Interplanetary war declaration

Cassini: What if the last transmissions are of a cloud opening and then a civilization and then the probe heading for a sky-scraper kind of cloud city. Maybe they will think we are declaring war or something.

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also it has a plutonium battery so they may think its a failed nuke aimed at them

I'm honestly more concerned about the probe we launched back in the 70s with specific information about our species, language, homeworld etc. that now is just floating outside of the solar system.


yeah thats like come and get us, we are weak and inferior now, but soon we will be a danger. Eliminate us now, or get trounced later

What if Casini IS A BOMB and we ment to send it.

>inb4 space nogs come here for the gibs

>soon we will have bunch of mudslime space aliens escaping some intergalactic war or some shit.

The aliens would either ignore us or look at us from afar. They would be no more intimidated by us than we are by some neolithic tribes or by ants, and they would need anything on our space rock even less. Worst case scenario, their fugitives make a drop on us, but the would not if their civilization observes us.

This is why we need a Sup Forums space mission.
To send another probe with a horse dildo attached with a sticky note saying "fuck off we're full".

Well, in that case, Staturnian civilisation would be bronze age tier max. We will give them democracy or communism or something and take their gas in exchange.

With this

yeah but they might look at us, see we are very war like, and think, OH SHIT, soon they will discover quantum energy, or something. We better wipe them out NOW.

So, we look at some tribals who are quite warlike, we look at ants and dolphins, what do we think?

In all honesty, what would happen if an Alien civilization declared war on us? Likelihood of the governments on earth uniting is pretty slim imo

>implying the haven't come a long time ago, put us into egg-like cocoons where we dream our whole life, to extract all the memes for their shitty intergalactical evening television
Where do you think you are, user?

ants and dolphins cannot do science

War? They will infiltrate and mind control, and stage their acceptance as gods or protectors. Or deploy such a weapon that wipes everything clean before we know what hit us.

I think interstellar civilization can really have views like this because only one real danger for their existence is another good developed civilization. And this is explain why we cant see any aliens signals in space around because they are long dead or hiding.

You'd have everyone trying to sell each other out in exchange for leniency and technological advancement.
It would be a complete shitshow of backstabbing and double dealing.

Yeah, there will be no 'independence day' scenario where we meet them in open war, because it's very likely that our weapons could still kill them and defeating hundreds of millions or even billions fighting for their right to exist is one hell of a challenge.

If they come to conquer us it will be done from beyond our reach or with subterfuge.

To be fair it's more likely to be destroyed in the wake of a passing advanced spaceship than actually used for anything.
It would be even better if they open it up and find some human plague that wipes out their species.

The most likely scenario is that humans are the ones that find or accidentally destroy it after we've developed sufficiently. Excluding it being lost forever of course.

hmmm or too far away, yet.

why would an expansionist species be peaceful though. more like the opposite. Might be a rule that if they expand they have to be arrogant and aggressive

>deploy such a weapon that wipes everything clean before we know what hit us

This. If they can travel between stars that means their weapons of mass destruction can do the same. They can just throw to us fucking piece of rock and destroy Earth or blow up the Sun with suncrusher bomb or something like this.

I think there are three reasons for the lack of aliens:
-we are one of the most advanced civilizations in the universe, so there just isn't any interstellar civs yet.
-Extreme rarity. Sentient lives are galaxies and galaxies apart
-Great filter. We will die on this rock, and everyone else will die on theirs.

This jeudjnejcijdjd
Means jejciheufhdj
War ducurhufhdhd
7 days sjdnsndjfhhd away

Even now our radio waves travel away from Earth at the speed of light. Every year that passes exponentially more systems are doused in our shit TV. Admittedly the signal gets weaker with distance and they would need specialist equipment to pick it u. But still. Its bigger risk than some piece of junk floating in deep space for the next 40000 years

What I'm saying is that it looks like a piece of space junk so it's unlikely that anyone will open it up and study it.
Imagine if some near light speed spacecraft goes within a few km or even hits it. It's just going to get annihilated without even a chance for and sensors to discover it.

Also, the opposite of the great filter.
-civilisation ascends before it develops technology to travel the stars or anything, creates their own universe or something and doesn't care about the rest.

