Girls who are canonically stated to be the most attractive or most beautiful girl in the setting

Girls who are canonically stated to be the most attractive or most beautiful girl in the setting.

Seems to happen a lot with one individual girl being the number 1 idol of the school yet looking no more attractive than all the random girls the protagonist knows.

maybe that's just national propaganda.

You seem to have forgotten that Lia's and Rance's personality and skills makes up for the others fault, Literally designed to be OTP.

No. It's Rance's internal thoughts.

She's the only person he rates a 100/100 on his scale.
And he still rates her that after finding out her true personality.

I do agree that they need to marry

Second hottest princess

Tell me more


>runs away from Lia
>initially runs away from Kenshin
So why is Rance afraid of love?

Probably because he's used to having to do things in order to get said love

Lia a best.

Haruhi is the quintessential example. Suppissey she's godly beautiful but looks almos the same as any.ither oretty girl in the setting.

I admit, however sge hit many of my buttons. Energetic, short-haired brunette with modestly good chest and shapely legs. You can't go wrong with that combo. It's a classic.

This thread is practically a Kirino thread.

Must be fun to rape girls with your wife.

The worst example I've ever seen by far. It's bad enough in the anime when it's just people constantly praising her appearance every second she's on screen, it gets even worse in the novel, since the narrator gets in on it and constantly goes of on tangents about her supposed beauty. Once a talent scout saw her in a restaurant and immediately tried to ditch his client and hire her. She walks into a shop and every single male there is described as visibly wanting to dump their girlfriends on the spot for a shot at her.

This is just silly. Even if she *is* attractive, no woman is *that* attractive.

Mayumi pls go.

Back in the 70s, if in universe the woman is stated to be the paragon of beauty, not only is she the most beautiful within her own setting, but also outside of it.

Nowadays, everyone is indistinguishable.

The level of fawning reached by the author in LN is ridonkulous

Who let you near the PC gramps?

In the beginning of Keroro, both manga and anime, Natsumi is considered a super school idol, excelling in beauty, studies and sports - able to help every single school club single handily too.

They kind of seem to backtrack on that later though, with her being treated more like a standard sporty girl in later stories.

I feel like Nisio handled it quite well. European to make her exotic, supernatural to make her believable, and also attractive enough to get the most fan attention in a series filled with hot girls. It also doesn't become a nuisance since she rarely interacts with characters other than Araragi socially.

She's not the most attractive but whatever.