Regressive Left Down Under

Honourable shitposters and autists,

Two days ago at the University of Sydney the Catholic and Orthodox societies held a stall to say that it was "Okay to say 'NO" in the gay marriage vote here in Australia.

The leftists who own the student council and every other student-run admin body at the uni wouldn't have any of it and flipped over the table where we were giving free food and threw glitter and condoms at our members, one person was tackled and several others were kicked.

You can see footage of it here:

Australia is a lot smaller than the US so we don't haven't gotten to the point where antifa is setting ablaze entire cities but leftist violence is ramping up and our prime minister is a cuck who wont do shit about it.

If you're in Australia then don't stand for this bullshit, voting 'YES' emboldens these people to really ramp up the violence.

Other urls found in this thread:

What does regressive left actually mean?

What progress are they undoing? What previous state are they regressing to?

I think the people on the "yes" side of the fence are FAR MORE INTOLERANT OF OPPOSING VIEWS than I ever was.

Remember back when the media used to devote equal time to both sides of issues, no matter how stupid it was? evolution/intelligent design, or climate change "controversy, both sides had equal opportunity to argue. There's one specific issue recently that it seems like nobody is allowed to argue. It's either go with the crowd or be ridiculed for your beliefs. And that's all it is, beliefs! How can marriage be so important when there is so much divorce? How can it be that a facebook update and a plain gold ring is not "real enough" it's got to be tax-deductible too? Which reminds me, there aren't any "no" filters for my profile picture. Complete one-sided! I'm so done with the protests, the flag-waving attention whores. No I don't want gay marriage and no I don't think it will make the world better and the more noise I hear about it the more I feel like the old way of just yelling and beating them away was actually pretty effective. Marriage is not a human right, it's a tax loophole, and the less people who do it the better.

Here's an example, Free Speech was progress. Now you have Regressives trying to sensor speech.

Instead of crying like bitches organize protection and countermeasures.
If you are unable to do it, then ask NatSocs to protect you or avenge you.
If you can't do even that, then tough luck.

they used to do this in my day, and then i crushed them with my panzers

Listen to that bitch at about 2:20 talking about how violent the 'no' side are. The amount of brainwashing amazes me.

>3:25 minutes in

I don't really see any serious violence mate, looks like you mostly just got yelled at.

Our NatSocs are shit and wont be found dead at the uni since it's so close to the hipster-coffee capital of the city.

Free speech is progressive
Freedom of religion is progressive

Censorship and attacking others for their opinions is regressive and authoritarian.

This. Drama queens on both sides.

The Emus allow you guys a little bit of wiggle room and this is how you act...

I understand the anger but religious people are allowed to express hateful opinions in public.

just imagine the butthurt when No wins by at least 5%

Good, we want no beta bluepilled bigots in this country. You can fuck off.

So being regressive on a single issue makes them entirely regressive?


how about the fact that the entire ideology is based on "deconstructing" (destroying) everything that came before?
every superior state of being is viewed from the context of being an act of destruction away - destroy marriage, destroy religion, destroy borders, destroy discipline and restraint, destroy refinement and politeness, destroy history, destroy architecture, reduce each and every one of those institutions erected to hold human existence above a state of base animalism.
that is regression, the ideological push to turn us back into primitive man

Context mate, full thing is here:

It wasn't a spectacular example of violence like Berkeley or Charlottesville but that's because so far things are going their way - what would happen if Pauline Hanson became PM, how would they behave then?

>how about the fact that the entire ideology is based on "deconstructing" (destroying) everything that came before?
I guess if you define progress as regress that makes perfect sense.

By that logic, destroying censorship is regressive.

We have too many bogans for antifa to take hold here.

you were giving away free kebabs?

keep fightinhg the fight user, good work.

>get cheap wifi router
>figure out a way to boost its signal
>use SSID to deliver messages
>router isnt actually connected to anything

>By that logic, destroying censorship is regressive.
a loss of censorship hasn't exactly brought about a golden age in thought and beauty now has it?


