How do I deal with the fact that I won't be accepted in my home country anymore?

I'm going to college in a ~90% white town, and I've been faced with some real discrimination so far. I've never lived in a place like this, and it really opened my eyes to how black people are really looked at in the US. I thought you fuckers were just a minority of whites, but everything that happened in the last year proved that wrong.

I don't want to leave this country. It's my home. I have nothing in common with any native African other than race, but I feel a growing animosity towards non-whites here in the US.

Other urls found in this thread:

I feel nothing but animosity coming from non-whites. Maybe multi-culti is a mistake and we all should either stay where we are or else invade in force and genocide any natives or outsiders to prevent the current situation.

You want some sort of respond or something?

>I'm going to college in a ~90% white town, and I've been faced with some real discrimination so far.

Imagine what a white living in a 90% black city would face.

Divide the US by race into separate states. Its the only way

Did you grow up in "da hood"? If so you have valuable cultural experience dealing with chinks that hate niggers and can find work as an intermediary.

Can you think of a place where niggers have to interact with chinks on a daily basis AND has a nicely growing economy?

I can. Africa beckons

Downside: The top-shelf African pussy is getting RICED so try not to let that get to you.

Well I've been staying in America and yet I feel like I'll be hated more and more for what I am; for what I cannot control. Things are tipping in your favor, not mine. I'm sure Canada will follow the States' lead.

>90% white town, and I've been faced with some real discrimination so far

Try walking around in a Trump hat.

What sort of discrimination?

This all fucking day.

You're full of shit.

That is some quality handwriting.

It's not your home. My dog was born on a chicken farm, yet he lays no eggs

Just enjoy the time you have left and learn, you'll be needing it when you'll be deported to the motherland

I hope you get lynched.

>and I've been faced with some real discrimination so far

>I'm going to college in a ~90% white town
that's likely only possible because you are black, if it's a good college. DESU, colleges would be asian, white, jewish, and light indians if they did it by merit. So be happy that you get a boost in acceptance, a boost job applications, a boost in everything because you tick a box that says black.

People looking at me with genuine fear when I walk down the street, as an example. Not just women, but teenage boys as well. They really think I'll hurt them.

>for what I cannot control.
at least you understand the situation. welcome to our multicultural utopia. civic nationalism doesn't work

Third post best post

And as a thought experiment: Imagine ticking a box that says "asian" knowing that it would symbolically knock points off your GPA and SAT


Maybe they've seen the '12% of pop, 50% crime rate' statistics

Most of the people who are hateful towards you are probably Jewish, not White.
The Slave Trade was mostly Jewish, not White.
Read about it here:
When Blacks fight Whites, the only winners are the Jews.

>encounters racial prejudice
>seeks comfort with \pol\
College, you say!?!?

>I'm going to college in a ~90% white town
fuck off and die, nigger

People hate niggers because niggers can't participate in society.

Kill yourself nigger.

I can't control what happens in these places. I want the hatred to stop everywhere. I've seen plenty of discrimination towards whites back in my hometown (West Philly) and I don't like that shit either. I want us to all work together as one nation, not divided like fucking savages.

Get off my board nigger

Why is it that your skin is so greasy? Anytime I have shaken hands with a negro I had to immediately wash my hands

Were ten steps ahead

>touching a nigger ever

Based Leafbro.

what do we care anyways?

It seems like Sup Forums (and Sup Forums in general) is more honest about their feelings than most places. Where else can I get non-biased, raw opinions on race so easily?

This right fucking here. At least all you get is a few stares ans maybe a commemt, not fucking shot, raped or set on fire.

>I thought you fuckers were just a minority of whites.
No. This is how we talk when you are not around.

>median IQ of blacks in America is 85
>median IQ of blacks in Africa is 70

do blacks in America realize that if they moved to Africa they would be heralded as fucking geniuses?

>I've seen plenty of discrimination towards whites back in my hometown
then you should be smart enough to realize no one hates you because you're a nog, people are rightfully afraid of nogs and you just happen to be one. It's literally a natural response and reflects nothing on you as an individual

Unlike many of the posters here (who I can definitely understand; the statistics aren't great), I have no issue with Blacks in America. The ones who were born here have every right to be treated as native citizens.
HOWEVER, I am against:
- The massive influx of Spanish-speakers, both legal and illegal
- Asian H1B visas taking the jobs of Americans (Black and White)
- And MOST OF ALL, the massive influence that Jews have in America.

In other words, I have NOTHING AGAINST Blacks in America, and I think that in the right proportions, Blacks and Whites can coexist reasonably well.

After all, David Duke and Louis Farrakhan get along (and have similar goals).

So, I want to ask you, OP--do you agree with this?

>I have nothing in common with any native African other than race

Well for one, other than roots you don't have much in common at this point.
Only fittest blacks were selected for American slavers. Add odd race-mixing through centuries and you have as much in common with African blacks as abbos do.

