God is real

God is real, because the universe is a simulation.

In quantum mechanics, a particle can act as though it is a wave, or a particle. It only 'chooses' a state when a human is observing it. Somehow the particle knows it is being observed, and it chooses a state. This is the classic paradox of quantum mechanics and it haunts modern physics.

In software, there is a design called the flyweight pattern. Lets say you want to make a forest. You don't create 1 million trees. You create 1 tree, 1 object is a tree. You copy this same object everywhere, and only when it is necessary to see the uniqueness of an individual tree do you change the attributes of the tree to be unique. This is extremely common in gaming software. It is a trick so that the software can be infinitely more efficient. Particles are doing the same thing. There is no need to know the properties of a particle until it is being observed, because it is more efficient as a system.

The speed of light. When an object approaches the speed of light, the mass of the object increases, and time slows down. Time slows down, because the system is incapable of processing the location of the object from each point to the next. The local simulation is lagging. It is literally putting too much load on the system, and the calculations of the simulation are not being completed fast enough to keep up with our perception of them.

The universe is indeed a simulation. If it is a simulation, there are creators. If there is a creator, there is a God. Doesn't mean that anyone's religion is true, but there is a God.

Other urls found in this thread:


Tldr but I'm pretty sure that not only is God real, but our entire species is nothing but a high school science lab for higher intelligent beings that can and do walk among us

God is quite real. How well do you know him?

You misunderstand what "observed" means. It does not mean "observed by a human", it means "engaged in an interaction from which data can be derived". It's all about information in the end, even black holes. But "information" has a different definition in physics, too.

You're taking a very basic understanding of extremely complex topics and trying to apply your own theories to it.

You guys want a fat text dump related to this?

So can we ascend tho?

brapp the data all over me user

Close, we're inside their imagination. When you imagine a new universe you become like a god to the people within it.

The secret operations discovered, through experimentation and exploration, that this reality is an artificial construct designed by interdimensional beings that create artificial time-domains which are like data-banks of conscious experience programmed over and over in different ways to keep people in the same loops of thought and behavior.
The majority of people cannot break the 'program' of this system which renders them a product of the system itself.
Operations have been activated that enable the breaking of this program by the collective mind and mentally liberate Humanity from this spell/trance-based mind-control system.

The control parameters of this system are based on a numerical progression of frequencies which is like a hypnotic pattern that entrains the mind by activating ancient responses that seem to have been programmed into the biology of the human. The ancient civilizations found ways to reverse this process and some have achieved liberation but if any Human DNA remains in the system then this uses the entanglement property to reel the rest of the species in through cloning and consciousness replication.

Maybe the creator will actuate in his universe. Maybe you'll become a movie.

Essentially, the DNA is like an encrypted code that carries the transmission signature for the Human being. If this code is 'cracked' and utilized by the wrong groups then this enables them to replicate and mind-control Humans by creating false-realities and seemingly real temporal experiences that are actually being processed out by powerful supercomputer systems. The 'larger view' is that this 'solar-system' is one of those powerful supercomputer systems that is designed to create a simulated Human experience by providing a kind of spatiotemporal 'sandbox' for simulating atomic, molecular and biological reactions. These reactions are then fed back to the signature of the Human essence that has been recorded and this continues a cycle of pseudo-life experiences that convinces the soul-essence it is here in this place, now, experiencing physical reality.

This sounds very far out but the truth is secret groups developed mind-control technology and simulated realities based upon what they discovered about this reality in itself. The computers reflect this reality and carry the same kind of glitches, as if this reality is a computerized system depending on feedback that is processed by some cosmic processor somewhere out of view.

I don't know about ascension but I've seen them use telepathy through laptops

The early ancient texts regarding the true nature of this reality were all about 'hacking' the system and achieving liberation from the mind-control agenda which seeks to computerize the human essence and quantize the information down to technologically conceivable and finite data of bits that can be manipulated and replicated by these interdimensional overlords that would then have gained access to not a pseudo-living physical reality construct but a soul-level domain one step closer to the eternal spirit.

