Is Jim Carrey woke/ourguy?


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He has a toxic cock and killed his girlfriend

>toxic cock

He's maximum woke.

He knows about the secrets of human consciousness.

she killed herself, he does not have agency of her actions

that said he can't be based because he's A FUCKING LEAF

How bad do you think his dick itches on a daily basis?

He gave her herpes and then blamed her and blanked the poor girl, he's scum of the earth.

why does he say we are a collection of geometric shapes?

Because we are.

read through this thread.

I remember Jim Carrey saying something about how white people ruin everything a couple of years ago.
It saddened me, always loved this fella.
But I can't find the video now, maybe it's the Mandela effect.

carrey is 100% woke and most likely had a very heavy DMT/Aya trip or just likes to eat mushrooms alot.

I think he's doing a movie on Terrance McKenna so 100% DMT

how come nu-Sup Forums can not understand that some people are smart enough to see the marketing benefits of being "redpilled"

for future ref.
jim carrey, rick and morty, dan harmon, dave chappelle, etc are not /ourguys/

Where were you when he said he would like to beat up Trump with a gold club?


Well there you go.

Carrey being a method actor probably tried some thinking it would help him with the role, and now having seen behind the curtain he can't contain his enthusiasm for the truth he saw.

I mean the guy had everything and then some 15-20 years ago, he has no reason to try to get famous again or do stupid stuns for money or publicity, he spends his days painting and mediating and doing yoga.

Bullshit! He parrots more of the same New Age crap. Totally not red pilled.

No one Red-pilled would make this:

And then there's the fact he forgot to suck some Hollywood higher-ups cock, and he hasn't been getting work anymore.


Remember his unfunny funny or die skit?

that was in 2013 you moron. Carrey is only recently woke, within the last two years.

He's... different somehow

he gave her three kinds of stds without her knowledge and dumped her/kicked her out of the house he was renting for her (she's from ireland) when she brought it up. i think he will reach a financial settlement with the family.

>first sentence
>bunch of bullshit there's no evidence of

That's not woke. That's just getting hyped about hypothetical ideas.

You could hypothetically be the only real consciousness. That must mean it's true.

At your moms house.

He's a scumbag who knowingly gave her syphillis and herpes. He's all sad now his careers is trashed. Its going to come out that he's a degenerate pill-head

Have you taken a psychedelic? You come off as incredibly close minded here.

>Is Jim Carrey woke/ourguy?

He made a career of literally talking out of his ass.


>“We’re a bunch of ideas cobbled together to look like a form. There’s a body and there’s a mind, but the body is part of the field of consciousness, just dancing for itself and it’s no different than a plant or a chair or your phone—it’s all one thing. Because we are sentient, there’s a consciousness, and we have to deal with this thing we create, like a fortress of ideas around it. So we say, ‘This is my name and this is my heritage and this is my nationality and here’s my hockey team and these are all of the things that I am.’ That’s the mistake.”

So how do we avoid that mistake?

According to Carrey, there’s only one way:

>“The only way to it is to step into the river of tears and the sorrows of your life. The things that everyone is avoiding with everything from drugs to drink to sex and gadgets and whatever else you can distract yourself with, all of it is designed for you to never stop going and moving and, for god sakes, not feel the abyss. Don’t allow yourself to feel the abandonment and pain that you’ve suffered. And I’ve done it; I’m through it. I’m sure there will be things that happen again, but I realized that by letting myself fall into it completely, that it’s not to be feared. Death is not to be feared.”

While some are writing off Carrey’s newfound Zen, it’s worth noting that the actor, who’s been open about his struggles with depression, seems to be doing genuinely great. For one, he looked great—gone is the scraggly beard, and he appeared sharp in a Tom Ford leather jacket. “I have no depression in my life whatsoever,” he declared. “I don’t have meds, I don’t have supplements, I don’t have anything. I’ve got a couple of fish oils a day and the rest of it is just good diet and a little bit of exercise and understanding that I don’t exist.”

I've only ever done weed. But to believe in new age dribble makes you look gullible. This is how cults and religions are formed.

The other guy is correct.

Psychedelics are incredibly useful for studying the nature of your own mind.
But they can't teach us anything about what goes on outside our mind.

It's not about believing it word for word, its about taking the words and the ideas and seeing if there is anything common that people who have these psychedelic experiences can agree and discuss on.

I hate hippy preachy shit as much as the next person, but that explanation and argument he presented is actually coherent and deserves some merit or discussion at least.

Immediately closing it off is just like a flat earther plugging their ears... it's not about one side being wrong or right, but its about closing yourself off vs opening yourself up to information and ideas.

anybody who takes anything and immediately classifies it as nonsense or bullshit is close minded. The end.


jim carrey doesn't identify as an entity, he can't be your guy because he isn't a guy

if you want to understand the tetrahedron comment you can skim through this video. tldr tetrahedral crystal can resemble a torus if you connect the dots right and the universe has lots of toruses like the magnetic field galaxies etc.

but i actually hate how you can utter a few nihilistic catchphrases and people assume you are 'woke'. zen buddhism is the true red pill, if you believe life has no meaning you are misunderstand the very concepts of life and meaning

>he fell to nihilism
boy oh boy

that nigga is not zen

source? I love McKenna's books


he's taking new crazy pills and smoking alot of weeds of late...

He ain't fully work until he repudiates that anti-gun shit. Europe right now proves you don't need guns to kill people, just homicidal intent. And 99% of anti-gun sentiments devolve into "yuh small penis".

I read it on Sup Forums idk if its actually confirmed or not

>endless Jism Carrey threads
It's almost as bad as the Shkreli spamming.
Can we meme him into jail as well?