Tfw no girl to understand your feelings

>tfw no girl to understand your feelings
>tfw no girl to confess and open up to after being humiliated
>tfw no one to help you out of depression
> tfw no girl to talk to you after failing to meet others' expectations
>tfw no Misaki in your life

Other urls found in this thread:

stop reminding me I need to kill myself

I think the only thing that doesn't stop me is the astronomically slim chance that I manage to find my own Misaki some day

don't remind me user

>I completely misunderstood the whole point of the show

Supposed to save yourself Annon. Not wait for best girl to do it for you.

This is all good and stuff, but Sato had his MIsaki, and I don't.

tfw OP ignores the fact that Misaki had more problems than Sato and they were bad for each other's issues.

>all of you implying that Sato wouldn't have completely NEET'd himself into suicide and further depression if he didn't have 1. A beautiful upperclassmen friend to play cards with and talk to every single day after school (who also offered him her virginity) and 2. A perfect girl to talk with him every day after dinner that helped him get out of depression, gave him something to fight for, and helped pull him out of hikikomori

Sure, he eventually got himself his own job after he was half starved to death, but would he have had the motivation to continue living if he didn't have a girl to express his feelings to and just care about the shit he's been through? I think the simple act of just having someone genuinely care about your problems is enough to keep going in life, yet that is so hard to find sometimes.

Jesus, I just finished reading the manga for this a couple hours ago. I really don't know how to feel about it, at all. I'm way too stupid to have understood and analyzed all the stuff that happened, so that is probably a big part of why. I will admit, though, that it has affected me in a way that media has not in a long time-it made me feel flat out depressed. The whole thing was really just soul crushing to me, and while the ending was at the very least hopeful, it was still just...God damn.

So the girl's problems don't matter at all? As long as she's there for you, you'll be all right, no matter how she feels about it?

I don't need someone. The inspiration I've gotten from countless badass anime characters is what's gotten me the will to acquire, read and put into practice countless self-improvement material.

>Misaki Nakahara is a character of “Welcome to the NHK” that I wrote. Someday I recognized that many person who live in the whole world are still waiting and wanting that the day Misaki coming in the person’s home. So I decided to make this guided meditation to evoke Misaki for every person who love Misaki. I hope that this meditation make some good for your life!

Let's all warmly summon Misaki into our lives

Not sure exactly what you meant with that statement... obviously the girl's problems do matter and if someone had a female friend with issues, he/she would be obligated to try to help them as a friend. It might even be better for your only friend to also have issues so that you can better relate to them. Having a friend that has experienced hardships isn't a bad thing as long as they aren't a bad influence.

And if she's there, no - there's no guarantee you're going to be "all right" if that means you'll be completely cured of depression and NEETdom, but it certainly helps and can be quite the antidote - having a another person of the opposite sex who's your age care about you, that is. And how she feels about it matters to, but if we're talking about female friends here, the assumption is that she's supportive and kind. Otherwise you wouldn't call her a much of a friend, would you?

Misaki just needed someone to talk to. You can save yourself by saving Misaki, them everyone is happy.

>was a "tfw no girls like me, i'm a social failure, alone and without any hope"
>decided to try change shits , and became fit and quite handsome
>ended up meeting a nice girl "nothing like a 2D moe but still something"
>being with here made me forget everything japan-otaku related
>didn't even manage to fuck that it revealed that i was her first "workbench to learn how to" and turned into a total slut.
>depression for like 2 years of my goddamnt live to try to bring her to love me "like before" while she still was making fun of me and treating me like a "loved friend" but also quite close like a second emergency Wheel.
>took me time to realize my mistake and just cut every contact with here, in less than 1 week she desperately went back but i decided to take a little harmless revenge and just realized how amazing was making girls suffering with emotional shit.
>went out to be an asshole with like 2 girls , while one was just a cute dumb slut , the other was totally like me , quite like i could almost know what she was thinking or even read her mind at some point just by an "Ehm..." from her , and in the end we (without deciding to stay friend) decided to end it couse we knew each other (or better ourselves) to not being able to really love /for what i know she is still alone neck-deep in anime like me.
>TFW you can't love ...
> back to Anime and my hobby
>back to my work and hardworking lifestile

kill yourself? NAh dude just do the same i did, if you are broken like me then you will just go back to love our amazing hobby anyway, if you instead manage to get the love of your life well op got a 3DPD waifu , but better than nothing

also a cute Kotomine for everyone

What I mean is that relationships are a two-way street, and if you expect your gf to do all the emotional work you're both going to end up unhappy. A lot of people come out of NHK thinking "if only I had a cute girl to save me from my neetdom" and that just bugs me.

What the fuck? That's completely missing the point of Misaki. She is just as messed up as Satou. I guess people focus on her in the beginning, and just remember her trying to bring Satou out of his NEETdom by showing him her panties.