I live in Camperdown/Glebe which is no more then 2 mins from the main campus where this happened and I wish I knew this was happening so I could go down there and get involved with this.

Can anyone tell me if something like this is likely to occur again on the campus and when? I hate these leftist faggots so much and the only reason I am voting no is out of spite which is due to the way they treat others.

Go to bed, you need to go to centrelink office early you FUCKING NEET NOFUTURE POVO

Someones butthurt that he can't afford to live the inner city area like I can.

We got Christ-Week this week Monday-Friday at the uni. Keep an eye out for us because we'll inevitably trigger someone

So basically "regressive" just means "stuff I don't like" and there is no agreed upon way to define it. Censorship is regressive but also stopping censorship is regressive I'm starting to think you folks aren't well informed about politics.

>If you're in Australia then don't stand for this bullshit, voting 'YES' emboldens these people to really ramp up the violence.

I'm not voting one way or the other, but it's quite clear that the state restricting who can get married and who can be regarded as direct next of kin\partner and who can raise children involves more coercion and violence than turning over a table or throwing glitter at a protest rally.

Sounds like you deserved it. Now go and have a solid cry about others having the same rights as you.

T. h. i. s.

This is a right-wing board, go back to /leftypol/

>involves more coercion and violence
Also voting no due to the "Overton window". We don't need any more degenerate behaviour to be viewed as acceptable in the Australian society.

>getting hung up on non-agreed upon definition
>pol is one person
I'm starting to think you are a faggot with no clear argument.

nicely put lads

>chanting shut it down

no fukn wai lol

We should be sending this video to major newspapers that aren't completely cucked. Send it to conservatives presenters like Andrew Bolt.

People need to see this, and the PM NEEDS to denounce it.

>threw glitter and condoms

>not getting a supersoaker w/POZ LOADS

Shut your whore mouth you bigot, or we'll have to shut it for you

Hate speech is not free speech

>Now go and have a solid cry about others having the same rights as you.
they already do, this is a poll of weather everyone wants the right to marry the same sex

It involves real state violence and intervention. The anti-gay people also have a long history of using state violence against primarily men. There are many parts of the world RIGHT NOW where twitchy-dicked conservative cuckolds like yourself literally throw young men off buildings for having the gay sex they so desperately wish they could have the courage to have themselves. There is NO place in the world where gays are systematically bullying heterosexuals.

The other problem for your side is your hypocrisy. You very clearly focus on this non-issue of gay rights, when you've conceded everything to the forces that make marriage worthless. The widespread willingness to allow gay marriage is in part a result of the complete lack of respect anyone has for it as a real or meaningful institution - most people are just like "what gives? It's just a title?"

Pic related. You haven't done anything to stop single mothers or lesbians adopting or having their own children and then turning boys into little trans girls. You haven't done anything about the complete peripheralisation of men in general and especially fathers from mainstream society. You allowed marriage to be systematically re-defined to serve women and destroy men...and yes, it was YOUR SIDE who really did all this - all the 'conservative' and 'religious' sides of society only give occasional voice to condemnation of these things while systematically supporting "a woman's right to choose" because all of your institutions have always been inherently gynocentric.

I will always morally side with men who like choking on dick, than on men who want to choke on dick but are so repressed they instead get off to humiliating, brutalising and killing unwilling men. So does God.

>chanting shut it down

Sup Forums false flag confirmed

If you are going to university with english skills like that, god help us all

Voting yes just to trigger you faggots

The left are what they claim to hate.

>Australians are Islamic fundamentalists if they don't vote yes


> twitchy-dicked conservative cuckolds like yourself
> literally throw young men off buildings for having the gay sex

Stop using the word literally incorrectly
Show me this system in Australia that is set up for bullying homosexuals.
>You haven't done anything

I guess I am literally a Nazi aswell right?
It's University of Sydney which has pretty low scores for entrance into social science programs.

I studied construction management there and when you venture onto the social sciences part of the campus you can tell that they did not have to try as hard academically to get into their programs.

Why the muslims don't blow such agglomeration of degenerates? Because they know they'd free us and do us a favour.