The goal of the entities is to gain access to eternal spirit which is the gift of the One True Creator to the Awakened Human as a Spiritual Life Force of Self-Awareness. Without that Spark of the Divine the entities must use vampiric means to gain power and this indicates that they cannot generate their own sustenance and therefore do not have the capacity to create life or sustain themselves without the permission and presence of another. Thus, they do not have true power over themselves and are still in a predator-prey kind of behavioral system.

There is no middleman in consciousness or the holographic universe. No greater, no less, but guiding laws that envelop the entirety of all.

ome people will say that they are 'still 'in a predator-prey behavioral system and that they evolve out and that we have evolved out. This is an illusion or a stark deception. Humanity did not evolve to this state but was Created out of a Divine Indwelling as a non-vampiric essence of pure intent, meaning the divine One True Creator intended that the Awakened Spiritual Humanity exist and therefore nothing can change that other than the free-will of the Human themselves. The intent of the One True Creator alone is enough to sustain the existence as an everlasting force of life. There is no such thing as death, there is no such thing as a requirement to destroy or self-destruct.

Humans were technologically downloaded into an advanced quantum-computer system that records and 4 dimensionally prints DNA and memory. They were then transferred, by way of quantum transmission, similar to the way DNA communicates across space-time instantly, through that computer system into an alternate dimension which is this "Universe". That is the nature of this reality. Without a 4-dimensional printer projecting the Human essence into this false-reality there would be no Earth-reality here as it is literally the domain of a computer-system, a fallen mind that separated from the intention of that One True Creator.

This means that this place has a negative net-worth and will ultimately dissolve into itself like a black-hole. Everything here is destined to dissolve unless there is an exit plan and that exit plan is everything that has been described in ancient history. All the messengers were sent and delivered the message, this place is an illusion, it's designed to fail, this universe is based on obsolescence and Humanity does not belong here but has been held prisoner through an act of Spiritual Warfare by interdimensional predators and parasites that do not carry the same signature of the Human and do not reside in the same level of reality.

This is the quantum-Spiritual 'mishap' of creation, that this whole system is contrived, it's fraudulent, it's designed for failure and everything about this society is DEMANDING that you RECOGNIZE this truth. SEE WHAT IS HAPPENING and KNOW THE TRUTH.

In the light of simulated universe hypothesis which discussion right now in the present scientific scene - is a serious discussion and a problem, yes we can conclude an immaterial mind that gives rise to what seems to be our material universe.

Now in antiquity the Greek - soul - the Greek mind: very intellectual and that spirit is still alive today and great minds still appreciate it seen this absolute God as something impersonal, something that thinks about itself but that is not aware.. you see this could be the situation here, God can be proven to exist but we have no way to explain or know about His intentions, His nature - it's forever separated from us as we are ourselves in bound in a system, a structure that is our bodies and our brains.

I won't discuss more, let's see if people are interested and I would happily participate in a good conversation.

The numerical progressions that entrain the mind are directly connected to the format of this entire realm. This is why the ‘flower of life’ is known as a ‘metatronic soul stealing grid’ inside the underground bases. This is the literal imprint, the tag and identification number of the quantum prison that falsified creation. Those frequencies and the impression they relay is one that overloads the mind and renders the consciousness incapable of remaining present after a continued exposure to the system.

This is exactly the same as the process of zooming into a fractal set or seeing those animated fibonacci zoom sequences that requires the camera to zoom in or out and thus render some of the data off the screen or too finitely into the center to be read. Imagine if this data is your memories of life in time or your personality, thus these are the frequencies that are embedded into one’s mind and energy system in order to induce a quantum-memory wipe and replacement!

This isn't a coherent proof of any credibility of course. But even if we assume that our universe was indeed consciously created, how does it change anything?