A girlfriend isn't what I've been referring to this whole time. I've just been talking about a female friend who's compassionate, understands others' hardships, cares about your situation, and wants to help you. I know that there's a lot of people out there that just want to lose their virginity or find a girlfriend, which isn't what I'm referring to. I can't speak for those people. I'm saying that having a female friend (or multiple) to help you through childhood/adolescence/adulthood could be extremely helpful. And I'm not sure what you're referring to by "emotional work," but no, she wouldn't have to babysit you everyday and necessarily be your counselor like Misaki was to Sato. I think just being friends with a girl who cares is enough. Who knows

I think your problem is that you lack awareness. You are attracting and becoming attracted to a certain kind of people and getting into a certain kind of situation, all of which are undesirable.

You baka. Were you even paying attention to this show? Misaki was interested in Satou for her own selfish reasons. Namely, because she felt worthless, she wanted to find someone even more worthless than her who would depend on her for their existence, thereby giving her life value.

>All this focus on Misaki
>Nobody mentioning Yamazaki
Fuck you guys, he helped too.

Managing to only live your dream for a year before getting dragged back in really got to me, like damn, that's my fear right there.

You can pursue someone for selfish reasons to make yourself feel better and, at the same time, also care about someone else's problems and try to help them through them. It isn't always black or white. And let's say it were a magical universe of black and white, and she only helped him for herself, which would've been extremely bizarre. Well, the reasons someone talks to you and helps you through something by being a good friend isn't as important as the act of helping and being a good friend itself. As long as the female friend is there, she can help you in ways you probably couldn't have by yourself. Humans are social creatures. Eventually, individuals need someone to lean on. Of course you have to get yourself a job and carry the course of your own life, but happiness is something that majorly comes from other people, and someday, most people will need to be dependent in some way on the opposite sex to achieve that happiness to some degree.

Reminder that Misaki is a cunt.

that girl i tried to act as an asshole was probably the most perfect kind of girl i've ever known, in personality , interest and look (same personality as mine and same interests, and she was indeed cute) but even when she was quite "sure to love me" she also realized that our thing would had to be just for some time then we would just had to go back being alone again.
the thing is that she was the one probably but i just couldn't really love her, and that left me like
"well then something broken inside me or i don't know" , same goes for her , she had a similar life experience like mine.
mobbing in youth for being the "stranger in class" loneliness for the traumas of it (in her case she had a sexual harassment daily , in mine , daily beatings)and hearthbroken as me and in search for something to make up.
i should look for the grail maybe we only need a cup of good Mud to fix our shit .

also another cute Maidenfu for those that really read this shit about an user-life

There's something called "pride". How would you feel if you knew someone was only associating with you out of pity?

The blog is real

If a relationship is solely based upon pity, then that's a very weak base of a relationship that will probably fall apart very quickly. If a girl comes up to a guy who's feeling sad, and, out of kindness, decides to help him solely out of pity and not because she also shares an interest in him and cares about him as a person, then that's a weak relationship.

That isn't what I've been referring to this whole time. Obviously the relationship won't be completely mutual, unless the girl is just as miserable as you are and you're helping each other. But generally, the relationship won't be based solely on pity - it'll be based on genuine interests and feelings for each other, like what a true friendship should be based on. Obviously pity will be an element if you're in a situation where you need emotional help. But if the friendship isn't solely based on the fact that a girl finds it interesting to help out a pathetic guy and sees if she can make him better, and eventually realizes it isn't that easy and it's better just to be genuine friend (which she doesn't want to do, she just wants to be entertained) then a bit of pity for another person isn't a negative thing. It's actually a positive thing in most cases. Feeling sympathetic towards others and sharing in their pain, and wanting to help them, is a big part of what makes us human.

The three reasons why I dislike nhk are misaki, the shows morals and the ending. Turns out i was right to dislike misaki, since she was supposed to be a negative character, but the anime whitewashed her. As for the ending and morals, I didnt stop being a fat, depressed neet, just because I ran out of food. I had money (I faked autism and got 300 a month) I could still keep livin my room, eat, shitpost and watch anime. But I stopped being a neet, because I have a lot of ambition and I was bored of my lifestyle. I can't achieve my dreams, sitting in my room. So I just stopped being a neet, and after three months of eating super healthy and doing aerobic sports, I lost 20 kg and rejoined society, by going to adults school, where I finally got my grade eleven. A few years from now, I'm going to the film and media school. And after that, I'm gonna be a writer and a director. So yeah, you don't need a cute girl to save yourself, you need ambition. Weak willed loosers like satou, with no ambition at all, should stay as neets. I still might have some depression, social anxiety and random mood swings, and I still watch anime and shitpost a little, but I have a healthy life style, people I call friends and a bright future ahead. No thanks to no cute girl tho.
will and ambition > Cute girl.

The happiest man in the world just got to that state by meditating.

