How do we take Britain back from all the non-whites? It will be irreversible if nothing is done soon

How do we take Britain back from all the non-whites? It will be irreversible if nothing is done soon.

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petition the UN

It's simply a waiting game. The more come the most racist we get.

Get out of your house and kill them. Kill them in front of their own people and your own people. Inspire your people to follow your example.

I swear to god everybody here wants to change the world but nobody wants to die to do it. Guess what though, somebody always has to die.

I can't play R6 Siege when I'm ded tho

Says the Burger! You people actually have guns! Your whole constitution was designed so you can over throw your corrupt government! And what have you done? The whole world will follow you if you do! You stand a better chance then any of us!

Write "Whites welcome only" on your towns name sign.
they will see this and keep moving on. lol

pretty much this. Its risky and scary, but your gov has sold you out and your population has become passive. Your fellow citizens seem willing to go quietly into the dark, like lambs to the slaughter. What are your options? Organize and cooridinate with others, take action. Fight back. You may not need to kill anyone, but accept that you may have to get arrested. Attack them, with as much violence as you can stomach. Feed the flames of strife and eventually you will inspire your fellow citizens to take action. Do not accept your fate. The only fate we have is the one we make.

Build a time machine.
Go back to 1939.
Kill Churchill.

You can't without a genocide. There are already too many and they breed to quickly to be bred out by the white majority. They are also to aggressive in sticking to their culture and will force it upon you rather than adopting yours.
British culture and identity will die unless an absolutely freak aberration of history occurs and you somehow manage to become redpilled enough to kill them all. In which case most British will die too because you are beta as fuck and can't fight as well as the ISIS recruits you imported.
I'm sorry for your lots but this is what you get for being a beady eyed backstabber. Eat your own medicine and pray to Mecca.

>How do we take Britain back from all the non-whites?
You don't.
>It's simply a waiting game. The more come the most racist we get.
That's like saying if people keep hitting you then you will start fighting back.No,you will end up with broken bones and unable to fight back lol

I am afraid there is only one final solution.Actually i am looking happily forward to it.

Not possible anymore. Their numbers are too great and our birthrates falling through the floor.

We're fucked beyond repair.

It's not though. The only reason people are not bothered is because the problem seems far away. The moment they realise the threat is real they will get their shit together.

Why are converts allways ginger?

There's really nothing you can do short of mass murder. That's what was so brilliant about the Left's ploy to weaponize immigration. It creates a point of no return. The British way of life has been lost forever. You can point fingers and complain about it, but there's really nothing you can do to reverse the situation.

People like Tony Blair need to be hanged for how they betrayed the British people.

Prepare to immigrate or war. Maybe both.

You're fucked.

Just look at the US, it's now 56% white and nobody "striked back"

the point he's making is that it'll be too late one sharia is implemented, once legislation is implemented to LEGALLY deem whites as second class citizens, once martial law is imposed and dissident are executed to "keep the peace." All the means to control this Orwellian society exist; firearms, police, surveillance systems, a readily compliant populance. It's all just a few documents and handshakes away, really.

That guy in the middle,that's the Mayor of London.

This. They would probably actually win too. The cops and military would definitely side with an alt right, neo nazi, probably not.

choice was made in the 40s , its over

> The British way of life has been lost forever.
outside lonodn, manchester, birmingham it's still a white british country. % of population tells some of the change and raw numbers show whites are fleeing

I'd volunteer to bomb London anytime.
Only at your request ofc

can't wait to start 'sading

Hans, you have my permission to start here
and hurry

I thought only the cities were fucked.

But London does need a purge though.