SOLUTION TO THE SYRIAN CIVIL WAR, reserved seats for different religious groups

100 seat house. Alawites get 35 seats, Greek Orthodox get 29 seats, Sunni Arabs get 20 seats, Armenian Orthodox get 6 seats, Kurds get 5 seats, Druze gets 3 seats, Shia get 1 seat, and other minorities(Assyrians, Turkmens, Circassians, Foreigners) collectively get 1 seat.
It solves everything. Syria has democracy which is apparently important, but they dont have to worry about being turned into an Islamic shithole.

Let's just pretend that the """""moderate"""""" rebels don't want to behead anyone that doesn't adhere to Sunni Islam

Yeah well they wouldn't have the power in this model

yes, let syria be a failed state shithole just like Lebanon, that'll work great

And after every census and redistricting, lets have another civil war

and already start being non-proportional just to piss off ar*bs even more

Lebanon isn't like this though. Lebanon has reserved seats for religious groups, but they are elected by people of all religions, which doesn't really make any sense if you ask me.

this is false afaik, each religious groups elects their own representatives, and the prime minster, president and another job are fixed for a certain religious group. Do you have source saying otherwise?

The redistricting problem also comes up every few years and is bound to cause troubles if one group wins power so other group can have it.

This also institutionalizes group differences and tends to make them stronger on the long run, and makes things like intermarriages highly political affairs and another reason to fight over

Maybe this can be helped by forcing every government coalition to include people from every group, but then that might only make people even angrier when some minority group fucks coalitions up

I think they'd be better off trying to imitate switzerland and letting smaller pieces of land have self-rule, plus having a collegiate executive

>civil war
people actually believe this

You dont believe theres a civil war

Bump. This will happen if wahabi dogs like FSA and ISIS get rolled over by SAA

>Have small pieces of land look after themselves
What is ISIS?

Except Sunni Arabs are the vast majority in Syria

And look at how much partisan bickering you see in Western democracies, and imagine that magnified by having parties explicitly representing ethnic groups. It's a recipe for violence

Kurds get nothing you kafir scum

alawite and sunni arab get 55%, therefore muslims gets 55%

ok, so no more civil war until the alawite and sunni, make the country 100% muslim, then the war starts again

you are a fucking idiot

the solution to the "civil war" is really simple, the americans, and israeli's who started the war to begin with because they are a bunch of dirty fucking war mongers, need to get the fuck out

they are butthurt, because a qatar oil pipeline couldnt go to europe


The Sunnis will just try to murder all of the other groups.

Alawites believe in reincarnation, celebrate christmas and mass, drink alchohol, dont wear hijabs. Their religion is a mix of christianity, gnosticism, ancient caanaanite and yes islam beliefs.
They only consider themselves muslim for political reasons. Even if you think they are muslim than they still will show no support to islamist movements and will vote more with the christians than Muslims.

oh ok, you meant "true" alawites who are only 11% of the population

your 35 number through me off, maybe you dont understand true representation

or just suffer from being american (aka fucking stupid)

yea, go get fucked, you are an idiot

ISIS is not a canton and is not a small confined peace of land where people can vote for their own local governments and self-regulate

Do you even switzerland?

How many for atheists smarty pants?

Many of the Kurds are commie atheists.

He's right though, Alawaites are more like other weirdo religions like the Druze than they're like muslims

>Kurds get 5 seats

hes not correct, they are not 35% of the population, his central thesis

you proxy wearing fuck

did he have a good idea with his numbers he proposed? fuck no

they are made up of a mix of religious groups and ethnic groups, there are kurds who are christian and some who are muslim

this guy is fucked

the religion of "kurds", they worship the great turd in the sky...sorry kurd

yea, OP stupid as fuck

Id suggest that if this guy doesnt want to admit that his post was stupid, he should bail on this post, then re-post tomorrow, and fix his numbers

does leaf know what ethno-religous groups are? is leaf retarded?

This would never ever happen. This is also pretty fucking far from a solution to the war. In fact, this would probably prolong the war rather than end it. Alawites and Greek Orthodox Christians combined make up like 20% of the country, yet this would give them >60% of seats in parliament. Even the sunnis who support Assad would reject this.

ooo, my sides, I cant even type, american trash, as usual

do the other american cunts know you are typing on the internet? because you guys are making them look really stupid