Give me one bit of evidence for gods existence thiestfags, just one bit. Oh you can't?

Give me one bit of evidence for gods existence thiestfags, just one bit. Oh you can't?

You can make an infinite amount of claims that don't require evidence, and I'm supposed to believe yours?

Is it fear? Insecurity? Failure to admit you've been wrong your whole life? Or are you just plain stupid? I legitimately don't understand.

Other urls found in this thread:

Religion is a way to keep order and instill morals and values into the masses.

Not everyone can be scientists, but the idiots that can't are better off fearing/loving a God that tells them to behave like actual respectable people. Just look at the world now with its declining number of theists.


You don't need religion for that. And why does it have to based on the premise of a god that their is no evidence for? Literally the core of the doctrine is a lie, and this is somehow beneficial for society?

Copelston wrecked Russel in debate
this is also the subject of the new E. Michael Jones video. Atheism is not rational, and not based on logic.

Give me evidence of an all powerful god. Just one bit. Surely if you can make the grandest possible claim (literally) you can give ONE piece of evidence for it.

Idiots thinking they'll suffer an eternity of hell or being punished in some way for committing sin works well when you don't want them doing sonething. It's worked pretty well for hundreds of years up until the end of civilizations where the people tend to not practice the religion or respect the law/land.

Laws can't dictate personal matters and decisions like pre-marital sex or adultery, and nobody fears the government the way religious people can fear a God.

The meme that religion stunts the growth of technology and understanding of the world is proven false under any amount of research. The middle ages were actually full of scientific discovery, and most of the world's greatest advancements were made by men of faith.

As far as I can tell you agree with me that there is no god. The rest of what you're saying is about how religion benefits society, which is different issue and far more complex.

And why are you so vehemently set on challenging others on their beliefs? Are you just trying to prove that you're smarter than them?

>what is faith
piss off OP

are all NZers like this asshole or is it just the same guy constantly posting?

There might be no gods, but there are certainly higher powers. There is no derivation for the universe. But if there was, then said origin must be derived to a common point as well. Matter of fact is, there are some things that will simply contradict everything we've thought to have known so far.

Are my FEELS not enough proof for you? Wow, how close-minded can you be taht you won't accept that my feelings dictate reality.

Because it is illogical, in fact it's actually retarded. It like me saying there's a Giant invisible purple Butterly from Mars and speaks French approximately 500 meters above you right now. I have absolutely no proof for this, but I believe it so don't criticize me. But at least that belief of mine is harmless. Which cannot be said for many who believe in god. It's not about smarts at all, I just think my conclusion is fairly obvious and I wonder why so many people have an inability to come to it.

look inside you. every man, woman and child has a sense of right and wrong, justice, fairness and right. This is one of the strongest pieces of evidence for the existence of god.

>that quote
Apex fedora

I have my father's 1943 Boston College year book ; Sub Turri . In it the editor wrote a class history recalling their experiences in the forward. He refers to the "squalid minded" Bertand Russell . I think we all know where he is now.

I am capable of all those things and I don't believe in god.

I enjoy believing in different things, stop me faggot.

It's just the same guy.

Then you are not intelligent enough to understand this underlying hidden meaning within religion and the evolutionary and psychological benefits or religion and superstitions.

Read books. I suggest "The 7 Laws of Magical Thinking: How Irrational Beliefs Keeps Us Happy, Healthy and Sane.

So you're just trying to assert your perceived superior intelligence on others. Gotcha. Better men than you who've contributed more to the world have believed in Gods, so what exactly have you done other than shitpost all day?

I'm sloppy when I type. There are a few typos.

So what's your point exactly?

Some religious stories benefit the mind and society, okay I get it. How does that prove god exists?


>Give me one bit of evidence for gods existence thiestfags, just one bit. Oh you can't?

It's not about me. I'm not that smart or great. I simply want to know why people believe in the existence of god when there is no evidence.

lel. you've chosen to hate god but he hasn't given up on you

You cannot disprove or prove God. Mainly because God is not a physical being. Do you know what faith is? Everyone has faith in someone. Belief in a thing with no proof.