Considering that Haiti already killed all white people, and South Africa and Zimbabwe are currently killing every white person, I have little sympathy for you and your people. You already have it 100x better than you would if it were reversed, and if trends continue I'd recommend moving to Africa to be among your own kind.

The South.

Be mad at the blacks who commit all of the crimes and make you look bad by association, not the people who are smart enough to notice a trend and proceed with caution.

My hand is darker than your and I'm not even black. Why are people imitating blacks? We may as well be imitating Bonobos.

You're a young black male. Of course people are going to be suspicious of you. When I was in grad school in DC, anytime I wanted to walk anywhere from my apartment, I had to run the gauntlet. At least these people are scared of you. The people I encountered weren't afraid of me, were feral, and could have done whatever they wanted to. I was attacked once for no reason, and was mouthed off to EVERY SINGLE TIME. Ignore it, or go back to the hood.

Innocent people get swept up in the behavior of groups all the time.
It's why they used to say it was so important for every individual to do their part for the group.
Your people have turned our cultures, and really never did assimilate to begin with.
What would you have us do, mix with you and continue to murder our people and help the Jews?
Your people have routinely told my people, over the course of many decades, that you hate our cultures and you want us dead.
Look at any prominent black entertainment, and it's surrounded with black people's hatred of us.
Why the fuck would we want anything to do with your people?
Group behavior matters OP. You can't act like a bunch of entitled shits for decades, talking openly about how much you loathe our people ("oh but not you sweetie you one uh duh good ones")
Without us eventually taking notice, and souring toward your people.
Why the fuck would I want to live among people who hate me?
You were just bitching about it yourself.
Go live among your own and you won't have a problem faggot.
That's been the problem the whole time.
Forced integration with your awful, betrayer, moronic people.
Stop with your victim cry-baby shit.
God blacks are such fucking pussies.

Bye, nigger.

Not in Vancouver, you're not.
I was there a couple of weeks ago, and Richmond is practically a Chinese overseas territory!

Blame the Muslims.

Before 2015 the "diversity" agenda was working.
Then Muslims decided they wanted to be part of the "new west" and they red pilled half the white race.

>no one hates you because you're a nog
Did you read some of the posts here? Millions of whites (and other races around the entire planet) want all black people exterminated. I can only imagine what kind of talk goes on in East Asian or Indian households.

Oh you poor baby

>The evidence suggests that if there is police racial bias in arrests it is negligible. Victim
and witness surveys show that police arrest violent criminals in close proportion to the
rates at which criminals of different races commit violent crimes.
>There are dramatic race differences in crime rates. Asians have the lowest rates, followed
by whites, and then Hispanics. Blacks have notably high crime rates. This pattern
holds true for virtually all crime categories and for virtually all age groups.
>In 2013, a black was six times more likely than a non-black to commit murder, and 12
times more likely to murder someone of another race than to be murdered by someone of
another race.
>In 2013, of the approximately 660,000 crimes of interracial violence that involved
blacks and whites, blacks were the perpetrators 85 percent of the time. This meant a black
person was 27 times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa. A Hispanic was
eight times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa.
>In 2014 in New York City, a black was 31 times more likely than a white to be arrested
for murder, and a Hispanic was 12.4 times more likely. For the crime of “shooting”—defined
as firing a bullet that hits someone—a black was 98.4 times more likely than
a white to be arrested, and a Hispanic was 23.6 times more likely.
>If New York City were all white, the murder rate would drop by 91 percent, the robbery
rate by 81 percent, and the shootings rate by 97 percent.

Are you saying teh liberals were the real racists?

>My hand is darker than your and I'm not even black
user, I...

That's IT?!
You can solve the problem by simply not being so damn hypersensitive. In other words, maybe the fault doesn't lie with everyone else. Think about it.

Vancouverite born and raised here can confirm. We're rapidly becoming colonized by China, it's going beyond demographics to them buying up our politicians and advertising space. I like them though - rather deal with a bunch of disgusting Gooks than smelly Pajeets and Niggers.

If you're down to work together as one nation together to evict the Jewish parasites and infestation of Spics, I'll shake your hand anytime, brother.

go back to Africa nigger, your people and country await you.

No ones telling you to go chameleon user. Just get your own lawn and tell "whitey" to stay off it. Also respect whiteys lawn as well. That's it. Don't go seeking white approval there's nothing there but do seek approval in the eyes of the constitution
>t.libertarian mixed kid


I'd say buy a MAGA hat but that might even be worse in your college town. sorry bro.

The animosity is growing because of shit you and your thought leaders (along with the ultra radical white libshits and their thought leaders) do. But in particular it is growing because of shit your race does both here and in europe.