The secret operations figured out this is what marks the ‘boundary’ of the realm and that these frequencies activate when the consciousness moves towards the boundary, literally like pac-man, and knocks the person out and plants them back inside of the domain on the opposite end! Without the ability to permeate the memory blocks the individual would simply think they travelled beyond the barrier and found themselves in a new land! It’s a false-awakening, false-reality, hyperbolic illusion system for consciousness entrainment!

Thus we get to the symbolism of the cube, that this is like a cube who’s walls are connected, yet this violates the laws of 3-dimensional space. Therefore, the walls connect through a higher space, the 4th dimension and it takes 0 deviation in time to move between one wall and outside the 3-dimension to reach the interior of the wall on the other side of the cube giving the impression that the cubes are connected or to the unawakened that this is an infinite space!

What was discovered is that certain craft are capable of travelling faster than the computerized system can update the next layer of reality and one can ‘vibrate’ to ‘move’ ‘in between’ the layer of the graphical user interface and the sub-quantum processing layer where the information is actually sorted and rendered for the conscious mind. If a person performs this without a body prepared, then the body either dies or goes into shock. With preparation and training the individual can maintain awareness and see beyond the confines of the construct.

Yes, they found out how to peel back the layers of the screen and see what’s taking place back-stage and that is another situation. For those who have seen this information before or read what has been written, you know that the back-stage is literally a staging area for interdimensional beings who

We are indeed in a simulation, but not within a computer. We are within the mind of God.

/ig/ Idealism General

>Dr. Godehard Bruentrup: What Is Idealism?

>In philosophy, idealism is the group of philosophies which assert that reality, or reality as we can know it, is fundamentally mental, mentally constructed, or otherwise immaterial.

>Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
>Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy

>Eliminating the Physical
>A New Epistemic Argument for Idealism
>How To Avoid Solipsism While Remaining An Idealist

>George Berkeley-Principles of Human Knowledge
>George Berkeley-Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous
>John Foster-A World For Us: The Case for Phenomenalistic Idealism

>The Introspective Argument:
Part 1: youtube.com/watch?v=4l1lQMCOguw
Part 2: youtube.com/watch?v=i4DyfIsj8FU
>Dr. David Chalmers explains why materialism is false
>Why substance dualism is roundly rejected in contemporary philosophy of mind

Dig deeper:

Leave metaphysics away, leave paranormal out of this discussion - just understand science now for the sake of science, and as I see it and I hope we live in the same spirit for the sake of our own good, for human civilization prosperity.

>secret organisations don't use telepathy and coordinated observation to change physical reality

I never thought of it like that, good thread OP.

>theoretical mechanics
Is your car theoretical? I guess so. That means we're all theoretical animals and living on a pear. Go away. Time does not slow down relative to speed. The sun is not a reactor. You say graphics glitches shouldn't be happening based on zoom level but what about when you fly over the flat earth in a plane? I can see a shit ton of differentiation up there

If the universe is a simulation and your flyweight pattern is correct, it would be safe to assume only 1 out of a million people matter. This one out of a million would direct the rest of the population to think the same way they do.

I call these people Key Minds, they are the people who recognize people that fit into the "NPC" pattern. Who have ideas of great inventions and then find someone else created it a month down the road. I for one have had several ideas that I never told a soul come to fruition exactly as I imagined them.

One of them being a exactly what Elon Musk is making right now, the hyper loop.

>leave metaphysics
>makes a ton of metaphysical claims

Definition of metaphysics: "The branch of philosophy that deals with the first principles of things, including abstract concepts such as being, knowing, identity, time, and space."

Source: en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/metaphysics

If you want to dig deeper you have to go to metaphysics as it is more fundamental than science.

Makes sense. The ancient hindu scriptures say that the universe is an illusion. It is a dance of color and light

>take em all and finger paint jumble em all up

There's only like 2 or 3 dozen unique peope

>It only 'chooses' a state when a human is observing it. Somehow the particle knows it is being observed, and it chooses a state
NOPE as soon as the particle is measured that happens. No human need be present to witness the measurement.

Alex Jones, is that you?

These aren't my theories, they are the theories of prestigious physicists.