>Earth is just some shitty reality show for the whole universe to laugh at
This seems most legit of all theories

If they exist and could travel between stars that means one civilization even with slow speeds must colonize entire Galaxy hundreds times. They must been in every fucking system and their signals must be detected like our radio on every planet. But they didn't do it. And space is dead all around.

What if a great deal of noise coming on the radio from space is actually local news channels obscured by the real space noise?

No. There is a thing that we know how old is our universe. And it isn't that old, actually.

maybe though, because of the great distances, no living thing can actually travel across. But what they can do, rather than `die on their rock', is send out robots to make new life. Seeders. Read A. Shuligins works. He was a world class chemist and he reckoned there was a life form that used two sequence DNA to RNA encoding before our THREE sequence life was around. Prob the aliens who sent the seeder robot ships had TWO STAGE DNA to RNA, but engineerred something more flexible for the seeding.

The chances of hostile aliens discovering our species from that probe, instead of the constant radio signals we've been blasting for over a century, are about as low as them, in the vastness of space, discovering it in the first place.

Yes you are right. We aren't know what their thinking, what they will do when they will detect us, we aren't know even if they really exist. But one thing i know clearly - if they can reach the other stars that means they can wipe us with one hit.

don't they find the occasional star that appears too old though, like 16 billion years old features?

>dolphins cannot do science

Fuck off, dolphins have lasers on their heads.

> tfw one day some aliens accusing us for spreading a weapon of mass retardation.

they have no fingers. so they can't make delicate things. I think they can poke things with their knobs though.

not to mention the probe and the data burst they send out with location and shit but they also gave an idea of how big our population is ! what sounds to me like a dinner invitation

Well. the mission ended. Nothing happened.

Their penises are prehensile and their vaginas have amazing grip. They can fuck their way through science if they want. They already know they can bite the heads off of smaller fish to use the corpse as a fleshlight.

Milky Way galaxy - 13 billions years old.
Milky Way galaxy diameter - 100 thousands light years.

How many cizilizations could be born for this time and travel across the Galaxy for colonizing? Even if they born yesterday as example 100 million years ago not ever billions years ago - those galaxy must be full of life like in Men-in-Black movie.

but the speed of light means we won't get the retaliation for at least 30 minis

do the fuck fish? How do they keep it still to fuck it ? Wedge it in a rock or something? Is there a video?

>Well. the mission ended. Nothing happened.

The space AIDs will take a while to travel to Earth.

Those probe is like a small rock in ocean don't worry about it. But our signals is like a waves.

wasnt there a guy who actually finished and calculated that drake equation and came up that there might actually a fuck ton of possible civilizations ?

The universe we've seen so far is ridiculously unsuitable for life. It might be that our region of space is particularly shit but the fact remains that out of all the planets we've seen so far ours is the only one that ranks higher for suitability than 'potentially would be able to maintain a climate if we work really hard for a few thousand years trying to replicate Earth on this godforbidden rock'.
That said it's probably a good thing for the human race in the long run if we are basically on the 'abundant but unexplored space mine' of galaxies with no competition until we can defend ourselves.

Come the fuck on, son. I know I've been shitposting but you can't do a search to verify? Took less than two seconds. Yes they actually do this, dolphins are legitimately some fucked up creatures. Necrophiliac masturbation isn't where it ends, they rape and murder their young for, according to marine biologists, "shits and giggles."

>drake equation
Or it might be falsely defined itself

>You'd have everyone trying to sell each other out in exchange for leniency and technological advancement.
It would be a complete shitshow of backstabbing and double dealing.

so business as usual?

true that.

but still... i found some numbers...
>"In other words, besides human society, zero to 15,785 advanced technological societies could exist in the Milky Way."

ugghhh thats horrible.

>thats horrible

So are dolphins.

Drake equation is not very correct because of some unknown variables but as i say only one old civilization must colonize entire galaxy. What if there was one hundred interstellar civilizations in those billions years? Well as you can see we need good explanation why space is dead.

