Checkmate Capitalists

Capitalism is not human nature.

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It is human nature to bleed when being shot.

OP can't explain why every socialist country fails to the extent it is socialist.

Look at Britain: you guys are finished because you sang the international and invited the Moslem hoards into conquer you, rape your women, cut your throats and make slaves out of you.

The ugly truth is, people have to work in a modern society. Stone age people - most of human existence, worked very little. It is not in our nature to be hard workers. In the past, starvation motivated people to work. With socialism, the government motivates people to work.

But you have to work, either way.

actually it is, because human nature isnt being nice and sharing everything you worked for to get nothing in return
>human nature
like we are nothing better than animals

If we agreed that both are human nature and should be held in balance, we might be able to build a working system.

Kill each-other Goyim, there is no other way

Human nature is taking care of and cooperating with your tribe in order to succeed
Then killing and raping other tribes and taking their shit

Communism works great in small groups ie your tribe, the second there are so many people everyone doesn't know everybody else it stops working for obvious reasons

Capitalism is cooperation. In capitalist societies, we produce goods and services desired by others, and the better we are at serving others, the more wealth we acquire with which to serve ourselves.

Politics, by contrast, is the great fiction whereby men seek to live at each others' expense.

Truly an exercise in retardation, Socialism.

>we don't murder each other to get ahead

Fascism is human nature. Alturism/ancap and Communism/socialism are both equally retarded in human nature.

Like in African tribes?

>capitalism forces us to compete for survival
Reality forces you to compete for survival you spineless faggot

Why would you shoot a commie before throwing him out of a helicopter?


Best hunter - gets more sex. Passes on Genes. Best warrior - gets more sex. Passes on Genes.
Useless village idiot eater is given three choices, do something useful, leave the village, or die. That is the natural state of humans, hunt, fight, or die.

neither is shooting satellites into space but thats working out pretty good for everybody innit faggot

I hate this idea that somehow
egocentrism = individualism = capitalism
altruism = collectivism = socialism

no, that's fucking bullshit,
socialist states are absolutely FULL of long term unemployed welfare leeches, public sector jobsworths in made-up posts and positions, just a tonne of people who will do the bare minimum in pure self service.

the matter of altruism vs selfishness hasn't got a thing to do with the bare bones of economic infrastructure, it is primarily a social, cultural thing, and here's the thing. for a culture to encourage altruism, you need a fucking culture, none of this multicultural, pluralist shit that the same leftists who shill socialism go on about. multiculturalism, cosmopolitanism and pluralism directly detriment community cohesion, trust, and altruism - and far from encouraging a colourful plurality of cultures, they encourage the destruction of all cultures leaving a void that is filled with - you guessed it - egocentric, self-serving individualism.

Multiculturalism, cosmopolitanism and pluralism are not human nature.

Ethnocentrism, nationalism and tribalism are.

>Altruism is all around us

must really suck for a socialist swine to know that white, christian conservative republicans are the world's biggest charity donors.
All that leftist swines do is send feels good posts for cheap virtue signalling on Twitter.

Race before profit and personal gain! No classes, just one people!
A tribal, racial socialism. Not one based on artifical Jewish classes. Thats how you beat the Jew at his own game

Holy shit, that is so utterly retarded and wrong.

then move to a socialist country and stop pushing shitty ideology to your own. Humans are selfish by nature, socialism is just giving more power to selfish politicians who will use it to control you and get rich by that.

>Your countrys finished !!1! USA NUMBA 1
>Britian 91% White
>USA 56% white
>stoneage men didnt have to work to survive!1!1
The deluson and stupidity of burgers never ceases to amaze me

> Co-operation = pure selfless altruism.

You really think Johnny Blacksmith created plowshares out of the goodness of his heart and not because Jimmy Farmer and Richard Baker traded fucking food with him?