I forgot to add that I have to go do things and probably won't reply any further. But you guys can continue to post if you want. I just won't respond

>wanting any sort of relationship with her even after you learn of her true motives
I hope none of you have this low of a self-esteem

>end of the show
>satou said none of his problems were solved but he can keep trying
You guys just want another human. to solve your problems, you have to do your own shit.

some people are misinterpreting the whole point of the story

its basically about satou and misaki coming to terms with themselves as being pieces of shit and realizing that they don't need eachother to live but want to see eachother live

it wouldn't be far fetched to say the story is a deconstruction of a romance story

Disgusting. You should all consider suicide.

Especially if you've read the manga.

And the problem is that they don't know the fact that someone else can't value you if you don't value yourself.

I tried this and couldn't do the part where you say you love yourself. just can't do it.

it kind of hurt reading all that, can you at least word your shit more properly

Don't worry user. Lots of successful people hate themselves.

I did this entire thing while on the bus.
it was nice and I was able to breathe slowly, but at that part I just started to laugh and breathe fast and instantly broke out of the meditative state.

I don't get it, are the people who think Misaki was actually able to save Satou just baiting? Is this some kind of popular trolling trend?

Misaki was worse than Satou. Satiou saved her. So you can save yourself.

You know I would probably be OK with a cute girl using me to make herself feel better by comparison

it's really not so bad.
then again I'd like to be able to use her, too.

That's pretty sad, user.

What can I say

I felt really uncomfortable listening to that


cant be real

Hey! You! How many days until I'm allowed to laugh again?



Try being a nice person for once and people might start caring about you.



You know the guy who wrote NHK used up the money from the book and went right back to being a hikki. I would think twice about taking advice from him

Any news article I can read about that?

I thought all Misaki fans were just fine with that.

You'd think people from a Buddhist country would accept suffering as inevitable and seek out liberation

The afterword to the reprinted version of the book basically has him say "Well I thought things would go differently but I'm a shutin again."

>This entire post

>dat bulge

>expecting a woman to love you like your mother did
into le garbage you go, she will jump into the arms of a stronger man in a heartbeat

Well that sucks for him.

>they like 3dpd

What? Why?
Thanks for the input, reddit.

It's not good to run away from reality, user.


>find a the perfect girl
>she literally died some time after

I dont want to love anyone but my parents now


Me, I'm still holding out hope Misaki will some day come and save me.

I'm not a hikki but my life is pretty stagnant, I work a dead end retail job and failed out of school. I tried to do art but it was way too stressful so I almost never practice. I have an instinctual craving for a romantic relationship but I don't even know what that would really mean for me and if it would actually make me happier. It's not like I have anything to offer another person anyway.

>tfw no girl to understand your feelings

She never really understood Satou's feelings, she was mostly 'helping' him to make herself feel better, it was a self serving act.

>tfw no girl to confess and open up to after being humiliated

Is this the autistic thing to do? I don't know

>tfw no one to help you out of depression

If you need the help of other people to get out of your depression (without actively trying to change things yourself) it is not going to last long since in the end you are leaning on another person to fix that problem.

> tfw no girl to talk to you after failing to meet others' expectations

Why the fuck would you want to do that?

>tfw no Misaki in your life

Good, all she wanted to do is to make herself feel better. She is no better than any of us.

you forgot

>no another 3dpd girl mouth to feed


Wouldn't sex with Misaki be amazing though?

Fuck that, I want to find a girl who is as miserable as I am and who hates it so we could hate each other until we become real people.

Well, that is more accurate to the actual events of Welcome to the NHK than OP's fantasy is

What morals didn't you like? The point was to save yourself. Or not to kill yourself because your life affects others, and sometimes in a positive way. What part of the morals didn't you like in the anime of NHK. Satou didn't have ambition so it took almost being homeless to get some and get over his fear of the outside. Some people don't just get ambition and spiral into a worse path.

Mr and Mrs Smith?

>tfw I'm like Misaki and want to talk to anons more miserable than I am so I'd feel better

I want to stretch your pussyhole with my loverod.

go to /r9k/ and never come back

Didn't Satou save himself in the end? All those people couldn't bring him out of his hikki life but crushing hunger and an empty bank account sure did.

tl;dr Japan should cut off all safety nets and force hikkikomori to work or risk dying.

its always good to run away from reality. reality will never comfort you. only suffering awaits in reality.

Japan has zero safety nets to be honest, it was his parents that enabled that lifestyle for him (and for many other in nipland)

It's either starve, have relatives who fund your shit out of shame or you get a job from your nearest job center

No, she'd leave you for someone more pathetic than you.

I know I'm late but I get you user, he was a true bro.

>tfw you will never make a small eroge with heart with your best friend to topple the world together.

Just imagine what type of kinky shit she'd be into.


This. Fucking this.
This is why NHK is so fucking depressing, not because the bawww im a shit person someone help me.