Where do you see western civilization in the next 20-30 years Sup Forums?


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Jew influence gone.

Trump releases secret tech.


Good times ahead.

I don't because it isn't there.

right where its at


To be honest OP, I'm scared even thinking about ten years into the future.

The Boomer problem won't be around.

Hoping for the mass state run sterilisation of white males and white females impregnated by African sperm.

>implying any of that is actually real

You mean in Oceania

mad max

not (((fury road))) femen power fantasy

In ruins and the robot overlords take over.

Massive increase in 3d image scanning and facial recognition software. Almost mandatory smartphones, implantable chips, beginnings of transhumanism. Death of privacy, and with it, true freedom. Collapse of a few nations in Western Europe due to nog invasion. EU 1984-like, totalitarian dystopic superstate. China becomes world power, equal to USA. Russia slides into quiet irrelevancy, Europe into degeneracy, mass crime, and totalitarianism. Collapse of remaining communist states, rise of Islamic fundamentalism. 2 main forces will be this Islamic fundamentalism and Chinese-style authoritarian superstate capitalism, with little regard for people or their rights. Mass degeneracy, probably "acceptance" of necrophilia or bestiality, end of freedom, end of everything

State enforced interrracial breeding grounds, hopefully.

This most likely.

We turned our backs on God



At least you're honest about it now.

This is actually the most realistic scenario.


How do you still have faith in Trump when he's talking about amnesty?

Sand niggers and Nazis celebrating the Final Holocaust while sitting in ruins and ashes.

Shit b8 faggot. kys.

Wherever a demographic winter and ever-increasing debt go.

>literally mental illness


Because I don't listen to the language faggots use. I follow the actions that Trump makes and the implementations of policy. I'm not a fucking emotional reactionary retard. This is the reason shilling doesn't work on Sup Forums you think that we think like libtards. But at a fundamental level the way a lot of us assess problems is completely different.

Public schools and ethnic distribution already are a thing for the social engineers user. Ever wonder why Ahmed ends up in scattered smalltowns?

The super gonorrhoea plague will get us all & the incels shall inherit the earth.

>next 30 years

Banking jews wiped out

Muslims from europa wiped out

Hardcore conservatism and nationalism reinstalled

Fascism leading humanity into planetary colonization

1. Mental health pandemic, even more than now, anxiety, depression being the new normal
2. Family unit obliterated and gone, very few people live in a family, role of father/mother has mostly dissapeared, kids are grown by the 'community'
3. Almost no broader sources of community, identity, or meaning. Neighbourhoods, civic organisations, national identity, etc eviscerated
4. Most people are either unemployed, or chronically underemployed doing largely meaningless and unfulfilling work
5. Immensely Balkanised politics. No common conception of the good to act as the necessary backdrop for shared political discourse.
6. the features which could hold a country together in spite of that - national identity, traditions, etc - are being systematically eroded

But dont despair, for a pheonix always rises from it's ashes. Indeed, the generation that will grow up in these sorrowing and miserable conditions will save us all, for when they realize what the tyrants have taken away from them, there will be no brakes. And the retribution will be furiuos and bloody - for the elites will be torn apart one limb at a time. Indeed - these people will be incredibly violent.

It has to get worse before it gets better.

If we don't stand up to resist (((globalism))) and (((culrural marxism))), Western Europe will be an Islamic colony, the US will be a Mexican colony and Australia, Canada and NZ will br Chinese colonies.


Fascist empires are beginning to stretch the world.
Or utter stagnation, niggers and muslims are everywhere and someone's about to hit the big red nuclear launch button after turning the keys.

Either way, it's a better tomorrow!

7. 50+% transgenderism in the 3-5 year old population, unironically leading to a 30 - 40% suicide rate among the 7-15 year old population
8. State enforced Atheism leading to massive Christian persecution (think public crucifixions) forcing the true Church underground
- - - - -or - - - - -
9. Islam has conquered the western world leading to massive Christian persecution (think public crucifixions) forcing the true Church underground
10. Mega Cities (think commie blocks times 10) holding the latest 50 million person wave from disease-ridden West Africa. Massive crime rates, Islamic tribunals for infidels.
11. An entire generation has been born that has never seen a living plant, animal, or the ground not covered in cement. Forests are so long gone they are a myth to most of the population.

>implying we'll even last 10 more years

no tap water, no electricity, no fuel, 10% of actual population struggling to survive in a radioactive wasteland.

In ruins

it will be gone

>he won't let others tell him that what he does isn't acceptable because he feels that doing it makes him feel accepted
>even though not doing it actually make people accept him
Makes sense?

An user can dream...

12. Whites are a minority clocking in at 10% of the population. Accordingly the GDP has shrunk 50% of what it is today leading to a constant and grueling economic depression.
13. 85% unemployment rate forcing most into crime, slavery, or begging to survive.
14. An entire generation has been born that will never see a blue sky instead the skies are murky grey from run away pollution. Acid rain and smog are a daily danger.
15. Democracy has achieved 100% emancipation of the population. Accordingly the government spends most if its time increasing taxes on the remaining white population in order to pay for greater welfare checks to the majority.
16. All doggos have been eaten as subsistence during WW V.
17. State mandated race mixing has lead to an underclass of brown, feature-less, dumb meat sacks that are strapped to VR headsets showing pornography from birth only stopping to cast their vote for the ruling Party.


The Earth is actually a Torus. with holes in the poles to the hollow earth.

If you think about it, a tree is a torus.

you just blew my mind.

18. Human genome mapping is common place leading to black market chimeras, hybrids, and other abominations to run wild.
19 The population of the earth has officially reached 13 billion people, with the highest by far birthrates being in Africa and India.
20. Runaway desertification of most of the world's farmlands has forced the diet of most to consist of vitamin paste, iodine injections, and meat substitute.
21. Suicide nets, suicide nets everywhere
22. The emasculation of Man has been completed, all men have been neutered from birth and the the rights of woman's body are between her and her government mandated sperm bank.

A melting pot of friendship.

>demographic winter
shrinking tax base
>ever-increasing debt
debt default

God I fucking hope

You're welcome.

It'll be an absolute miracle if it hasn't faced a USSR-style economic collapse by then.

You mean the Democratic People's Republic of North American Korea.