There is no proof nor will there ever be. You don't see God but you see him in everything he has created. I was Atheist for a long time because muh science. I eventually came back to Catholicism after had thinking about religion and talking to theologians over years.

I feel much happier I do now then I did then. Furthermore I'd like to state science and religion are not opposite and can, as well do, exist in harmony together.


But you cannot disprove an infinite amount of claims. Faith is the opposite of reason. I am not opposed to there being a god but you cannot expect me to believe in one without one shred of evidence.

Work it out for yourself i was once like you had nothing to do with religion. Then someone very close to me my grandfather said god was real and gave me a bible then explained how he had just converted at 85 to christian after going to 2day service with his new flatmate a retired pastor. I wouldnt expect you or any one to believe me nor do i care. Ive told countless door knockers where to go just like you. Now the first question is which group is right youve got catholics, protestant, mormons,jehovas witnesses, 7th day adventists its a cluster fuck of liars. You need to read the bible kjv and try and find out for yourself whats going whos a liar, and how to find god. If you get it wrong you now have to try budhism,islam,hindi gods, satanism. If your seeking proof of god seek it on the spiritual plane.

I'm not saying I understand the universe, I don't. I personally believe the universe and the world we live in infinitely more complex an mysterious than anyone can contemplate. But to make the biggest claim you can possibly make (that an all powerful god exists) and not have a shred of evidence for it, is well ..stupid.

Well it's been fun thanks guys. Still my position hasn't changed. Live long and prosper.

There is some reason to have faith. You have to reason in something in order to have belief.

I've I have faith, for example, my friend will do well on a test but I have not heard from him how he is doing in the class or seen him study but he is a straight A student. I will believe he will get an A. Using reason of course.

Proof or not, it boils down to ones self. This topic is over complicated in my own eyes.

Either you believe in God without proof or you don't believe in God without proof (Scientific discoveries do not count as proof.)

Science explains how, religion explains why.

I would if I could. I could sit here for hours talking about this to you. I can't however tell you evidence. I could share my personal proof of God on why I believe however.


I will also add you need to find a true church of christ these arent mainstream churches. You will go to this churchs services and prayer groups if you can find one. The poeple will pray in tounges its like the holyspirit is in them. You ask these poeple how to get the holyspirit and do whatever it takes. What it takes is repentance of sins. Prayer and faith im not sure on what level this is measured. But praying in the spirit is done through fasting and prayer. Alot like all the other religions have fasting days its a denial of your physical body. You want proof that God is real its proven in the spirit.

I'm not quite sure what the picture is supposed to mean.

On a sort of unrelated note. I believe your hearts in the right place, which is far more important.

-Impossibility of infinite past time. Confirmed by observation that the universe, including spacetime itself, began at a certain point in the past.
-2nd Law of Thermodynamics. If the universe were past infinite we would already be in a low entropy state.
-Anthropic coincidences
-Objective morality not possible without a creator

Far more important than believing in a deity. Hopefully that is not a jab at my intellect.

Thank you. I like to think rationally while maintaining a positive view and sympathetic way of life. I'm 18 now but I spent 22 months in therapeutic residential treatment. That is where I found God, learned to be a man and learned to be who I am now.

I used to be degenerate. It was treatment center for youth who engage in sexual misconduct. I was almost a registered sex offender at 15 for some stupid mistake because I was into flashing.

I've had a rough time majority of my life. Believing in God has helped me through a lot. My social anxiety disorder, depression, bipolar and violent behaviors have got a lot better since I did.

>god isn't real because there's no evidence
>b-but you can't believe god is real because there's no lack of evidence
Fuck I hate atheists

It's not, I do disagree with you, but still respect you.

read his first post.

That's good. There is plenty of scientific and logical evidence as well. Check out the above channel.