We don't even know if aliens could establish a civilization
Maybe the idea of civilization is inherently human

The only solid surface on Saturn is so dense that no life could survive there. Not to mention the fact that the high temperatures there would make such conditions where water couldn't exist.
So considering all of that, life or any sort of civilization on Saturn could never exist.


Yeah but maybe thats a bad dolphin. The other ones are nice. Like most humans are OK. But about 1% are in prison because they are bad

Be more concerned about day 1 in which we transmitted radio - that's the day we landmarked earth as an advanced civilization in space.

Maybe. When we talking about aliens we uses two assumpitions that will influence on us:
- If they exists
- If they can travel between stars

NASA has no right to go crashing probes into shit, they especially had no right to land those snot covered probes on Mars, Christ only knows what horrors will spawn from those bacteria.

Considering it would cause a considerable amount of damage, yeah, they would be incredibly pissed that we threw a disk at them for no reason at all.

>no true dolphin

Papa Putin overseeing the dolphin armada attacking a RPGorca.

i always wondered if they might use some weird quantum communication as in those quantum entanglement thingys
i mean it would make sense would it ? next to instant comms and sort of encrypted as well... and its hard to tap if not impossible.


>hyper advanced alien civ picks up transmissions of BETV, Miley Cyrus, and Jackass
>bans all sips from coming within 100 light years of Sol system

Honestly our shitty fucking media is probably a great alien deterrent. They'd see footage of niggers nigging and think they were some kind of Xenomorph grade Bioweapon that must remain on earth at all costs.

perfect encryption from an advanced race would be near or identical to background radiation. we wouldnt know if there was something advanced that wanted to remain hidden.

Ayy hol up pass dat space chiken son

> Tell saturnians it was the muslims
> GoodEnding.jpg

Thank me later

We're pretty much going to have to make our own dolphins if we want the version without blackjack and hookers

Rights are a social construct. There isn't a 2nd party to protest our actions or give us a reason to stop doing it.

The solar system is our sovereign territory. We can exploit and pollute it however we want.

yeah but if u have two entangled atoms u dont need encryption cause u and the receiver are the only people that have these exact two connected/entangled atoms


>we want the version without blackjack and hookers

And if they want contact they must use signals easily interpreted by any primitives. But nobody wants contact as we can see. Maybe because contact with someone stronger means imminent genocide and full life sterilization on your planets.

>Maybe they will think we are declaring war

We are.

Thats a bit like austrailia though. the british classiefied it "terra null firma" which means no one lives there we can do what we like. Then we set off nukes in the desert like 300 years later. We put signs up in english. but some abos got nuked, then they sued us. same thing here with saturn.

bitcoin corey is the go to guy for space chickens

maybe it was some relatives of the abos that sued us. anyway I think we had to pay out

We never thought life could exist around volcanic vents at the bottom of the ocean. Yet it does. Life elsewhere in the universe may be completely different than what we consider life.

Pic related nailed to every rock in the Oort cloud.

Yes but your "national space agency" is acting on a planetary level. We Australians don't wan't to be fighting hordes of Martian snot monsters in the future you stole, thanks.

we can blame florida cos thats where it was launched (provbably)

dude it was the 70s things were positive back then,

implying the signal doesnt attenuate

>Florida attacks Saturn
>Florida wrecked by hurricane
Coincidence? I think not!

There are international treaties on the UN level that regulate space exploration, so you kinda consent, dumb bogans.

The lying Masons at NASA have never sent anything into space. Space probably isn't even as they describe it. Funny how the fixed stars never change their relative positions.

Well aussies stole a generation, funny you complain about a future

At least the Golden Plate depicted White People.
If the aliens ever visit us, they will immediately realize that nignogs are the invasive species and exterminate them

yeah an austrialian consented to this attack and signed a document on it at the UN. you are as guilty as us, and you are probably descended from a sheep thief in england about 200 years ago. you have criminal genes,

lol the UN.

Survival of the Fittest.

The stronger species should survive.

You know our human ancestors beat the fuck out of the other human species right which is what makes us this particular human species, today.

I'm German descent and hold everyone in contempt.

delete this.


yeah the stars if real, would be flying about, they would not be still. Something fishy is going on.