I'll be voting no to trigger actual faggots

> Send it to conservatives presenters like Andrew Bolt.

WE DID! :D Dunno if you can see it from facebook or not but the former president of the catholic society talked with him - go to and add this to the url:


Being so zealous with minority advocacy that they end up being bigots themselves or end up supporting things that are actually damaging to the protected groups they champion.

>mfw my whole family including my two sisters and mother voted no

They're turning humans into nothing but hedonistic animals

It doesn't mean anything, because "progress" is a code word for government growth.

Regressive left would be libertarians or someone like that, however in real world the government has never gotten smaller, so... it doesn't exist.

how long until you know the results of the vote?

>le everyone is repressed homosexual like me
Stop projecting, mate. Your moral crusade involves men getting their dicks shitty.

Because I put the same effort into typing my thoughts into Sup Forums as I do into an essay.

Also I'm a software engineering student so I seldom need to write with sophistication.

wheres a Charger of freedom when you need one?

I didn't say this. I'm saying look at the historical context. It's almost been a universal of history that gays are bullied because of the very system of values those who oppose gay marriage are upholding. They love to act innocent and moderate, but they are still seeking to use the state to limit what people can do with their own bodies and who they can interact with under what conditions.

>Show me this system in Australia that is set up for bullying homosexuals.

Sodomy laws in Australia were only repealed in the 70's, and many men in Tasmania alive today still have criminal records for this.

>I guess I am literally a Nazi aswell right?

You're very quick to plan the outraged victim. I'm not calling you a Nazi and you know this. I'm saying the history of brutality and injustice against gays shows that we have everything to fear from judgemental hypocrites leveling state power against men, rather than from gay glitter throwers. Even if gays in Australia started assassinating conservative members of parliament, this would be nothing compared to the type of violence that takes place in the world on any single day against gay men.

How revolting! Meanwhile Australia subsidises Gardarsil treatment to young girls and boys knowing that most will end up with STD's.

Well I have not even received my ballot yet and I am living in inner Sydney so I have a feeling it's going to be a while.

Eh. Free speech means you can get yelled at in public. It is what it is.

The (the government) haven't gone to great efforts to clarify how this works but every person gets a letter in the mail where you tick yes or no. to gay marriage.

Since you're an An-Cap, let me give you a little rant and say that this was the most half-assed, unorganised, and expensive thing done by the government. This is called a 'postal-vote survey' and I don't think anyone knows if that means it's an actual binding vote or something more like an opinion poll.

lmao at these people acting like niggers thinking they are freethinking revolutionaries.

Students are essentially toddlers these days.

Just stop sucking dick m8

you actually did you quivering tard, and no they don't want to have to cede their principles to have to cater to you wads of dick cheese, you idiots would rather 100's of people to go unemployed just to satiate their hunger that is their ego and unwarranted self righteousness

Don't worry user, I'm sure there'll always be enough left for your ravening appetite.


everyone knows its an opinion poll except for a shit tonne of leftists that think it is somehow binding


>oy oy oy

I love the aussie accent.

Because men and women are fundamentally different, therefore relationships between men and women have fundamentally different norms and needs of social/legal structures compared to relationships between two men or two women. Heterosexual relationships have a norm and a need for monogamy and long-term stability so as to create partnerships able to raise children as a family unit for multiple decades, whilst homosexual relationships have norms of polyamory, multiple sex partners, and short duration (average 4 year relationship length for pairs of gay males, 1 year for pairs of lesbian women.)

Children derive marriage norms & expectations from society, and a generation of children raised with the polyamory and short-duration norms of homosexual "marriages" will have their ability to meet the heterosexual needs of monogamy and long-term stability in marriage diminished. Like with general sexual morality, homosexual norms of gay "marriage" will corrupt heterosexual norms of marriage and lead normal heterosexuals to have expectations of lowered marriage rates, more divorce, more infidelity, and less stable relationships. Less stable marriages lead to broken families, and children raised in broken homes have worse social outcomes that affect society at large via higher welfare, crime, medical costs and so on.