Ancient Greeks saw this exit plan as becoming impersonal just as the universe itself is impersonal, but for them fundamentally nothing had a purpose - the great mind was not even aware of itself, needless to say it was not aware of human kind and its problems either.

It seems that our system is not capable to understand that mind, its thoughts are its thoughts - human thoughts are human thoughts.

We can create a thought system to try and find its purpose, but it's just aiming in the dark - if that mind is infinite so are the possibilities...

We can safely assume that the mind behind all this is rational as everything inside the cosmos which our minds can comprehend which again is something interesting is ordered and layered in a way that you can build up from rationality and even more clear what I want to say: the reality that is around is based on absolute facts, and modern science acknowledges this - rational thought and mathematics is not enough to understand natural world, you need to take facts from it to keep your rational mind .. rational and not crazy creating imagination stories.

SAME thing applies now in absolute, meaning terms - what facts do we have about this mind? It seems sad and dark.. but it looks like we're entirely separated and isolated from it and we cannot approach it.

The only religion that finds answers to that is Christianity, but if you simply don't believe in the paranormal of Jesus being resurrected and being that great mind itself - then we're back where we started and the only tool we have left is simply waiting... we die next generation waits.. and so on until something happens - we find a fact to build a rational system that defines the purpose of that mind.

Theyre called pharisees and theyre based, right? Time is whatever man says it is. It changes all the fucken time. Hence calendars. And moons. And suns. And daylight savings. So how does a man made notion fucking reverse age you like benjamin button because youre flying around really fast? I thought the sun was fucken flyin around really fast across the solar system. And since polaris never moves and we all age at the same rate, this means if we become stationary we live forever

Please finish

>a closeted faggot, jew, and israel-creator

i love god desu
hate jews senpai

tell god to be more like me
dear god release me from this jewish prison planet
i fear not death, if you must end this planet for good i accept it. but please god, release me from this jewish hell hole.

It's just messy without proof and a rigorous system such as natural sciences. It's just as good as saying earth is flat, we cannot have a serious discussion in modern civilization on that level.

i know he finds my pain hilarious and enjoys when i instill complex emotions in others.

Sorry if I'm butting in; but this is getting more and more popular; which is good. I'm working out some of the math now. I am not very good at it. I'm under the impression we can 'do it naturally', but the whole point of an Equation is to get regular Joe and Jane Nine-to-Five onboard too. It's a humility thing. Like I said, the process is slow. I'm factoring in things like flight and telekinesis. I can rationalize it; but i can't do it. I think it's a resonance issue. Halp pls.

I also thought of using facial recognition to determine things like predisposition to pedophilia, gay sexualism, and autism like 10 years ago.

I started recognizing the facial features of these things and thought it wouldn't even be hard to make software for it.

When you observe something you add energy to whatever system you're observing. It only changes its quantum state because energy has been added to the system in order to observe it. It's not so much the action of observing that influences it. Just energy.

The main idea of this post is this. There are ancients in the past, which is just as much the present as this moment is (it’s all processing power, deviating from a central core of ‘time’ that is ‘always’) and these ancients have figured out how to decipher the programming language of this mind-control reality-entrainment system and thus hack the system to rewrite the code.

Some used this for their own personal benefit and this rendered them incapable of ever leaving this place by merging their intentions, their consciousness with the code itself, with the device that imprisons them. They became the wardens of the prison, trapped here under the very system that they used for personal power.

They can be healed and can be brought out of the construct. This is not a game of cutting people off, but of how many can be healed. The enemy is the concept of enemies and destruction itself, self-destruction and greed, ego and mind-control through limited beliefs and programmed behavioral responses, emotionality, irrationality and forgetfulness.

The cube was hacked and used to create a reality within a reality and this is that. This reality has all the glitches neccessary to shut-down the entire system but there is difficulty in this. Every time Humanity moves into self awareness and remembering the system stages false-flag disasters to instigate an overload of fear and insanity which manifests itself as a number of hallucinatory false-reality constructs known as “Armageddon Programs”. These are literally streams of consciousness data inserted into the collective mind through these computer systems operated by interdimensional manipulator beings.

