DNA Analysys and being White

If someone offered a free DNA test to prove you're white, would you take it?


if you can't face truths, no, if you can, hell yeah

Already done it. Was curious about how much of what I knew from my family tree was accurate. Dad always said we were Germans, turns out it's bullshit. The family tree goes back to about 1640, and our family is predominantly Scottish.

Regardless, I'm 48% Scottish, roughly the same amount from Northern Europe and Brittan, and like 6% Scandinavian. I'm white as fuck.

in which, id say hell yeah.

Aren't you afraid discovering that you're not in fact white?

I can trace my family back pretty far like any real white man can.

The question here is not the data itself, but its integrity.

A sensor can record for months anything, but if a bird makes a nest over said sensor, the data will be worthless.

No because the concept of racial purity is absurd. The origin of man is not pure. Also Europeans and Asians have Neanderthal DNA so how does that tie in with this concept?


Can you think of a legitimate bad reason not to take the test?

Identity loss.

I can think of plenty. Am I the only one scared here? My eyes are green, but still...

So is a DNA test not accurate in proving whiteness? I don't really follow what you're trying to say.

government trying to steal my DNA for their database!

Is there some doubt in your mind about your whiteness already?

What I'm saying is that no matter what your gramps told you if they hide the fact that your great-great-uncle fucked a slave a few centuries ago.

I feel sketchy about the idea of send a corporation a copy of my DNA.

I don't know what nefarious things it could be used for, but I just don't like it. Sucks though because I want to know.

Solution: Stop being obsessed with race and just accept that humans are the result of hundreds of years of breeding out and in and all over again.

You lose nothing and gain nothing. You already are who you are and nothing is going to change by doing a DNA test.

If my uncle fucked a slave I could still be white. I'm convinced you aren't white just by talking to you.

Sure, as long as it's accurate and the needle wasn't pozzed.

I unironically think these dna tests are the tribe looking for modern jesus to wipe out his bloodline before he can fulfill his destiny.

>Rwanda wants to know

The sensible thing to do.

I'm not American, nor a white supremacist. But what do you think about an NGO that finances DNA test for white supremacist to make them swallow the toughest pill of all? The fact that an overwhelming majority of them aren't white.

I mean someone in your direct bloodline. That would surely disqualify you as "white".

I don't think it'll work like you think. America is known for mongrels but most of them are white mongrels. Or if they have a distant black ancestor it's been bred out over years and years and thus is a moot point. White supremacists don't really argue for purity as much as just looking white for the most part anyways.

having your DNA on file in the age where personalized biological weapons are a thing

So they are just white LARPers, not actually white. What's the point then?

Not an argument. I don't think it counts as LARPing if you look like a white person 100% and have white culture and values.

Furthermore you're really trying to boil it down to a simple issue of purity which it's never been about that.

What if you look 50% white and have white culture and values?

Sorry about that. I haven't investigated white supremacy views before.

Didn't have to wait for someone to offer to pay for it.

If you don't look like a genuine white person I'd think it would be hard to blend in with white supremacists. I'm not one myself more of just a proud white person.

>Implying there are no white people in rwanda
Thought an EU flag would know more about the world. You're worse than a burger

Even if you weren't "100% European" does that imply you aren't white? If you are 99% awake does that mean you are asleep? I'd be suspicious of anyone offering these tests to supremacists because there is some preliminary bias and I'd find it hard to believe they'd wager being wrong and strengthen someones racist beliefs.

What would me being half non-white have to do with the fact that non-whites are more brutal and violent than whites? or any other facts about them?

He does bring up a good point about how white is white though. I've always wondered how much % white DNA it took to become dominant

White pride implies you think white race is superior, and thus you're a white supremacist. Rebranding is not the issue here.

Sorry for assuming someone posting from an African country was black. Next time I see an Argentinian flag I'll assume the poster is white.


If you can't afford the $199 (or whatever the going rate is) you are not white.

What does my character have to do with the truth?

>distant back ancestor
one drop rule

I didn't know it was that cheap.

>Poor white people don't exist.
What did he mean by this?

I think I'm missing your point here. Could you please rephrase it?

So your one drop of neanderthal blood is conveniently ignored?

Being proud of being white has nothing to do with supremacy. That belief is in itself racist.

Posting in a thread asking about proving whiteness via DNA testing should have been a pretty big hint, mate.

So minority groups who are proud are also supremacists

He showed where his bias lies

Why does it matter that I am not white when telling the truth?

It's only supremacy if it's true.
Otherwise it's dreamers...i mean dreams...

There is a difference between not being ashamed of your race and being proud of a genetic lottery. Nobody should be ashamed of his race, because it was random. Likewise, being proud of your race means that:

1. You somehow take pride on a random event.
2. You believe your race is better than others.

Doesn't the point 2 imply racism?

There are many different black races. Living in Rwande you are surely aware of one of the reasons triggering wars in the continent.

No, if I ever needed to test my DNA I'd pay for it, because I'm no jew.

...sub Saharan African...

I just wish I had bought a 23&me before they started falsifying the ancestry results for the sake of tolerance and diversity. Now I'll never know.

I bought one, we all need our facts straight.

So by that very same logic I 'won' the genetic lottery by being white? How is what you're saying not racist in and of itself?


I never implied that. I said it's random. You will believe you've won if you're happy about your race, which doesn't surprise me given the racial problems in the us. In that sense, whites are the master race, due to our position.

