
A 16 episode show dragged out to 22 as to appeal to retards who can't consume anything not hand fed to them.

Anything I missed?

The blonde girl dies

Babby's first melodrama.
Blonde a shit.
Missed opportunity with the music.
Literally MALfag-tier.

>16 episode show
Are you retarded?

OP needs to learn how cour works

it was ok, most shows now are a 4/10

Its a pretty good show. I like it.

Music anime = life

>I'm sorry your mom is dead
>3 seconds later everyone is laughing
what an anime

>came for the music
>ended up with feels

I-I didn't ask for this. ;_;

A brain

poorly written forced drama crap

It would've been better if the anime was only about people playing the piano.

>Too much elements that does not serve the main plot (Blonde guy and his sister can be deleted and literally nothing will change)
>Too melodramatic that it starts to break immersion
>too much talking during the piano
>Too much telling and not enough showing
Literally Oscar Bait:The Anime. Any faggot who think this anime is anything above mediocre should have their opinions disregarded

Deleting the loli would have made it even worse. She was like the one redeeming feature.

Another forced drama and feels absolute CRAP show like ClannASS

>redeeming feature
>Not the baseball girl
Even then the loli was insignificant to the main plot. Wasted too much time on that arc

Baseball's senpai subplot was the most half-assed bit of the whole thing. She was not as good as loli, at all. The main plot was shit, is the thing.

I always see this, but I think the opposite. The problem was that it was too much about the piano, or at least too much about MC playing the piano. The other pianists might have had potential, but MC and his breakdowns were fucking terrible and uninteresting and sapped focus away from every other character and their issues, including Kaori. It's possible to do a good story about a dying friend, but I don't think it's possible to do a good story about MC's mommy problems while his friend dies on the sidelines for added melodrama, which is what Shigatsu was.

It was okay.
Blonde chick subplot was awful but at least best girl won in the end so it balanced.

Her sorrow and frustration was probably the most relate-able out of all the other characters. Main plot had some good ideas but its execution is shitty as fuck

>The problem was that it was too much about the piano, or at least too much about MC playing the piano.
It doesn't matter if it's not about MC, but it should've focused more on just pianists or musicians or their relationship to music.
The added drama on top of that just felt like blatant bait to people that wouldn't care about a music show otherwise.

My problem is that once you have a main character dying, I sort of want you to focus on that and not just use it as supplemental drama for MC's angst. I think I was just hoping for Sundome with music and instead got a bunch of crying and people telling me how good the music was while the music played, and "this girl is dying, please be sad."

My problem is the fact that they had a main character dying.
Is such a shitty development that just derails it from what shoud've been the main focus.

I am cool with the main character dying, but the way they did is so terrible

It would've been so much better if they just ditched the whole "Violin is ded ;_;" bullshit and went full Nodame with the music instead.

So what anime would yall consider good if this wasnt?

If you want music, Nodame.
If you want melodrama, kill yourself.

As far as music shows, I liked Sakamichi no Apollion more.

That's pretty melodramatic of you.

Is the Nodame adaptation any good?
I've read the manga twice but I've heard bad things about the animation of the show.

Nah I actually like the "Dying Musician" and "Musician that lost will to make music" parts, too bad the anime ruins those plotlines with its shitty storytelling

Better melodrama series: Probably Anohana. Shorter and more focused

I haven't read the manga, but the anime is one of my favorites.

Some people say the live action is better, but I can't stand 3DPD:s acting like anime characters.