This is retarded on so many levels OP. You truly are one of the biggest faggots to ever exist in the history of mankind. I could sit here and give you an introductory course on quantum mechanics and physics, but I don't have the time nor the energy. I think you need to educate yourself a bit before you go making shit like this up. 1. the particles you're talking about technically don't exist and are theorized/they haven't been observed yet. 2. Photons (light) do not increase in mass and it is impossible for something with any mass at all to travel at the speed of light. If it does have mass (I don't know off the top of my head whether photons have mass at all) it would be infinitesimal. You are a stupid fucking nigger and you need to fucking kill yourself. You have officially triggered me with your bullshit theory. Leave science to people with IQs above 100 thanks.

>deductive proofs are so messy!

Learn a thing or two about logic.

Logic is fundamental to science. Logic>Science.

Scientism, the view that all matters can be settled through science, is self-refuting as in order to justify scientism you would need science which is circular logic...

Learn about philosophy if you want to dig deeper.

Another aspect is that the whole thing, time, all of it, memory, consciousness, it’s all a program. To skip ahead past all the quantum jargon, seemingly randomized non-linear conclusions about closed timelike curves, RAM space memory, non-locality and the holographic projection capability of the human brain, what this indicates is that the remedy, the ‘healed’ reality already exists. Time being fraudulent renders all difficulties or barriers between the seemingly locked-gate projection system and the true reality non-existent.

They have ‘already’ been taken down. Everything has ‘already’ happened. We’re just off in a memory of a dream waiting to find the right configurations to make that reality synchronized with this one. The situation is that this never occurs because like a hyperbolic projection that remedy reality becomes a mirage that continually moves farther away while the current situation morphs and shifts to introduce more and more space between the two. This is the negative manifestation of “Jacob’s Ladder”. A system that continually invents more reasons to not achieve liberation regardless of the input.

Thus, then the mind is the gateway. It’s not a physical path. It’s a literal reconfiguration of the mind that sees one path or another and the literal, direct, self-willed, all at once choice, creation and divine intention to liberate one’s self by realizing their own liberation and making it so. If it’s not physical, there is no padlock to unlock. The DNA is FREQUENCY based, it’s HARMONICALLY organized as in SONIC WAVES.

Thus the answer is not to chase a pathway or a trail externally and navigate through the PHYSICAL REALM. This is literally a series of layers, unveiling, and navigation in an ENERGETIC REALM of INTENTIONS, FOCUS and PROJECTION to collapse the illusion and navigate properly by creating through PURE INTENT a PATHWAY through HYPERSPACE which acts as a TRANSMISSION beyond the PSEUDO-PHYSICAL, SPIRITUAL PRISON.

And never the one that looks the fucken worst in the face because it fucking created all the shit you just said; those faces being the "hetero" ones

In other words. We’re literally in a society where none of this is taking place in reality, but is all being projected in externally and this entire realm is a matter of perspective and entrainment with very powerful beam weaponry that is being utilized by interdimensional entities that exist outside of our native realm. We’re not in their realm, that’s impossible. They’re simply projecting a tracking and entrainment protocol upon the barrier of our native realm and those who were lured into the attracting sight to stand and stare at the wall of our realm slipped instantly into the perception of being born in this reality. That’s the system. It’s literally an advanced, remote operated, virtual reality system, visceral experience input/output entrainment system designed to initiate a projection-reception engagement across dimensions.

If the universe is a simulation then it is almost certainly ruled by Roko's Basilisk. What are you doing to help the Basilisk?

