Why don't you like Sargon of Akkad Sup Forums?

His videos are very informative, semi-red pilled, and he is helping us win the culture war.

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He'll be finally interesting if he wins his shitposting lawsuit

because he pushed the kek meme.

hes also really wussy and wants to stay center as much as possible, claim to be left leaning with friends and then push trump politics on his channel for views.

Hes alright on occasion.

Because he is fat.

He's the one responsible for /ptg/ level bullshit and the kek memes that nobody takes seriously other than faggots. Great propaganda right there.

He won't ever come to terms with race realism because his leftist religion won't let him. He's not a "skeptic" at all.

>a name fag and brony
The Magyar should have wiped you out.

Soon you'll realize he's just a leftist little bitch.

I do like him.
He's mild, but not horrible.

Good shit comes from Wizard of Cause or Aydin Paladin.

The fact that he feels superior for being a "radical centrist" pisses me off to no end. He is too much of a pussy to pick a side and his rabbid fan base will defend him to no end. I watch him from time to time, and sometimes I'm like "ya know maybe youre not so bad" and then he gets all edgy or says something akin to what the SJWs he supposedly hates would say.

At least he said nigger in his PDP episode, glad to see he's not that cucked.

Also why the FUCK does he still support Kraut after he doxed that one cunt?

he's dishonest or pretends not to understand jokes, has unwarranted self importance, ruined kek maymays and his arguments are shit.

He's just another pathetic cancerous pussy centrist trying to milk money from Kekistani retards like yourself.

There is your redpill for the year.

I like him. He is only our ally because he is currently opposing the extremists on his own side, but if all of our enemies were as intellectually consistent and honest as him (not saying he is some kind of paragon, but a lot more honest than the SJWs) I would be extremely happy.

now theres the fuck I can't stand. His gf is w/e but holy shit I cannot stand this faggot at all.

Jew shill with superiority complex

There is nothing wrong with trying to be a centrist, as long as you aren't just pretending to be one to use as a shield against criticism of your side. Sargon seems somewhat genuine in his attempts to see both sides and be open, so I'm fine with that.

It's a terrible feeling when someone like Sargon represents centrism as being about compromise and moderation rather than fact based solutions like niggers being inferior or kikes having disproportionate influence being an inherent negative for society

>That much money per video for talking about SJWs for 10 minutes

Fuck off Sargon. We know its you

we dont like anybody
lurk another year please

Hes one of those septics that use a contrived accent to sound distinguished. Not to mention the fact that he is raising another mans child and claims to be cucking the actual father...complete fucking retard. He had the audacity to apply to cointelprowars and was denied and jones made a video chirping him. Hes a top tier cuckoo bird in denial. Fence sitters are worse than liberals.

Like Sargon would really give a shit what users on Sup Forums think of him.

Because he's smart and a rational human being and Sup Forums is full of pondscum.

If Sargon Hates the Alt-right why the fuck would he encourage Sup Forums to like him cause he's cool?

>somewhat genuine in his attempts to see both sides and be open

I have not ONCE seen him try to debate or even talk to an alt-right or natsoc person. Nor try to even listen to them and """"debunk"""" their points. Until he gives makes a video or two discussing these I'll take him more seriously.

He's stated he doesn't browse Sup Forums at all.

Is that why he panders to them so hard?

Generally speaking I find centrists to have no real political convictions and want to either play mediator or are too lazy to form their own opinions.


Youtubers are degenerate


this shit got tired years ago.

people like sargoy and rogan need go get the memo

I'm inclined to believe him due to this

Actually, we hate all of you fucking losers who create violence over nothing.

(smugly forces a laugh at your posts for 10 seconds before continuing)

So the only legal arguments for his law suit are

Title is transformative: Makes you view the video in a certain context.

Editing is transformative: Highlights a perspective that makes you view the video differently.

Down to whether judge agrees. Fucker should have put some commentary over it and he would be sweet.

That's where the money is these days, so much so that even laci green had to pretend she had a change of heart so she can get her own /r/the_cuckold autist following.

Simply, no one on Jewtube is worth a flying fuck. Especially not a talentless degenerate swedecuck retard who yells nigger during his cancer stream then immediately apologizes like a bitch.

Ehh when he talks about british shit hes alright.

>complaining about a feminist's shitposts for an hour and a half
>winning the culture war

People making money, who cares honestly.

Why would he hate the alt right? That's like his entire audience. He just just says that type of thing to save face and pretend he's a classical liberal. It's a facade.

"because racism is bad BAWWWWW"

that shit

Because he keeps a folder of interracial gay porn.

It would be pretty funny if Sargon ever got blackpilled. That would be quite the shit show.

I don't dislike him, he is just annoying. And obsolete, he isn't saying anything new.

>1 post by this ID
Fuck off Carl, don't you have your wife's black kid to raise?

he really is a smug black cunt isnt he?
bet he jerks it to cuck porn while congratulating his centrist mindset.

I like Sargon, POL isn't a person.

He's ok. Pol's problem is that they will lash out at anyone that's not 1000% the exact same in their ideology.

For example, even if you dislike ben shapiro, he does a great job of BTFOing libs. Let them fight those battles so you dont have to.