If black people bettered themselves as a race and focused more on finances they could actually have a chance at displacing the jews entirely, black nationalism is something that scares the elite big time.

Instead the black race uses black nationalism to basically get as many "We dindu nuffings" and gibs for all the bullshit black people pull. They use it as a massive excuse to behave like the stereotype and then make any criticism of it racist.

Stop acting and living like stereotypical you know whats and people will change their attitudes. While you are it reform the left so we can have a left focused on freedom and civil liberties not authoritarian islamic gommunism and anarchy (antifa) like it is right now.

You guys have alot of potential power especially given that many leftist thought leaders are ultra rich white jews and feminazis. Use it to get rid of them.

You need to start using discrimination as a motivator to better yourself and fix this shit not as an excuse to become a shitter like the rest.

you could return to your jungle roots. it would be really comfy. all the women to rape and grape drink you can ask for. and white people still come around to hand out free stuff.
>The evidence suggests that if there is police racial bias in arrests it is negligible. Victim and witness surveys show that police arrest violent criminals in close proportion to the rates at which criminals of different races commit violent crimes.
>There are dramatic race differences in crime rates. Asians have the lowest rates, followed by whites, and then Hispanics. Blacks have notably high crime rates. This pattern holds true for virtually all crime categories and for virtually all age groups.
>In 2013, a black was six times more likely than a non-black to commit murder, and 12 times more likely to murder someone of another race than to be murdered by someone of another race.
>In 2013, of the approximately 660,000 crimes of interracial violence that involved blacks and whites, blacks were the perpetrators 85 percent of the time. This meant a black person was 27 times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa. A Hispanic was eight times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa.
>In 2014 in New York City, a black was 31 times more likely than a white to be arrested for murder, and a Hispanic was 12.4 times more likely. For the crime of “shooting”—defined as firing a bullet that hits someone—a black was 98.4 times more likely than a white to be arrested, and a Hispanic was 23.6 times more likely.
>If New York City were all white, the murder rate would drop by 91 percent, the robbery rate by 81 percent, and the shootings rate by 97 percent.

>In an all-white Chicago, murder would decline 90 percent, rape by 81 percent, and robbery by 90 percent.
>In 2015, a black person was 2.45 times more likely than a white person to be shot and killed by the police. A Hispanic person was 1.21 times more likely. These figures are well within what would be expected given race differences in crime rates and likelihood to resist arrest.
>In 2015, police killings of blacks accounted for approximately 4 percent of homicides of blacks. Police killings of unarmed blacks accounted for approximately 0.6 percent of homicides of blacks. The overwhelming majority of black homicide victims (93 percent from 1980 to 2008) were killed by blacks.
>Both violent and non-violent crime has been declining in the United States since a high in 1993. 2015 saw a disturbing rise in murder in major American cities that some observers associated with “depolicing” in response to intense media and public scrutiny of police activity.


you nogs had it pretty sweet, but you just had to keep fucking pushing it. now youre getting your just desserts

OP, what you experience in a 90% white town whites experience in ALL of media and any place where whites are not a majority.

"fuck white people"
"white people are dying out, and that's a good thing"
"kill cops and white people"
"are you white? then your opinion is literally trash"

This is echoed on most left leaning sites and there is no right equivalent other than Sup Forums.

Whites are discriminated against in this country by the system via affirmative action and diversity quotas (I have seen this in action in corporate America - there are literally 'diversity candidate' pools from which managers are directed to hire from).

When whites try to bring this up, they are called racists or Nazis. So whites are starting to not give a fuck about being called racists or Nazis, and that is a dangerous thing to have happen for nonwhites.

You want to be accepted in your home country? So do whites.

Anyone who simply wants to kill black people are retarded. Realizing that living with niggers=white genocide does not mean you have to hate all boys on principle.

If you want that work toward deposing the jewish and globalist elites. That future cannot happen until the criminals that own the world are held to account.

Period. There are no if ands or buts about this question.

If you want to start learning about how bad things really are and how bad the corruption and evil is there is no shortage of infographs and dig archives from this very board over the past 2 years to start with. Look it up and start reading.

Jesus christ, you're a crybaby faggot!

Not only that.
We've had the pleasure of taking the blame for everything wrong with the world, for at least the past thirty years.
Hell, I distinctly remember my school teachers frequently filling our little impressionable heads up with stories of the evil white man destroying everything and everyone.
This shit isn't new.
Being open about it on TV is, though.
The left have been doing their shit in the education system since well before we were born.

pic related

You aren't all black people. ofc people don't like others that don't look like them, but it doesn't mean they hate you, they hate the idea of a foreign tribe. You being a part of a foreign tribe doesn't mean that they hate you the individual and all of your individual actions.

And you will not see any fucking leftist site calling for anyone to denounce this behavior, it is ACCEPTED. That is the kind of shit pushing me directly towards full 1488 gas the kikes mode.