Women perhaps. Men of the same race/tribe naturally work together for the benefit of the whole.
>Socialism gives all power to the state
Jewish socialism does, yeah.

you fucking moron
evolution is the best case for capitalism as it is based less on cooperation and more on competition
talk about being brainwashed, your brain is like a reason-corrupting machine
kill yourself

Oh do please tell me how to spend my money to best fit you needs.

-said no one ever.

Donate more smarty pants and just take it from me.

Why can't you take it?

Cuckitalists BTFO

If altruism is all around us, then why would one kind of human institution (privately held businesses) not take care of those who needed it?

If we can't trust that one kind of human institution, why can we trust another kind (government)?

Without capitalism there'd be nothing for socialists to redistribute/steal.

>Men of the same race/tribe naturally work together for the benefit of the whole.
More to the point, what I see as the essence of being a man isn't necessarily working for oneself, or for a group of people - it's not so much about the ends, it's about taking the means to the ends and breathing life into it, taking it in its very essence and mastering it, if not to perfection, to a level of excellence.
I think what makes a man fulfilled is that process of mastery. It doesn't matter so much what you're good at, it matters more that you become good at something, that you truly apply yourself to something, and that whatever it is you do a good job.

There is a good reason that a lot of religious disciplines have traditionally been male dominated, particularly those which don't defer responsibility for oneself onto the grace and benevolence of a sky daddy, or submitting to the whims of mother nature, throwing your arms up and conceding that you have no power over the situation. Those are the hallmarks of weak, primitive, tellurian and often matriarchal beliefs and societies - it's why Islam and Christianity spread like wildfire in Africa, because it gives them a cop-out clause whenever things go wrong. "Oh it was God's will".
But in the true sense of pagan traditions, from those of pre-Christian Europe to those of South Asia, beliefs, societies, cultures were underpinned by the valuing of self mastery, in principle and in process.

A great example of this difference in focus can be found in Buddhism. Whereas Abrahamics obsess with prayer and devotion, and focus on the outcome, Buddhism teaches an absolute disinterest in the outcome. What truly matters is what you do, how you do it, the attitude you take, how disciplined you are. That is at the essence of traditions, and at the essence of masculinity.

Capitalism is cooperation 99% of the time.
I want video game. You want money. I give you money, you give me video game.
Now we both helped each other get something we wanted.

> Britian 91% white

now we all know that's not true,bong.

>capitalism forces us to compete for survival

Lol go back to storefront

You're too cringe

>m-muh socialism (wypipo version)

>le virtuous oogabooga pagan myth
>le sky daddy
>le Buddhism
Unironically kill yourself.

Humans have been making artificial environments where natural instincts are punished for five thousand years, at minimum.

Capitalism is a form of cooperation you dense motherfucker.

>el meme flago
>el wypipo
Unironically el kill yourselfo.

Not an argument. Kill myself? Ladies first bitch.


What's more selfish, working hard to sustain yourself or sitting on your ass and taking gibs from muh state?

I know this is bait, but it's interesting bait because I could see some high school kid being swayed by this line of reasoning. The problem here is that high levels of cooperation require high levels of trust. A human is only able to maintain around 150 personal relationships at any one time (this number is directly correlated to basin size in primates.) So you have the ability to personally keep track of 150 people. Some of these personal relationships will be negative (say 10-50 negative relationships depending on environment and your temperament,) so that's like 100-140 relationships that a person can maintain with a high enough level of trust that they can engage in full communal cooperation. Everybody outside that sphere of trust must either borrow trust through an intermediary, or have the interaction mediated through rules of social conduct. The other option is for the person outside the sphere of trust to be simplified into a member of a group and that group's known traits are then used to form the basis of the expectations of the interaction. At the level of individual trust (family and friends group) cooperation is given freely and there is no expectation of perfect reciprocity. At the levels where interpersonal trust becomes impossible agreed social scripts meditate interactions and the precise value of the exchanges made becomes more important.

tl;dr communism in the family, capitalism outside the family.

Why do you care about that, commies are evil, don't you remember, brit?

>Voluntary exchange of goods and services is not capitalist
t. communist

>Capitalism forces us to compete for survival

Wrong, you compete to thrive and exceed. Survival simply requires that you take part in the society that enables you and your lifestyle.