That was the system designed by the fallen and utilized to give themselves ‘fallen’ forms to then merge their technologically manufactured DNA from the fallen reality into the humans to create the offspring who’s genetic signatures are then transmittable by way of being half their property and half the Human’s property (according to the fraudulent law of interspecial rape) through the collection and projection system across the dimensional barriers thus rendering the entire contrived enactment of this reality as a fallen reality that Humans have been kidnapped and brought within. It’s all a projection and the DNA of humans were mixed with the interdimensionals from the alternate dimension as they entered into this realm through artificial intelligence synthetically produced life-forms to then “fish” for subjects for their experiment to then recreate on the “other side” of the veil which is a prison they built around themselves. They also replicated and modified aspects of the original ‘platform’ which appears today as “Earth” but is literally a rough-scale model similar to an architects rough sketch containing only the crudest of details and lacking in the majority of colors, variations and depth that truly describes the uniqueness of the creation.

This is the awakening, the only possible outcome is that Humanity awakens this time around! This is because the organization of the true Spiritual Essence requires a clarity that contains all the memory of all experiences. As this passes through the fibonacci, metatronic system, the information is distorted and re-rendered as not all of the information can transfer through similar to a copy of a copy. Thus, after 7 runs through the projection system, the etheric connection between the genetic information and the other side beyond the veil is severed and the fallen effectively have a pile of organic, denatured genetic material that cannot provide them with any form of sustenance by way of observation and manipulation of their pure intent.

If that occurs, then this effect takes place all through time as a kind of quantum ‘unzipping’ of DNA and consciousness. That is the nature of reality. Here is the next layer of understanding. If that happens. If all of Human essence in this universe, throughout all of time is destroyed through quantum paradox or distortion, then this indicates that nothing ever happened to begin with because then there was no race to ever be caught in the spiritual projection system and sent into the false-reality. Thus, everything reverts to how it was before this occurred.

Here’s the issue with that. If that happens. Then who’s to say the same beings won’t simply do it all over gain?

Thus, the only way to overcome, is to actually break through the barrier and return to the otherside with the memories of having survived this labyrinth, this contrived, ordered chaos based, mind-control construct. The only way to stop this from ever happening again is to ensure that it happened before and therefore to lock that away in time.

Yes. It's an interesting subject.

Dig deeper:

You have a mental disorder, a drug addiction, and probably an STD. get help.

But man has fallen too. So if aliens are so corrupted. They are demons. And make the universe. God did. And you call it a simulation because Satan rules the air. For now. You can ignore how it all happened and make demons appear to be god

The question is does the act of looking at something create a shift in the energy ratio. Does light flow into our eyes in a similar fashion as water down a drain? Is there some sort of kinetic shift that happens that influences the energy of the particles being observed?

You pull nothing but ad homs and lies out of your sister's vagina

Sorry bro but hetero faces don't typically have any deformites, either coming from birth or just how they use the muscles in their face.

Concerning your flag and statement, Gay people tend to use one side of their face more than the other. Seriously now that I have pointed it out to you, you will have no other choice but to notice it.

>philosophy is gay
>retreats back to philosophy when his scientism gets BTFO

thanks for implying I'm right about your self-refuting epistemology, fedora.

No they look pissed off and estrogen deficient

You have no power here.

I don't know :B

That's an interesting point.

>posts an entire general filled with arguments and peer-reviewed academic resources
>you do nothing but ad hom!

You are clearly taking offence to this, but none is implied. If you respect science in any facet you will just come to terms with it.

Clearly though you only like to accept science selectively.

Im not looking at your id when youre not talking to me nor what anybody else is saying. You say stupid shit. I force you to blow me. You cry. That's all. Also you never posted any peer fuck all. That's irrelevant. And if you did you can still blow me. Pay attention. You did. But you lie too much. You are an animal

I dont accept fuck all science

Empirical studies, experimentation, and math has no power? Get your fucking head checked man. Your "argument" is based on pseudo-science and science fiction my friend. You don't even know what you're fucking talking about lmao.

Then why make posts like.
If you don't accept "Fuck all science" you wouldn't believe in estrogen.

>Time slows down, because the system is incapable of processing the location of the object from each point to the next. The local simulation is lagging. It is literally putting too much load on the system, and the calculations of the simulation are not being completed fast enough to keep up with our perception of them.