It's hard to feel sympathy for a nigger in a liberal college town who gets his feelings hurt because even the virtue-signalling collegiate white people act rationally upon meeting him in the street.

If you were a white person, you'd have been beaten, robbed, insulted, had things thrown at you, and you might possibly be dead by now. So think about that next time you're walking to Starbucks and the fat white bitch with black horn-rimmed glasses crosses the street.

That's adorable.

Well, if you have lurked here for a long time, you already know WHY the "animosity" is.

Your fellow race people are the reason why...I assume you are a good person if you are here.

Based black people have to start fighting back against have to, otherwise you won't be allowed to grow and thrive.

>People looking at me with genuine fear
Hi black bro,
what's your daily outfit?
Any visible tattoos?
Do you have a very muscular build?

>How do I deal
Man the fuck up and take charge.
You are seriously asking other to to solve your fucking problems - fuck off.

Checked. Yes or latino. Don't forget spics hate niggers too, and Iblis is the sand nigger devil and he's an akon black nigger.

Checked. Indeed. Whites don't fear niggers. They fear being called a racist and chastised by society for fighting back against 1 to a whole pack of feral nogs riding around on bikes.

I'd love to see us move past this shit too OP, but that requires either mass deportation/segregation OR murdering every filthy nigger until the neutral niggers fall in line with their 'based black' brethren and start acting like Sowell or Thomas-Alexandre Dumas.

Pic related is Dumas. There's always been small pockets of ethnic minorities in all territories. The Roman empire was made of different conquered peoples. The difference is Dumas lived in a time where blacks idolized the success of whites and wanted to imitate. Now WE WUZ KANGZ OF DA GREAT DINDU KANGDUM SHIGGYDIGGYDIGGY

As someone who grew up in the Berkeley/Oakland area, let me just say that even 20-25% blacks means white kids get bullied constantly by nigger brats. One who lived in our apartment building literally accosted my 13 year old sister as she was walking to school, tried to grab her and drag her to his parents' apartment to rape her. She screamed and drew neighbors who ran him off. He's in prison now, always knew he'd end up there. His brother did too. They comprised about 20% of the blacks in our high school, after we switched districts/cities to get away from the shitty black kids ruining classes for everyone back in Oakland. Even in a school with only about ten black kids overall, this shit happens. Niggers, not even once.


Has this ever happened to any of you? Nearly every time you go outside? I'm just another human being, but they don't seem to think so. They think I'm something worse.

I don't hate blacks, but I sense they're growing more dependent on social manipulation (white guilt, white privilege) and getting more aggressive, and basically giving up on getting along with us and settling in to an aggressive, resentful posture toward us. DESU I didn't expect that from them - I didn't expect that after electing a black president, they'd reward us with the knockout game, flash robbery, shutting down campuses, mobbing random whites in the library, and generally demanding more from us. Can you see how we feel like we thought we were fostering more trust, but instead we now think we were looked at as weak, and were taken advantage of because of that? Can you also see that we think that if we talked about this in an identifiable, open way, that you wouldn't try to understand it, or respond to it in a way that we could learn something, but look for ways to use it against us?

How can we work together with savages?

The best things for blacks was segregation and fascist treatment, sure you have individuals like yourself who it may not be ideal for, but that is the only way for it to work.

I had a nice convo with a few blacks at my uni today, doesn't mean I'm changing my opinions on the totality of what blacks do. No amount of white cucking will change this.

We have two choices:

1.Segregate and have fascist white rule

2.Go our own ways and don't even come in contact anymore

There is nothing more that we whites can do.

get redpilled on the Jew and you'll worry about wypipo less. There are plenty of blacks who can fill you in orally if you can't read

OP, I want to see a response to this. What do you think? Do you really feel more persecuted than whites, or are you just whining because some coward beta cuck crossed the street?

And who do you think is responsible for their feeling that way? Hmmm? Who created their fear?

Other black men. Maybe you should be pissed at THEM.

Niggers treat whites far far worse than whites treat niggers.

I'm large and look intimidating, so yes. It happens quite often.

Suck it up, faggot.

Of course you don't want open antagonism - being outnumbered 4:1 you'd lose.

This is purely anecdotal coming from me, but I don't see these things being shouted or even privately said among other black people in my life. And I've spent most of my life around them.

>complains about whites
>refuses to live around other niggers

Is that faggot OP saying that by his choice of location that whites are superior to blacks?

Imagine being a shitskin in the USA and thinking your going to be shoahed. The delusion is real

Its only going to get worse m8.

Go back to Africa and make it a better place for future blacks

This topic is fake and gay.

What's the received opinion on why Israel would offer to host Daily Stormer, and why Daily Stormer would accept?

are you fucking kidding me boy?
a couple of mean looks, is that it?

>mfw first world problems
Holy fucking shit you pussy.