Big order is a complete story mess

Basicly, the whole story is totally pointless and stupid. First of all, why in the first place does the power of the main character get restricted, or atleast , why doesnt he get the original power pack. Second, if he can dominate EVERYTHING he could even dominate time, space, and even the illness of his sister. WTF?? Or is this somehow different in the anime, or atleast better explained.

Try again when you can spell properly.

I didn't understand it either. You'd figuring curing his sister would be a piece of cake.

Also the range of his domination ability seems to be really fucking inconstsent. During the grenade chicken game in episoide 2 they act like it's only a foot or so exstended out from him. Than when he dominates the big 10 it literally fills the entire room. If he could fill the entire room from the start why have the chicken race thing?

Are they really going to just ignore that the assassin girl can just richete bulltes around until she kills the guy? She tried it once and it ended in a gag but there's no reason she can't just try the trick again and again till it works.

What's the drama in a story about a hero that can always win any situation? He can just tell any obstacle to solve itself and it's done, a magical loli can just appear infront of him at any time and give him a literal x10,000 power boost whenever the writer feels like it. So even if a big threat does show we know the ass-pull already exists.

true, i think the system of the power the people have is just broken.
For example: how about that he got the power first, the girl who grants the wishes saw that he is too powerful and restricted it. This would be better?? Well still does not solve the problem you mentioned, i didnt even noticed that his domination area is completely random. In the last episode he even dominated a complete city. Uh ok. Strangely, he couldnt dominate the assassin girl anymore, trough the power from the other guy, well i get that, but why doesnt he just dominate the air around him so he can fly away or some shit like that.

Anyways, the story could have been awesome if it was like a movie only, and every issues mentioned before are gone.

wtf is not wrong and atleast is not wrong either.
Go and fuck off .

OUH-DAH !! everyone hates this anime is now a lie!

Why are you taking the story of big order so seriously? It is clear it is meant to be dumb fun.

>if he can dominate EVERYTHING he could even dominate time, space, and even the illness of his sister
he only can control objects

shut up and enjoy the cute insane chicks

>Also the range of his domination ability seems to be really fucking inconstsent.
>x10,000 power

He wished for world domination = entire world was his domain at the beginning. When his power was restricted = he only now can set up domain only near to himself.

He only can control direct objects with direct orders by touching them with that anchor things. He can't wish whatever order he want!

For me personally it has to do with there being some sort of conflict.

Let's take an example of dumb fun and see how conflict matters. Some of my favorite dumb fun are three stooges short. In a lot of them Moe, Larry, and Curly have the conflict of needing to get money. They are broke so they find a job as doctors. The fun is in the conflict, watching them trying to complete the job and seeing if the heroes fail. If they can't fail there's no conflict and it's boring. The entertainment works because there is consistency in the universe, because the rules are clearly laid out, I know people get knocked out when hit on the head with a hammer, except for Curly who's head is made of iron.

Big Order doesn't do this. That's why it's not entertaining. There is no conflict because the hero can always just Order whatever obstacle is in front of him to solve itself. There is also no constancy. The MC's range of power has no consistent range and it's powers are too vaguely defined. The first episoide was interesting up until the point where the MC got his powers, than I practically fell asleep during his fight scene. I gave the second episoide a chance hoping they would put some sort of strict limit on his powers (for example I assumed his domain would only last a few seconds). Instead I got a borrowing 25 minutes of watching "action" scenes with two characters that can never lose a fight. Watching the Stooges try to make pancakes without fuck up and poisoning themselves was more engaging than anything in Big Order.

Here's an idea. Take the anime but get rid of the self-insert MC and the generic Tsundere. Put Moe, Larry, and Curly in the show, give them God-like powers and see what happens.

Summarize that shit.

I don't understand why his dominate ability only seems to partially work on people. It should be full domination but yet it isn't. Makes no sense. People still seem to be able to do whatever the fuck they want.

>generic Tsundere
>chick who wants to murder the fuck out of the MC except she's physically incapable of doing so, AND she's slowly developing Stockholm's syndrome is generic Tsundere now

Can someone spoil us what happened in 8 volume that made scanlators drop it?

He just gives them orders. By all technicality he could turn them into mindless puppets, but he just says "do thing". Not "Your entire personality is now do thing."

Sounds pretty fucking borrowing. Lame power.

The character's ability are incredibly vaguely defined. We see him controlling people directly in the first episoide, including what they can do with their body. But apparently this doesn't apply to his sister. Range of it is also equally vague, maybe it gets bigger when he wants to win more or something.

The rules of something need to be clearly defined for me to give a shit. It seems like the character can just do whatever he wants and always win, except when the writer decides he can't.

