36 million jews died in the holocaust. Get over it pol, the nazis were bad

36 million jews died in the holocaust. Get over it pol, the nazis were bad

6 million, get your numbers right

Doesn't that make them... good?

Revelations 2:9.
Hitler was more of a Christian than the rest of us. Kys kike shill

I just wish Germany removed the frankfurt school cultural marxists.

6 million more for every 10 years!

Jewish Bolshevik system must be wiped out once and for all and should never again be allowed to invade our European living space... It is the same Jewish class of beings who have done so much damage to our own Fatherland by virtue of their activities against the nation and civilisation, and who promote anti-German tendencies throughout the world, and who will be the harbingers of revenge. Their extermination is a dictate of our own survival.

This is from a Prussian general. Image how SS generals behaved.

46 million?
How did Hitler manage to kill 56 million Jews?
Will Germany ever apologize for the 66 million?

It was more like 100 trillion


>Innocent until proven guilty
Prove Herr Hitler killed 1 Jew.

oh dude you make me crying

More like 271,000 as a result of allies cutting off the food supply to concentration camps where jews were placed seeing as they were and still ARE a threat. Much like the Jap camps in America that no one ever talks about.

Fucking anti-semite. It was at least 72 million.

OY VEY, you're all nazis, it was 10^27 Gorrillion, a total shoah!

>The Nazis killed Jews
>The Nazis were bad

Pick one.

eleventy gorillion

Yes, Hitler should have removed all the Jews before aping out and invading Poland

Everyone who isnt talking about at least Billions is a fucking racist nazi



Sneaky OP.