That's the truth about Sup Forums, isn't it?

that's the truth about Sup Forums, isn't it?

Other urls found in this thread:

not particularly

>that's the truth about Sup Forums
not fat enough

More please. These right wing cucks deserve all the bashing.

You described normies.

I only visit pol every few month after I can't stand all the classic Wagner music I hear and after reading The Golden Thread for the 5th time. One needs to take a break from classiness and take a stroll through autism land.

lol no, you see the liberals are the edgy ones.

>you were forced to join the NSDAP, SA or SS

nice meme

especially ironic is the fact that in the current year it takes you to be an outspoken individualist to become a NatSoc

hello abdul, go home and die

Remember retards just don't reply in bait threads


We have an (((education system))) which pumps out SJW's, liberals, and above all financial criminals, basically makes them jews.

Holy shit, it's me!

I'm the goose stepping Nazi in greyscale.

I remember when the left used to be the creative ones harping on truths everyone in power tried to get us to ignore.
Doesn't the use of a fat nerd go against your body shaming thought rules?
The left/commies can't meme.

Daily reminder that the Nazis absolutely were the edgy, offbeat, free-thinking young rebels.

Stick around for the ride.

except Sup Forums is (for the most part) educated about shit and redpilled, while you try to bait with kraut vpn

Hi, welcome to Sup Forums.
We do have some degenerates here because this is Sup Forums but national socialists are clean-cut or well trimmed, don't wear fedoras and aren't fat. If they are they aren't national socialists.

I normal for youth to be rebellious, the problem is when some group o power use it for their interests.

The Sup Forums user depicted is a bugman, fedora-wearing, fat hipster idiot. What do they think we are, Reddit?

the red pill was about seeing the truth behind all the bullshit that was just a front, but Sup Forums seems to be just about being counterculture and reversing tumblr positions
as far as I can tell Sup Forums doesn't stand for anything really, except a blind hatred for anything "liberal"

I only post on Sup Forums usually

Faggots claim to be part of our board culture, it's nothing new.

Nonsense because the complete and ruthless extermination of our enemies would not involve humor whatsoever.

After the work shift at the concentration camp is over we can go to bar and have a couple of beers and laughs.


>total eclipse of hate

Pretty much

This is a better description of what has created to Sup Forums

That picture equates to "Help please authoritarians"

>People that disagree with me are fat, delusional, and have poor fashion sense.

the delusional part is a given and the other aspects correlate strongly

it points out that most right wingers would be pretty chill and nonviolent if they could keep the brown hordes and commies out. They're allowed to actively destroy society though so it requires forceful action to preserve civilization.


This, learn your Weimar history OP.

Translation: All these anonymous posters I don't know, have never seen, & have no workable real world concept of must all be identical because I am sometimes offended by things I see on this site.

You're confusing fascists with sceptics.

How you're managing that, I'm not quite sure.


>I'm the one who's delusional
>the person who says both environment and genes influences intelligence
>not you, the person who is totally certain genes couldn't possibly play a role in intelligence in races even though all evidence points to the contrary