What would be a good National Socialist Party icon for the next election?

I hope within the next 12 years someone runs on the NS ticket that we can meme into the white house. should we use the swastika or make something new and more relevant? the republicans have a elephant, (((democrats))) have an ass. Would a wolf be a good party animal for the National Socialists?

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>What would be a good National Socialist Party icon for the next election?

just start a new fascist party why are you tring to revive a dead system?

the economy and its policies where heavly skewed towards the 1940's not something that can be applied in 2017 anymore.

the faggot is right
new party new memes new symbols

Look, the National Socialist were right about many things, but the Globalist have been fooling people for longer than the US has been a country.

They've fooled people into slaughtering each other. They fooled people into believing they don't exist. They've fooled people into a banking system that makes them the richest, most powerful people in the world...

And yes, they fooled people into being a national socialist and then demonizing them into being a forbidden belief.

These Bloodlines have been doing this for hundreds of years.

You're going to have to start over. It's easier to fool them than convincing them they've been fooled.

a rainbow flag

>the faggot is right
>new party new memes new symbols

exactly something fresh that wil attract alot of people something like the facist stick of bundles an eagle the swastica has too much baggage with it to ever be available any more also the natsoc flag is german not american.

How's it feel being politically irrelevant retard? Durrr uhhh the national ideology of 1930s Germany is totally universal and relevant forever.
If Hitler hadn't become some edgy devil figure in the post-war Western collective consciousness you wouldn't have such a mystical attraction to this historical failure.

Strasserims. Socialism + Nationalism but without the 'Muh Nazis' attachment. You could get all the Bernie fans on board.

a modern natsoc party and system would look nothing like the one in 1935 and the 1940's

the economy was in the recovery period form the weimar republic and its policies where too.

>Strasserims. Socialism + Nationalism but without the 'Muh Nazis' attachment. You could get all the Bernie fans on board.

even mussolini style fascism/syndicalism would work.

Algiz/Elhaz rune but it actually is a peace symbol on its head. Algiz was used by some nazi groups.

is the wolf a good idea?

I also like fascism in mussolini style. but OP wanted something for NatSoc

>is the wolf a good idea?

something like this your trying to attract americans then go for american symbolism if your trying to attract europians go for there old symbols.

The Moonman

And here is something to get the Twitter goys:

>but OP wanted something for NatSoc

how can you keep the old natsoc symbolism with out the bagage?

you would need to do something different something thats more popular in the times and reresents something.

the natsoc swastica was popular since it used the colors of inperial germany thus crating a bond between people and the swastica represented the rising sun in a sea of red (communist)

looks more like a syndicalist flag but that is fine too.

For Leafland.

I guess the time for this is over?

well it depends America's culture is so deeply rooted in libertarianism and rejection of authority that things like the gadsen flag are part of history a fascist part in the us would need to pull some 1984 style mindhacks and propaganda to convince the people to think otherwise.

NS is only interesting to 16 years olds and criminals. Retards.

. youtube.com/watch?v=9Yo3X5FPJL0