>one bit of evidence
The Universe

lel you're a retard basing your belief in some magical being off confirmation bias. A human's morality is due to social conditioning and nothing more.

I think God initiated the Big Bang. However I do believe energy forms and reproduces itself into being more efficient. God planned that to happen but I do not think he designed everything. Humans yes, Mosquitoes, No.

Riddle me this atheists
We discover new forms of life on Earth all the time, even ones older than our own species
Does this mean that up until our discovery of them, they literally did not exist, or were we just ignorant to their existence?

We were ignorant to their existence. Stop making us look retarded.

Ok. So what you're saying is god created the universe? Then I pose to you. Who created god? You would say, he's always existed. Well then isn't that one step further from simply saying that the universe has always existed? Why the need for God?

The amount of retardation in this post is astounding

so how do you think the universe was created?
either there was an explosion that came out of nowhere, or something created the universe (possibly through said explosion). the whole "who created god" meme is just a lazy cop out. if you personally don't think that anything can come from nothing then how is the universe here. theists believe in a creator that was always here.

Just thinking about this.

The argument of "who created God" is not applicable. If something were to created a God, lets name it GodZ, then obviously GodX would have made GodZ. But it's not logical. If GodZ was made by GodX then who created GodX? An infinite number of Gods before GodX and GodZ.

And when doing so it is a logical paradox hence rendering it false and not an applicable statement.

The Big Bang theory is widely none. Before it went off the entire Universe was smaller than an atom and infinitely tiny and infinitely dense. There was no space-time dimension either. It was 3 dimensional, according to M-Theory 11 dimensions minus the 4th thus 10 dimensions.

known*. I type relatively fast and make a lot of errors.

Then in the same regard, when we are ignorant to the existence of things that have been on our own planet for hundreds, thousands, even millions of years in some cases, how could we possibly say with 100% certainty that there is nothing greater than ourselves beyond the realm of our own universe, or even our own dimension?
We don't even know about our own world and yet we have the audacity to claim to know what's beyond our own realm? Is that not the very definition of arrogance?

Honestly I don't know. But the thiest argument requires one step further in logical reasoning than the athiestic one.

Believing a god created the universe is just as much of a cop out. Everything is simply speculation and arguing over it is a moot point. Regardless the only true fact is that it is currently beyond human comprehension.

Great point, you've won me over with that scholarly piece of logical thinking you atheists are so renowned for

We can see and comprehend our own planet. We cannot comprehend nor see what is not physical and does not reside inside our Universe.

It can't be this hard to explain why we cannot prove or see God.

Right but that is the thiestic argument for the existence of the universe. The athiestic one doesn't have that paradox, it simply is.

The big bang theory comes from the hindi indian religion. Why do you think they have that shiva statue at the Hadron collidor. Atheisist or whatever are like i believe in science i believe the big bang. Um no you dumb cunt your following hindi religon.

they're using your logic and instead of realizing that, you immediately jump to "well who created god." their beliefs are that something created this universe, because without that then there's no reason that something as massive as the universe should just appear out of nothing. you however, think that there couldn't have been a creator, and that you can't create something from nothing. they're pointing out your flawed logic and you're trying to use your own faulty logic to try and disprove them.

Regardless you have to take into account different variable when you want to acknowledge the idea of proof for God.

1) God is not physical
2) God will not take a physical form until the second coming of Christ.

Knowing so, evidence for God is different than evidence for what we see. You cannot photograph God but you can what we see.

You need different proof for God than anything else.

I was stating what Atheists say to try and debunk the existence of God when they say "who created God?"

Give us proof that your religion called "science" is the right one, queerboy.

Correct, and that being said, we cannot entirely rule out the idea either because the truth of the matter is that nobody knows for sure, otherwise this whole debate would have been put to bed long ago. Some believe, some don't. The only view that makes any real sense either way is agnosticism. We can't accept or reject the existence of that which we don't know exists.

Because If it is 100% there is a God logically it can be the only God. When Atheists state that they cannot say it without themselves citing a logical paradox.


