What the fuck is his problem?

What the fuck is his problem?
>"Obama was the best president"
>"Trump is terrible"
>smokes weed
>pussyfoots issues depending on guest
>rarely any people who call him out on his shit regardless he never updates his positions and relies on lamestreammedia
what's his endgame?

Other urls found in this thread:


It's what media Hollywood does , say stupid stuff to get attention ...look at meeeee.
News talking heads & writers do it to.

He parrots the views of whoever is on his show. If you're looking to this guy for red pill wisdom, you're barking up the wrong tree.


Fuck Donald Trump

Rogan referred to Obama as the most disappointing president. He wasn't a fan.

He's under cover

Dont forget the Steven Crowder interview when he was verbally abusive and a bully

Been turned off ever since

Steven crowder is a little bitch
i hate that kike

Uh, no sweetie.

Obama was already confirmed worst president since WW2.



He's become disassociated from himself mentally due to the decades of experimenting with drugs.
You might note that while he often talks about his body (as would be expected given his career), he almost never talks about the way he thinks, even when he has psychologists like Peterson on.
When he does talk about his mental state, it's always in the context of external things acting on it, like supplements, never on the ability of the mind to act freely.

Rogan quotes about Obama and Trump which he keeps flipping based on guest.
I really like the "interview/discussion" platform and wish there were more channels of the sort but completely unfiltered...any suggestions?

rogan hasn't had a strong position one way or the other on trump or obama for a year+ now. that's probably because, surprise, he's a centrist.

Rogan's endgame is teaching young males how to get off vidya, lift, get strong, take nootraceuticals, fuck women, avoid alcohol and tobacco, learn how to fight, hunt, and live innawoods.

At his core he's a meathead and he embraces that. Don't look to Rogan as a top level political theorist. That's something he's never tried to be.


Dude is the screen more interesting people can project their ideas onto.
He's not a lot by himself, but his platform is useful.

>>"Obama was the best president"

I wouldn't be surprised if Obama personally met up with Rogan and smoked a bowl. Do you have any idea how many rappers Obama palled around and smoke doobies with?

Hit the nail on the head with that.
He's a pretty normal lad with well rounded masculine interests. At the very least, his respect and advocacy for strong work ethic is something to be admired.

No need to question his politcal position because it's so benign. Probably like most of nu-pol and Sup Forums in general. Lefty 10 years ago, then found the grounds shift under them and considered centre-right in the new landscape.

Rogan exists to interview interesting people, he's supposed to be boring himself

Rogan can't go one podcast without talking about how delicious dicks are, young Jamie 100% Rogans fuck boy.

Rogan is worse than OPIE
Don't take that lightly

He is sucking obama dick on air because he wants him to do a podcast.
Also in case you didn't already notice the podcasts are filled with advertisements but they incorporate them nonchalantly into the conversation.
Like on that last episode with Brandon S when they started going on about dominos pizza as if anyone with the money they make eats at fucking dominos pizza.

Not to mention all the faggots that sucked Obama's dick while he smoked crack. That could have been pretty much anyone in Hollywood.

He's a pothead martial artist weightlifter UFC commentator, he's probably way more intelligent than he needs to be. The problem is that way too many people think his podcast is a beacon of intellectualism, it's not even close