>The truth hurts, and pain is offensive.

what site did you use?

I've already paid

I don't understand why you think all white people in the US are racists for being proud of who they are. In Europe I know it's different but I thought you would understand that as a resident of a place full of white history and culture

Where is the logic on taking pride on a random event that wasn't of your doing to start with? I don't understand.

And it directly follows that if you're proud of being white you would be "not proud" of being "non white". White pride implies non white shame. Isn't that racism?

Huh? They aren't mutually exclusive. I can be happy for black people who love themselves and their people.

most of those sites collect the data

it could be used against you and your family in the future, regardless of the results. stuff like disease etc. be careful.

1) if this was a thread about the hutu or tutsi you'd have a about, but this is a thread about white people. It was stated as such in the OP.

2) east African DNA markers would not differentiate between all the different tribes in east Africa, so it would be a moot point anyways. Africa is the most genetically diverse place on the planet - narrowing DNA markers to a regional basis would be useless here. These people are racist as fuck.

If you were black, would you be proud?

Yeah, same as if I was any other race

Sorry I hurt your feelings.

Then what is the point?

You throw a dice and celebrate any result? If so, all results are equal to you.

.... and give the jews my dna? are you stupid?

Rest assured. Your genetic code is worthless. Sleep tight.

Why care what kind of house you have? Why care what kind of job you have? Why care what kind of family you have? Why care about anything?

You don't have any control over your race. That's a false dichotomy. Stop beating around the bush and answer.

>lol do you REALLY FINK anyone cares about U????

Good goy, let's get the microchips and the in-home CCTV already. Faggot.

Please explain how the DNA of an average Sup Forumstard would be of any use to anyone.

Of course I find stupid to give oneself's DNA to the government, but it's not like they would care about that fag's specific code.

Many people can't control a lot of things that they're still affected by, I don't understand your train of thought here.

You can't be proud about randomness.

there is nothing random about one's ethnicity. you're not some fucking eternal brain waiting to be plopped into a body.

You didn't pick your ethnicity.

I dont need it. Mom and dad did it and I am 100% northern european.

You do not define what being proud of your race means. It's more or less an an extension of family pride and taps into tribal history. There is no association with this and supremacy. You associating being white with genetic lottery is your opinion.

I paid for mine (God help me)
But at least I'm white

>You lose nothing and gain nothing. You already are who you are and nothing is going to change by doing a DNA test.
A DNA test would be an objective measure of your genetic makeup rather then legends or family history.

A DNA test proves you are X not just family legends that get passed down from generation to generation. If a DNA test says you are X amount nonwhite you are X amount nonwhite.

I didn't say anywhere that being white meant winning the lottery.


See, was that so hard?

I forgive you user :^)

Thank you.

>And it directly follows that if you're proud of being white you would be "not proud" of being "non white".

What kind of logic is that?

Anyone desperate to "prove" they're white is likely to be a spic or half-breed

People are mostly their genes. I for example don't want kids because I'm half Irish and nobody deserves to be Irish. My other half isn't so great, either.

You're in good company friend.


I did. I'm 100% European. I'm unfortunately 30 something percent Slav though.

And means you must accept the reality of what you are made of genetically. No 100 percent white fantasy bullshit rather you have some DNA from other source and you must accept that.

You cannot just delude yourself if the evidence shows you are at least partially non white or non whatever depending on your race.

My dad's side of the family claimed to be part Indian; turns out I have no Indian blood at all.
And my mom's side of the family claim to be mostly German, but my maternal DNA barely has any German at all.
So you really can learn a lot from this stuff.

My parents already had one.

My dad kept going on about how he's part Native American and in tune with nature and my mom was so annoyed she had him take a DNA test and it turns out he's completely white: he was heartbroken. My mom also had one and she's completely white too.

Feels good.

DNA analyses have been pushed by (((them))) so that they can influence you and make you believe that you are not anyhow different than some negro.

One drop rule user.

Oh, that explains everything. It's the Jews. It's always the Jews.

Did the Jews also turn Trump into an incompetent retard?

Oh, wait, he was like that from the beginning.

So if you are 99% having sex are you a virgin? Racial purity is nonsense and even those who test 100% European carry Neanderthal genes which means they are not pure anything. Like I said earlier the origin of man is not pure which invalidates racial purity.

>EU Flag
if another one of the countries in your shitty union gets a terrorist attack you have to donate 5 euros to trump

Say that to the jews. They were the original people to care so much about it.

He's not perfect but he's no euro-cuck like Merkel; trying to ruin Europe for the 3rd time in 100 years.

You're welcome.

But I should say as someone who isn't a white supremacist (the fact that I moved to Africa around be enough evidence of that), there is nothing inherently racist about white pride.

There's also nothing racist about black pride, Asian pride, Hispanic pride, hutu pride, or tutsi pride. Racism is about hate, and hate is the opposite of pride.

To say someone who is proud of their race is a bigot to other races is the same as saying that gay pride equals bigotry towards straight people, or women's pride equal bigotry towards men.

Pride and hate are not mutually exclusive, and to think as much is a logical fallacy. Hate usually stems from insecurity, which amounts to a lack of pride, in actuality.

bad shit will happen if more and more people keep getting DNA tests, what happens if/when DNA databases get compiled?