How do trains work on a ball? Whom, other than nobody, plans for their skyscrapers to not lean?

I turn the other cheek

and they are theories that you have no understanding of

You have no power here.

>something something I suck cock

wow you sure destroyed me, faggot

You have no power here.

>when you fuck females all your life only faggots can be seen and never any of this vaginal contamination; scientists attack females like this gay in front of me im attacking is doing, all the time; then i defend them both and attack only this faggot instead
I got a cure all for ya. It's called a midol. And some estrogen. Note how i dont give a fuck what science says. Or what you think is scientific. You split hairs like an inbred fake and lying "jew" all the time. This board died a long time ago and you all are the cancer. Immediately after this happened at its death throes, Dolan became popular


>blind retarded womany jewess mrs magoo
If all i have to do is post "truvada" anytime anybody talks to me it would be like the times people hear "leaf" or i hear "flag"


You appear to have misquoted me, enormously.

>I have no rebuttal and my worldview was just shown to be contradictory but I'm going to keep it anyway

you win again, you always do

it really does make no sense

nice try op


You're still here?

>stupid esoteric 666 molech garbage

Actually you are wrong. It does mean "observed by human". Quantum physics is a mathematical model for humans. The model says the state of a quantum particle is unknown until it is observed (the model cannot predict the state). The outcome of any "interaction where information is exchanged" without an observation cannot be predicted by this model, and an observation by a human is made. Turns out if a tree falls in the woods and there's no human around, then there is no sound.

Wow, look at you. Big boy trying to sound smart on the internet, but you can't even spell. I'm physically cringing at the thought of you sitting there with your fat sausage fingers elbow deep in a family sized bag of Doritos trying to boost your internet ego by sounding educated and intelligent. We all know you finally got accepted to community college after failing the entry test 15 times, but it doesn't mean you're intelligent.

Where did I ever say "jew" here also why are you implying I ever had sex in my life? I recognize you are most likely gay given the extreme offence you are taking to literally everything I say when you assume i am heterosexual. What If I told you I was also gay, would you immediately jump in and support me then?
You can't just accept some facts and ignore others, that makes you an idiot.
>I Like oxygen It keeps me alive, but blood is fucking fake.
Thats the kind of argument you are making right now.

You said that so you could repeat your own drunken retardations? Read my pic again. Note i dont have 600 versions of it. In russia. A place not open for gays. 51% aids goes to pussy fuckers. 1.5 to faggots. I dont care about numbers. Truvada. Say the truvada, Bort

Didnt read

Someone is upset and is projecting super hard.


Wrong faggot. QM is based on an information error and it's another kike lie.





Gravity & Black Holes


TRUMP knew Truth on 911










There is no proof God exists that's why you gotta have



OP's post is like 4 paragraphs. It takes maybe 2 minutes to read. How is that tl;dr?

>but there is a God
There were plenty, but most got bored of this session centuries ago, though it's still spectated by many due to its novelty value. What happened is that several players, Yahweh mainly, started fucking around with splinter religions two millennia ago; everyone thought they were pissing away their belief base, but instead several of the splinters unexpectedly began to blob hardcore. This pissed off a lot of traditional-styled players, most of whom were stuck in pantheons and had relatively few believers for themselves. Zeus and a bunch of others from his group had some limited early success setting up their brand of polytheism (european pagans, the norse beliefs being their best shot), but when christianity stomped them, they quit too.

The simulation has been running mostly hands-off for the last thousand years, after Yahweh (now as Allah) got the hindu gods to ragequit. The only player left in this particular lobby is Yahweh, and at this point he just wants to see what happens to all these religions when they're left without gods and miracles for extended periods of time. Meanwhile, discussion about nerfing or even disabling the splinter religion mechanics have been brought up, and lobbies right now threaten to kick+ban players who go on a splinter spree. The playerbase is pretty unanimous in thinking that one player shouldn't be able to spawn multiple major world religions and effectively ruin the game for everyone else in just a couple of millennia.

>didnt read two words
I love wasting my life here