Maybe if you hang out on Sup Forums 24/7


I like Ben Shapiro even though he is a kike shill, because he has a backbone. Sargoy is just an attention whore who knows how to sound smart to idiots.

People who despise overrated pussies, care quite a lot.

Watch this video for Sargon of Akkad's opinion on the right:

>no one on Jewtube is worth a flying fuck

He just bitches the whole time

I think he lacks courage, to really attack the root cause of the backward degeneracy. He hasn't named the Jew

>the edgiest, most autistic, /x/poster on Jewtube
>worth even watching
>"That's about it"

Because Culture victories are very difficult when in a game with human opponents

I like Sargon. He discusses topics I enjoy even if I don't agree with him. His reasonableness is genuine. Soros paid half you to hate on him

Damn that's some good shit. I didn't realize how much he really hated them.

to be fair. hes the most pleasent to listen to these days, never mind the fact hes the epitomy of duningkruger effect.

>le 'I spam cuck porn and trolled the entire internet' man
simbly ebig

Who would win in a debate?

Sargon of Akkad vs Cenk Uygur?

>hurr durr paid shills in my Sup Forums XDD
>praise kek :P

please kill yourself

90% of all Right Wing speakers/sympathizers do this. Local radio hosts of mine have for years talked about the BS with La Raza or students wanting to make white pride groups in schools but in the last year they've been very quick to condemn and slander any actual white nationalists as "crazies" and "pathetic" and "sad". You'd think at the very least they could say "Well these guys take it too far" or "Well these guys are just the equivalent of the non white groups", but they're too scared. Rapid libertarians and they help me realize why Libertarianism is such a failure

Why did you have to remind me of that pretentious pseudo-intellectual faggot's existence!?!?!

>implying Sargoy wouldn't jump at the chance at Soros cash

wasn't sargoy talking with some MTV execs about making a webshow / actual show?

Does this guy actually make money being what I presume is a dipshit atheist?... Presumably I can do the same thing making youtube videos BTFOing atheists like this. But how gain popularity? What is the anti-atheist version of a fedora and Nsync necklace?

Listened to him on Rogan. He's an obnoxious asswipe

both would take a liberals amount of cock up the ass. at least chink would have the mind to cry instead of moan like a whore in heat.

He's done pseudo-debates with Kraut, mocking the holocaust denial in post.

He did a very balanced and fair info piece on the alt-right. youtube.com/watch?v=Cp0uq-QafYQ

Also will just leave this here


Personally I think he uses being 'centrist' a shield to pander to both sides as well.

Sup Forums, why don't you like pretentious brolosophers? He hates liberals so he must automatically be so intellectually profound


So you can spread the image around so everyone else can learn how pathetic he is.

Fight the good fight, user.

His Joe rogan experience was terrible

Anyone ever find photos of his husband?

Just consider that 100% of he shows on Tv are brain-dead and they are made to keep people brain-dead. Sargon is one of the few on cucktoobe that changes the status quo. Watch some pundits on RT discuss economic policies etc and then consider the brain-dead zombies on MSM


Elaborate, how is he the embodiment of it?

I'm actually impressed that he stayed on youtube and in the public eye after that humiliation.

WTFFFFFFF????? Is that real?

is that shit on his ass?

i think he just smeared his fudgy fudge fudge everywhere

because too many here have become just like the precious safe space seeking SJWs, and cant tolerate constructive criticism.

>too smart to believe in god
>pour hot oil on your ding dong

Too many videos about memes and targeting low-hanging fruit, not enough videos worth listening too.

Plus the whole kekistan thing, along with kekistan merchandise.

You don't know how he got catfished for fake nudes of a 17 year old girl in exchange for pouring hot oil and chocolate syrup on his body, and then shoving a banana up his ass

Not like you're required to pay you dipshit..

It's a common practice among youtube athiests

I believe it may be chocolate sauce

These are valid criticisms I hope he absorbs while he lurks

because Sup Forums are a bunch of basement dwelling faggots and the alt lite is the real path to german idealism

we're hitting levels of euphoria that shouldn't even be possible

Why dos Sup Forums fear the intellectual prowess of the Skepticâ„¢ community?
Their based centrism is best exemplified by Kraut and Tea as well as the real brains behind the movement. The Amazing Atheist.

Giants. One and all.

Why do I never see love for Devon Tracey aka Atheism Is Unstoppable?

Doxxes people and will be the first in the oven.

The best response to atheists like him are *tips banana*

>Doxxes people
He released their public available names after they had slandered him, nothing more. That isn't doxxing hence why it wasn't a crime. Fuck being a public figure with 10s of thousands of viewers, slandering other people and then hiding behind a mask of anonymity. You chose to be a public figure, that's what it is.

The election is over so he is no longer important.

He waters down the important shit.

Hi Devon.
Your videos suck. You suck. You are an ugly little miscreant. Go and die in a hole you fucking doxxing rat.

Glad to see your channel gets all the attention it deserves.
And we all know what zero looks like.

>annoyingly narcissistic
>muh greatest ally
>ridiculously anti-2A
>turns into a ban-happy crybaby at the slightest hint of criticism
>the kind of atheist that makes people hate atheisim "nononono, it's not enough that i'm not religous, YOU have to be too
how much time you got?