> North Korea launches a missile and it strikes the northern tip of Japan.
> THE MEDIA IS BUZZING WITH HEADLINES : 100s of civilian casualties
> Trump makes an address to the nation i.e. the world : This act will not go unanswered, the United States stands by our allies in the Asian Pacific and we are currently looking for the best way to respond to this blatant act of aggression and terror.

> The following day, the United States issues the Draft

What do?

Personally, I'm ready to kill some fucking Gooks.

Wouldn't happen. We will just drone bomb the shit outta them while helping protect South Koreas boarder.

>wanting to fight for ZOG instead of having white babies and saving your race.
Kill yourself.

It would be hard to rationalise a draft knowing the flatenning habilities of the US.
If the conflict drags on they will call contractors.
Best Korea is too small.

US has complete military superiority over the DPRK (provided Russia and PRC don't get involved, and they won't if the DPRK strikes first on the US or a US ally).

Leave. I won't be joining the American army.

You won't get to kill anybody. The most exciting thing that might happen to you is getting sent to march around in the DMZ and blow up mines.


Go fuck yourself, Ahmed.

I take it you have never served in the French military? Sure we can flatten virtually everything in North Korea, but a war with them wouldn't just entail us bombing them. It would require a ground force and that takes men. In order to it run out of men, you issue the Draft.

How am I Ahmed for wanting you to save the white race you stupid asshole? I'm tired of you gunslinging trigger-happy niggers salivating over the prospect of dying overseas when you need to be settling down and fucking a white woman so your race won't go extinct in the next 100 years.

Fucking hell and somehow that makes me the bad guy? FUCK YOU

Slave soldier will not help you


Jews are behind all the warmongering, never forget that.

It's not USA, it's the Jews.
It's not the west, it's the Jews.
It's not capitalism, it's the Jews.
It's not NATO, it's the Jews.


Wouldn't be eligible. Have fun, dickface.

Do you realize how many active people we even have? A lot, we will be outnumbered but our superior weapons and tactics along with a fuckton of national pride will win the day.

People have more kids during war time. It's fact, the perceived existential threat makes humans horny.

It will not help american slave to life

These Americans are pathetic.

Kim get back to work, stop shitposting pls.

How does killing Kim, and destroying the communist nation of North Korea have any thing to do with preserving the white race? Are you fucking retards?

You sound like a cuck to be honest.

wont need infantry.

we will never have a draft again

Shill narrative: controlled.

>Fukcing up north korea
Us don't gain anything from this.

I would return to the US to fight for my country. And fuck, I'm college educated - maybe they'll put me on track to become an officer. That would be cool.

you wont get to be drafted. they would just launch nukes at america and japan would defend its air space not trusting america who had placed nukes in american military based in the foundations which couldnt be launched and where disguised as shit in the boiler room

japan has satellite lasers that can be used defensively. thats something i have a hard time wrapping my head around given the technical limitations of laser based systems . but they do. and it was tested and works


building a fighting force of extra ordinary magnitude takes time

Shut up fags.


ftfy baby.
Also you said that your arsenal is almost in equilibrium with that US, what gives?

Tell Kim to nuke San Francisco please. Los Angeles, then New York if you can.

I don't care about your fighting force, as that won't matter on this continent.

Put your efforts into building an H bomb instead of amassing thousands of starving troops.

i do not believe that america needs to conscript it's "workforce" (lol) to fight the north koreans

Dont count your blessings

You do realize you are living in the impact area of a nuclear weapons practice range?





We don't kill people wholesale anymore. Not even retail. We have the ability to kill on a scale that needs a whole new word. We don't need a draft. In is an anachronism.

>northern tip of Japan
>100s of civilian casualties

Shhh...don't tell anybody. We WANT Kim to nuke LA. Didn't you get the memo?

Draft is unconstitutional, and the interpretation of our constitution to allow it is more flimsy that then interpretation which they use to deny voter ID laws.

Keep me outta your kike wars you meme flag bitch.

How can we know there won't be deserters in the army in an event of a serious conflict? They did join with an idea the chance to die is 1:10.000, presently reduced to 1:10.

1:10.000 rate gives them harsh PTSDs

Because it won't happen just like you think it will. As soon as Kim fucks up china will invade NK. Not with us, but in spite of us.

>What do?
Report to nearest recruiting station.

Bet we don't have one because they US says they wouldn't defend Canada. What's the draft cut off age?


>Personally, I'm ready to kill some fucking Gooks.