>We don't murder each other to "get ahead"
It's not like the culture of the primal man were war and murdering for territory and resources.

Well its true,but we both know what form of socialism is the best....

Stopped reading at "tasty." I lack the patience for millennial toddler-speak.

Capitalism is voluntary cooperation you twat

Autism is all around us

Voluntary teamwork is not socialism. Socialism is all about force.

but but but lazy leftist won't be able to play vidya, or get food. Lazy leftist wants other people to work for his lazy ass.

>We are intelligent
No, leftists are dumb
and lazy.

>Whereas Abrahamics obsess with prayer and devotion, and focus on the outcome,
They literally do no such thing.

they do when they're shitskins.

You stupid, STUPID little bitch.
Let me educate you.

First of all, yes, socialism is a part of human nature, but no, not in an entire society (unless you have national socialism).

Socialism only works within a tight knit community, like a family, a clan, a tribe. Within that environment people need to be altruistic and share resources with the purpose of helping their kin and ensuring that all members of their tribe have the necessary resources to grow and contribute so the entire tribe becomes more capable of competition against other tribes.

In the broader social scene, capitalism allows these groups to safely compete against each other for resources so that they may become more prosperous and better further their bloodline and the qualities of their kin. Capitalism allows this without the fear of a tribe being annihilated in open combat or due to theft, and the battle is turned into an economic game where everyone survives, yet the weaker merely prosper less than the stronger.

Capitalism is a family game. It promotes loyalty, responsibility, strong social bonds, altruism, cooperation and purpose.

It's the Jews that have gathered together and work closely with each other that are cornering markets.

It's the Rothschild FAMILY that has become the wealthiest group in the world.

It's Wal-Mart that began as a family owned business and now stands at the top.

I could give a million examples.

If you want to get rich, work in groups.

That's why (((they))) are promoting dysfunctional families, poorly executed individualism and mistrust among people.

>not going against everything natural


Marx was wrong. He noticed not a flaw in capitalism but a function of every creative domain that humans inhabit.

For to the one who has, more will be given, and he will have an abundance, but from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.
Matthew 13:12 ESV

Also, you don't know fundamentally what a human is. And guess what, the last thing a human is is good by nature. We reject with utter detestation the notion of the Tabula Rasa. We are not blank slate and we will not be molded and condition by you.

But capitalism is based on voluntary cooperation so that pic proves it's human nature. Charities and volunteer work only exist under capitalism, socialism claims charities are ineffective and it's the government's job to take care of people.

>alone we are weak, together strong.

Realllllly activates my almonds

The interbred freaks in charge need to have us at each others throats to maintain control. Their Mason and Jew minions help achieve that through faking the news, and pushing divisive propaganda in the media and education. Politics is also a puppet show designed to get us fighting each other. They are all dirty.

Socialism is inherently a competition to get a hold of the reins of government to squash your fellow man. The largest scaled atrocities were committed in the name of Socialism by Germany and Russia.I do not doubt that some well-meaning people hold Socialism dear to their hearts. The true manifestation of Socialism is not in the individual, though - it is in the death camps that they build collectively.

Sweden REALLY did a great job at turning into a pile of shit, despite being the 'socialist dreamland' of europe.

Human nature is egoistical as fuck, all choices you commit in your life is just for you, if you give a nickel to a beggar, you do it to feel good, everything you do is for yourself, the human nature is egoistical. That is why communism will never work and inviting nogs will only make it worse.

>human nature is socialism

>our material conditions create us (our nature)

Stopped reading, either go full nature or full nurture, but don't go full retard

>le memo de argumente
Really proved him wrong! XDDD fantastic argument

t. historical illiterate

While I will argue humans aren't meant to be wage cucks socialism will always fail because we are corrupt creatures and imperfect.

Well, shit - with an argument like that, you must be right!

You forgot something: "I just got this cool video game. Let's play TOGETHER."


Rape and murder is human nature