I will draw try drawing it.

Balancing school, work, Sup Forums, and your passion is really difficult. In the end what requires the least amount of work ends up winning. Usually that ends up being Sup Forums.

I'm aiming to be an animator, but not one for anime. I hope to one day start an animation company, with my ultimate goal making movies for the big screen.

With luck, I will inspire someone to draw a picture.

>That image

Ho-lee shit.

>Why aren't you following the dream of becoming a doujinshi or anime artist user?
I'm scared of the sort of messed up shit I'd draw. I don't want to be that sort of person.

Who said I'm not?

Just use a pseudonym.

I always wanted and would love to be an animator for an anime studio, but I'm not Japanese. And even if I was, the working conditions are pretty bad if you aren't working for one of the studios like KyoAni that pays by salary than by frame. Reality sucks.

Being a foreigner isn't a barrier to working in the anime industry as long as you can understand Japanese.

As a chemist I am sure to earn a lot more than a Mangaka. I mean, be realistic, how many Mangaka earn enough to live a good life from their art?

I have retarded hands.

>Just use a pseudonym.
It's not that simple. Making a real manga series takes an enormous amount of time and effort, and that time and effort would have to be hidden away from anyone in my life. It's a sacrifice that I would never get to receive acknowledgement for.

>I need attention waaaaaa

Course I do. I'm human. I want to be able to show off things I've worked hard for months/years on.

Depends on whether you value money over creative freedom.

You sound like a faggot.