Prove you have the courage of your (professed) convictions. Enlist now, tough guy, avoid the rush.

>What do?
Thank god someone figured out how to teach america's youth to do some hard work for a change.

>MFW I can't be drafted because I broke my body for shekels as a young good goy fighting the skypes' wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

I don't give a fuck about Korea/Koreans but I would absolutely love to kill massive amounts of Chinese people.

Not being edgy either. I feel like an insect exterminator

We already have more soldiers than they have hotdogs.

Be sad because I am 27 and have several disqualifying conditions.

I'm also not single so can't take advantage of the pussy paradise undrafted men get.

A draft would be great I'd say, do you think white men who come back from N.K are going to deal with that white privledge or feminism shit while the women and leftist niggers stayed at home?

I can't wait to be drafted and die for Rotschild's world central banking monopoly and the NWO.

It is also great that as a white male I will probably die furthering the genocide of my own people.

Also war is great for the economy. The establishment's economists told me so.

Just join the air force and use an xbox controller to pilot a drone all day, ez kills.

for what? The war would be over before you got out of training

Me country is in the Nato
We killin gooks together

When the military is overseas, the jews will wrest control at home.

Fuck yes fuck the gooks. Might as well annex South Korea while we're at it too those fucking shadow gov rice chinks

This. In real terms, Russia and Prc have been back channelling best Korea on the us's behalf and this is just chest beating and theatre. If best Korea fucks up they'll drop them like a bad habit

There is going to no American ground invasion. That'll be left up to South Korea to fulfill. Our only role will be the air campaign and knocking things down that try to go up. I hope they whip out those super secret weapons our military has been hiding for this.

USA and NK will become allies

United States 1,347,300 active 865,050 Reserve
North Korea military active 1,190,000 Reserve 6,300,000
Remember how well Vietnam went? Honestly anyone who thinks it wouldn't have to be nuclear is out of their minds.

Another child hiding behind a meme flag, who's never fought anyone outside of an imageboard, "ready to go kill some fucking Gooks".


Time for bed, Jimmy.

Then again, you're similar to most Americans, and the majority of other countries populations' as well, incredibly stupid and will bend over backwards to go die for the Sun™ for some older stupid (but deceitful) people.

Fucking mouthbreathers, the lot of you, taking up parking spaces.

6.300.000 farmers* lmao
Reminds me of another communist shithole that won it's wars by having more soldiers than enemies had bullets

>incredibly stupid and will bend over backwards to go die for the Sun™ for some older stupid

Fuck yeah

Won't happen.

Even if NK strikes SK or Japan, be it intentional or an accident, there won't be a US retaliation. They'd lose major support from China, and Russia to a lesser extent.

China may even lose all of its bargaining chips and be forced to discontinue all trade & impose its own sanctions on the NK regime.

NK knows this would be game changing for them. Kim wants to maintain his little cult of personality state. He'd only lose it if he did that.

The only way that it would escalate into an open conflict, is if the attack was nuclear or if the NK followed it with further attacks / deliberate artillery fire, or an all out invasion, which won't happen.

Next week you won't hear anything about NK. Maybe even for 2-3 weeks. After that there will be another test. Rinse and repeat.

>Not knowing the drone pilots are all trannies about to kill themselves any day.
If you were wondering what use were trannies to society there you have it. The government makes them do horrible shit knowing they'll eventually suicide and nobody will know.

Thank you for your services

There would only be a draft of the military was undermanned. Trump already has plans to increase the military by forty percent and people are flocking to the military for the benefits.
I'm currently taking time of school to join myself. There isn't going to be a draft unless Russia and China went krazy Kim on the US and EU. The day that happens is during economic fallout. Capitalist care too much about money for drafts and world wars.

I like the picture of paratroopers lol
This is what everyone thinks you do when you tell them you're in the Army.
Pic related
What you actually do as a POG PIC if there was a draft.
America wouldn't want a Vietnam 2.0


Going to war used to be heroic. Now I'm pretty sure most people, whilst very much appreciating and respecting people in the armed services, kind of feel sorry for them and look down on them.

They probably thought like that during the height of the British Empire, and we almost have as rigid a class system as they did now.

nuke Hollywood and D.C. please, both are shitholes

>North Korea launches a missile and it strikes the northern tip of Japan.
I'd already volunteer there.
They can genocide the southern gooks all they like, but keep your filthy commie hands off my anime-land.

Based indonesia

When he's about to grant amnesty? No, fight your own war.