But you can believe in something that is not proven.

Well okay. I don't think my logic is flawed, I think yours is.

You don't need the verified proof of God in order to act religious. People can be religious because they choose to act accordingly to a certain way.

Vegans, environmentalists, communists all act in a certain way because they choose so. Christians act like Christians because they believe that acting as a Christian will bring the most good to the world.

This is exactly the same logic as an atheistic edgelord will say when they say: I act as a secular humanist based on reason and science.

The critical difference between God and all the fake religions is that God is defined as the highest possible set of virtues. And these are ironically all the virtues that secular humanism tends to shove in everyone's face.

No we pointed out their logic which is just as faulty. Who created god then? Saying he always existed is just as bull-shit.

>be Bertrand Russell
>get eternally btfo by Gödel


Because it's actually grounded in observable evidence unlike some magical being

think it all you want, it won't make you right. do you believe that something can be made from nothing? do you believe that the universe has always been here? well then how did the universe get here?
theists believe that there's an all powerful creator which operates outside of our understanding, and that's the thing which created the universe and us.

Is it fear? Insecurity? Failure to admit you've been wrong your whole life? Or are you just plain stupid?

Thanks for the autobiography. Did you just discover some edgy circa 2008 atheism material or something?

And athiests believe that the Universe not god has those characteristics. My argument is that your argument requires one step further in reasoning than mine, which I think refutes your position. I don't know what I believe really, I'm just trying to be as logical as possible in my assessment.

>if there is no God then your existence and suffering is pointless and everything you do is meaningless.

If the universe was created outside of our understanding than why must it therefore have to be a god that created it? You're logic is just as flawed faggot

if you were rational you'd be agnostic
just sayin

I'm just being provocative so people bring out their best arguments.

You may as well not believe in water, user.

God exists because muh Mohammed said so

>all poweful god
>all powerful
Already you're going into this with preconceived notions and ideas of how God should be and if it isn't exactly as you imagined it, you won't consider that as proof.

I said all powerful because I don't think anything that isn't all powerful can be considered a 'God'.

Tip harder faggot
I'm an atheist and I can't stand this kind of shit. So someone believes something you don't. So fucking what? It's not a big fucking deal anymore.
Get it through your head. The atheism movement is over. We won already. Now criticize Islam, the other religion that needs to fuck off, or just shut the fuck up.

God I'm staring to fall off here. I have to stop.

Theism is kind of like believing in Santa Claus. It's wrong, but unless your crazy ass books an expedition to the North Pole, it's pretty harmless as lies go.

Irreligiosity is like not believing in Christmas. Like Ebenezer Scrooge, it turns you into an asshole.

Don't be an asshole. You can abandon theism if you want, but don't forsake religion.

>is attributing characteristics and abilities to this 'God'
>is deciding what can and can't quality as 'God'

There is no real, hard evidence one way or the other; evangelicals and atheists are both retarded. I CHOOSE to believe in a higher power because that makes sense to me. That's it. A choice. It's the same way how I choose to believe everything that happens is a lesson instead of a coincidence.

Does there have to be a meaning? There isn't. Make your own.

hey retard, theists believe in a creator that operates outside of human understanding. that's why "hur dur, who created god" is a retarded question. they already believe that god is an eternal creator that OPERATES OUTSIDE OF HUMAN UNDERSTANDING, your argument amounts to "well why can't i comprehend him?"

so you do believe that something can be created from nothing? if not, then you shouldn't believe that the universe was created, but scientists have an estimate for the age of this place. science also says you can't just make something from nothing. so that itself doesn't make any sense because here we are. the only real difference between you and the theists is that they believe in a creator and you believe that it was all random. the "all powerful creator" theory claims that there's some force that acts outside of human understanding which must have been responsible for the creation of the universe.

proof means no faith. no faith means belief without a pure heart. thats how it works

Looks like Trump could use some religion so he wouldn't be such a flip-flopping lying cuck.

Quantum physics. Try and explain this with JUST science.