Gay marriage is about replacing the norms & expectations of stable monogamous marriages of heterosexuals (in the minds of children and society at large,) with the norms of unstable polyamourous gay relationships. Any expression that heterosexual marriage norms are better or superior to gay "marriage" norms will be attacked and supressed as homophobic and bigoted. Gay marriage is about dragging the norms & expectations of heterosexual relationships down to the lowest commen denominator of gay instability and polyamory.

>What progress are they undoing?
Every social construct they can get their hands on.

this is the guy that made the video. does this sandnog think he is white because he is chr*stian? LOL

Please vote No, Australia. It'll set a precedent the West does not have to submit to degeneracy.

Just a note here, it's considered disrespectful to wear a rosary. Whoever made that picture committed an error

>people get so assblasted about your differing opinion that they flip a table, shut down your stall, and throw glitter and condoms at you while screaming autistically

what a world

he never implied he was of euro decent you mong

>Heterosexual relationships have a norm and a need for monogamy and long-term stability so as to create partnerships able to raise children as a family unit...

Then you should be focusing on fighting the already established laws that protect AND SUBSIDISE single motherhood and lesbian parenthood. Or those policies which subsidise polygamy\polyandry.

>a generation of children raised with the polyamory and short-duration norms of homosexual "marriages" will have their ability to meet the heterosexual needs of monogamy and long-term stability in marriage diminished...

Many groups of Christians are polygamous. Many muslims practise polygamy. MOST Heterosexual Australians are polygamous, quote:

>The most recent Australian Study of Health and Relationships, which included just over 20,000 men and women aged 16-69, found that Australian women said they’d engaged in sexual acts with an average of eight partners over their lifetimes.

>Gay marriage is about replacing the norms & expectations of stable monogamous marriages of heterosexuals (in the minds of children and society at large,) with the norms of unstable polyamourous gay relationships

You seem to be arguing against polygamy\polyandry\polyamory. All of your arguments against those things could easily be applied to many heterosexual couples. There are homosexual couples who aren't polygamous\polyandrous\ployamorous, and those hoomosexuals surely deserve the right to be treated as individuals - in the same way that a monogamous heterosexual couple deserve to be treated as individuals rather than lumped with those who aren't monogamous.

>wahh free speech means nobody is allowed to disagree with me!

dismantling civilization, returning to the most primitive state


> allow Gay marriage
> violent gays shove LGBT+ issues doen your face all day, every day
Don't give them an inch. It's a pandora's box.

t. Commiefornian

you would have to divide the differing ages up to see the decline of monogamy you dolt

I can guarantee you that most 70+yr olds were monogamous and happy, don't play fast and loose with stats

Hah. My gf has the same shirt as that chick.

You are fucking talking to random soccer moms and shills

What the fuck do you expect you weeb

>the democratically elected student body at a top three university threw glitter to protest the outside funded Catholics who hate gays.

Have you ever considered that you're just wrong, your cause is unjust and history will look back at you like the degenerates who voted against Aborigines at the 1964 referendum?

pretty sure that referendum was more civil desu senpai

What do you mean by this?

user even if that was true, which is isn't ("My Grandma would NEVER even CONCEIVE of BBC!"), most heterosexuals are not monogamous.

So the whole "gays are sluts, straights are upbright" thing falls apart.

Yeah I remember that, and intelligent design, climate denial and people who hate gays lost all those arum,nuts so there's no need to waste anyone's time hearing their bullshit the anymore.

whoever the dumb cunt behind the camera was he needs to learn how to limit his fucking microphone
fucking disgusting showing

Couple Longevity in the Era of Same-Sex Marriage in the United States:

Been tearing down posters around Preston area for Anti-Fa meet up.
Brother ripped off a sticker in front of them last night (at a pub) They did not challenge him though.
So yeah they are slowing building up but we are fighting back in tiny ways.

You can't be this retarded, right?

Yeah, only losers voted no. There was hardly anyone to embarrass.

Then tell me where you draw the line with regards to degeneracy?

Multiple partners?

There is nothing unjust for wanting a society to remain focused around the marriage of a man and a woman.