Main character should be omniponent and omniscient. He must have all the answer to every question of mankind. He must be perfect in every details regarding his power and have perfect memory, calculation, etc. Also we must know the reason for everything before the anime airs any episode. Why aren't we told of anything? This ANIME SUCKS.

WTF is used by newfaggots. At least isn't one word.

The fact that you had to resort to describing what the character's role in the story is rather than her actually personality shows how generic she really is.

And her role is really the exact same role as every other tsun just operating within Big Order's own battle-magic rules.

The Tsun always attempts to harm the MC but is never capable of doing real damage. Circumstances force them to be together and she eventually falls for him.

Because her personality is "revenge driven psychopath"
Hell the instant she's allowed to hurt MC she lops his hand off.

>We see him controlling people directly in the first episoide, including what they can do with their body

I vaguely recall it something to do with mc and the sister.

Are daisy was dominated by eiji's father?

Imouto becomes a terrorist.

first episode he can take control human, later air etc. Space is an objekt if you are including the air and different other chemicals inside this area. Gravity is no objekt still he kinda controls it trough that.

>Are daisy was dominated by eiji's father?
ESL please go.

MC is stupid after all, and the white haired guy banks on him and Rin being stupid.

what are you taking about? stop taking so much crack.

Nothing really. They might use it as an excuse but Big Order even in the slower paced manga was Schlock.
Damn lazy bastards just didn't want to scanlate it anymore.

>Gravity is no objekt still he kinda controls it trough that.
He just controled air molecule to create a wind, that's why he cannot stop that rocket

They could drop it faster yet they finished whole 7th volume. Truly heroes of scanlation scene.

Well if he still had his full power he coulda dominate everything , but no he still does not want his power back from daisy

Remember when he forced the Tsun to no cut him, to heal his sister?

Remember in the second episoide where he ordered guards to sleep?

How'd he stop bullets than...never mind. The character outright states that his power doesn't care about physics so the concept is already so vague, poorly defined, that it's boring. If a show fails to communicate basic concepts about what a character can or cannot do there is no tension. The point isn't to go online and figure out what the hell the writers were trying to communicate.

To someone that is watching the show the main character can pretty much do anything he wants. That makes for a boring show.

There is a reason why the manga isn't getting translated anymore.

>How'd he stop bullets than
This things are physically real. He literally controls everything with it. Thing like he is pulling the strings

why he just didnt stopped the nuke then?

You can't stop rocket like that because it will explode

you can, he could just order the rocket not to explode like he did with the people to go to sleep.

She isn't a fucking Tsundere you dense fuck
She wants him fucking dead. Tsunderes are a purely romance-driven trope, not something you apply to someone who wants to murder you to death and your sister too, because you're simply related to her.
Not to mention she's fucking Yuno without the Dere to her Yan.
She wants MC dead, no sweetness about it.

he said netero. it also meaning "to lie down". He practically just kicked their asses

Mirai Nikki's mangaka is a hack. More news at eleven.

Where it should have ended

Mattaku, all the buzz are just because anime is not spoonfeeding a dumbasses about its story.

I was fine with most of it, the retardation was entertaining, but why have MC fuck his imouto? I get it, fags like this kind of shit, me too, but there was no development to that at all. They just thawed out a girl that used most of her screen time either being frozen or being the clingy, sickly imouto that everyone has probably already seen at least ten times the last month.

The only logical conclusion is that they didn't fuck. Imouto is just clingy as usual and he helped her bath because she's sick. They probably did this a lot at their early years, and their psychological development didn't go as it should because of the apocalypse and their situation.

Let me explain how Fact to Fiction works.

To put it simply, it literally erases time. To go into detail, it creates a space that erases time from point T1 (anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes before Hiiragi initiates his power) to T2 (when he initiates it). There actually is no time anymore aong the timeline between those two points. The time T2 gets pushed back to T1, eleminating all the time points inbetween. There are a few points to make about the effects this has, though.

1. Nobody loses their memory of this section of time or has their memory affected in any way. For instance Eiji remembers his hand being cut and is surprised to see it in place.

2 Any events or effects that would have taken place during this erased period of time do not exist anymore, since you can't have results from an event that didn't happen. In other words, if someone is attacked or injured within this erased time (and not outside of it), then since that attack/injury didn't happen anymore, any results that would have happened from that event also do not happen. To put it simply, you can't have effects without a cause; erase the cause and you erase the effects.

3. Hiiragi and Fact to Fiction are affected in exactly the same way as everyone by this time erasal. This is why he never bothers attacking Hanzou directly withing the portion of time he is erasing, because the effects of him attacking Hanzou would be erased in exactly the same way as effects of Rin's attacks against Eiji, Benkei and Iyo get erased. Note that what he does do instead is attack Hanzou directly after time erasal is completed when Hanzou is disoriented from sudden changes.

They aren't even blood related, fucking hate it when anime pulls this shit.
