You will never have a cute moth wife wait for you to get home from work

>you will never have a cute moth wife wait for you to get home from work

It hurts

Other urls found in this thread:

Everything anout this turn of events feels like I'm tripping balls.

>when she kills your moms




Go away.

That's only my second favorite moth girl on a list with two entries, though.

As far as I know it's just been scanned.

Can you read korean?


I want to hold her and pet her antennae and see how sensitive she is to that.

Is this book #3?

If it is I am so hyped. I love this crazy moth.

I feel like we skipped something.

Is this Alt universe thing or some kind of mind fuckery she is using on the poor bastard?

At this point, I just wanna know what the fuck is going on before the fucking goes on

Time fuckery or something. I dunno.

Mind rape.

Dunno, but I want it too.

I remember some user suggested that maybe the big moth thing hanging down her back from her head is actually a parasite and that she might not always have been a rapemoth.

>a 3rd chapter in this glorious series


I'd prefer a cute devoted succubus than a deranged jealous murdermoth to be honest.

I think the moth rewrote history so that they would be a happy family.

>It's actually not mind fuckery
>It's pure vanilla


Where can I read the whole thing?

I've never masturbated to this shit. Moths are fucking disgusting and the only reason I'm reading this is for the hope that the mother pulls out the fucking insect spray on this whore.

Sadpanda, it's the same author "Solipip B".

Uwaaaa please be gentle

Why do so many people seem to assume that the moth is fucking up space-time and that it's not just MC's head that's getting fucked with?

Because they're all moths too.

I can't find it on the panda at all.
Spoonfeed me senpai

nignog, just search for monster_girl on panda

My bad it's Solopip B, not Solipip.

The only things I can find under his name in English are the moth ones.
Where can I find the Succubus?

It's right there you double nigger. Maybe you don't have access to the secret secret club yet?

Anyway, the comic is called Sexual Urge so you should be able to find it outside sadpanda if need be.

It's x-eros, so it's not on sadpanda at all, or maybe under dozen layers of secrets clubs i don't have acces to and the guy apparently neither. Nhentai has the raw, dunno about the eng version.

I got mine from Sadpanda so it's probably that thing where you can only see content if you've been there long enough. Or posted in the forums, though I only made like 10 posts there years ago to fill the quota.

What do you mean, secret secret club?
cmon dude, please help a guy out.

This is why you don't spoonfeed.

See: , there's layers of secrecy in Sadpanda that unlock if your account's old enough or you've posted on the forums or somesuch. Also make sure you have "show expunged" on your options. Try searching outside sadpanda if you still can't see it.

I know who the author is, I just can't find this piece on panda at all.
I've been at this for upwards of a week now.

>tfw 21 posts
>tfw 2 years old account
How the fuck i'm not in the secret secret club, after i noticed earlier apparently 2 years ago i got a warning after hitting the 20 post cap for spamming

Got mod power 7, account age 5, i imagine it's the age. Or maybe panda being retarded, i remember back in the days when all this bullshit started the galleries visibility was all over the place. Can't be helped.

just link it already, please.

Just google it you fucking faggot.