Claim you're onee-san

Claim you're onee-san.

I'm onee-san.

But I am an onee-san

Rape me please

I am onee-san.


You can't rape the willing

I'd be a pretty awful onee-san to be quite frank.

Are you neglectful or abusive?

Particularly neglectful. Also very selfish.

The best one.

Selfish? Do you force your siblings to do things against their will? Or is it just spending time yourself & not with them?

I am not.

I claim that I am oe -san

Is this you?

Will you make your little brother a man?

I have a nearly nonexistent emotional connection to all members of my family and as such do next to nothing to ensure their wellbeing, despite still being financially dependent on my parents. I'm not outwardly abusive in any sense, though, as I don't inflict harm.

All of them.


not with that attitude

No ass. Dumpstered



I am Onee-san?

I like your taste user

Nice choice user




I am onee-san.

Trude is mine and only mine

I already have a onee-chan and she's cool and I like her.

She's 3D but she's made with the same blood and flesh as me so it's okay

Is having an onee-chan better than what anime and manga make it out to be?

It depends.
Mine was cool, took good care of me when I was a shota, and helped me in a few situations.

We shared the same room and a dunk bed for 16 years, she wanted me in her room when I was a shota and stayed in it


It's gotta be Steel King surely.

is that just art, or manga? google and yandex don't gave anything.

Sounds like my sister. Also she's a whiney bitch that has a tantrum whenever she doesn't get her way or someone says something that she doesn't like.

shes 24, 25 almost and still acts like this. I honestly wish she was never born

user there is one thing to do now
burn her, the SJW Feminist cunt

Or I could just get a replacement onee san

That's a possibility right? ;_;

i'm sorry user

I love Aki




Good taste, here is mine.

I want Mika-nee to be mine

who is this

She's cute, what her name?



a titty monster

She has a dick.

Much obliged.

I thought she was your waifu user?

Not him but an Onee-san can be a waifu too. It's even better.

Why not both? Her family's into incest anyway.

>Oneesan can be a waifu
Fair point

Is it? I only got as far as Electric Chandelier, and up until that point the family was being shockingly chaste with each other, despite the son clearly wanting to bang the mom.

Marika mentions she's fucked her mother at least once somewhere.

I'm Onee-san.

That's hot but
No actual scenes, then?


It's YOUR you fucking moron.

>Love Marika
>Say I prefer her that way
>The game keeps making the character act like he hates her and fucks me out of a fuck

Fucking shit game but dat Marika man.

No. I think the mom may do something with the son in the bathroom but honestly I was skipping most scenes.

Dude, control you're temper.

You misunderstood; OP was telling Sup Forumsnons to claim that they are onee-sans.


>All the replies saying they're oneesans
>Only now do I see

pretty brilliant ruse.

Your missing the point entirely.


Onee-samas are the best.


She would tutor me when I'm having trouble with homework :3


Cerise best girl
