Oktoberfest happening?

Today starts Oktoberfest in Germany. What are the chances of a happening happening? I'd say very high.

Germanbros, are you planning on going out and enjoying the festivities?

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Muslims view your entire culture as degenerate.
They obviously have no problem killing people.
They look for easy targets and large groups of people.
Specifically soft targets like festivals and the like.
I would say yes.

Oktoberfest 2017

But its september, are they retarded?

Bavarians are subhuman scum.

Oktoberfest it's a sacred tradition for people all around the world and there's no low life that will even dare to interrupt it.


Your pic has too many whites and not enough Turks in it user. That's not Turkmany.

But its September.

Im a ruthless-pragmatic White Nationalist...i thank Kek for every bad things that happen to Whites because of mass immigration.

Terrorist attacks with massive casualties and white girls being raped by pack of niggers are my favorites because those work best towards our cause.

It would be great for a terrorist attack with massive casualties to happen and a few days later the media starts to reveal that massive sexual assault of White women also happened...it would be awesome.

Does Oktoberfest actually have any meaning anymore? Or has it just been commercialised into having no other point than to make a profit, like most European traditions the Jews allowed to survive into the modern era?

I'm sure they will have a massive police force there. A happening before the election will cost Merkel up to 10% if it turns out to be refugees. (Which it certainly will, given that ALL of the terror attacks in the last two years have been committed by refugees.)

Bow your head,
wait for the ricochet.

You kidding me?

People drinks copius amounts of alcohol, nothing in human society has more meaning than that.

Imagine a "Massive happening + White girls get massive cultural enrichment" combo!

Germany 2030 would have gas chambers up and running!

I know this is cruel and cold way of thinking but this are desperate times...

As much as I'd like that, it's not gonna happen. This is in Bavaria.


Oktoberfest is an American holiday celebrated in Germany, at this point


>Today starts Oktoberfest in Germany

Is that why there was a German flag and a bunch of people downtown?

Shit guys I'm worried, I don't like Muslim holidays.

what a coincidence, we don't like hispanics either so fuck off

>Oktoberfest in Germany
how is that still legal? there are millions of moslems in germany now, do they not consider their feelings at all?

They've always had many policemen there. Remember, it's the number one getting drunk fest of the world. So gropings would be quickly ended.

But there has been a bombing of the Octoberfest in 1980. Many dead, body parts everywhere. Police botched up investigations, claimed it was "right wing extremists", arrested one student who hung himself in prison. Investigations were officially concluded then, claiming it was admission of guilt.

>Germanbros, are you planning on going out and enjoying the festivities?
no, alcohol is degenerate. i'll be re-reading chapter 4 of mein kampf after I finished my saturday work.

Are you ignoring your duty to preserve german culture in the face of imminent culture war?

The Spanish will always be friends of the Germans
When your reformation fails they will be waiting there to save you from yourselfs.

Germany's population is now pretty much entirely Turkish so always expect something to happen in the failed state that was Germany

Wos host Du grod von mia gsagt Du gstingada kloana Saugrattler? Du woast fei scho dass I schon aus da Grundi im Hochzug bei de Gebirgsjaga ois Besta aussaganga bin, I war in am Hauffa saugeheime Raffareien mit de Mohammedana und hob über 300 obgraglt, garantiert. I bin a drainierta Untergrundkempfa und I bin da beste Scharfschütz von da ganzn Armee. Du bist nix für mi ois a zui mera, I blos Dir so prazis Dei Liachtal aus wie's die Welt no ned gseng hod, host me? Du glaubst Du kanntst davokemma nachdem Du sowas von mia gsogt host aufm Internet? Da denkst nummoi drüba noch, Oarschgsicht. Grao wie mia redn ruaf I meine Spionage-Spezln im ganzn Bayernland zsam, und dei IP werd grod im moment zruckverfoigt oiso richt Di scho amoi her fürn Sturm, Du Wurm. Der Sturm der wo des kloane Ding ausradiert wos Du rührselig Lebn nennst. Du bist aufgschmissn. Kloana. I kon übaroi sei, ollawei, und i kon de auf mera wia siebnhundad Artn dagragln, und des aloa mit meine Handerln. I bin ned blos gübt im Wirtshausraffa, sondern i hob a an zugriff auf des ganze Arsenal von der freiwillign Feiawehr von Olching und i werd des ois hernemma damit Dei gstingada Hintan vom schena Bayernland runtergspült werd, Du kloana Schoashauffn! Wenn Du gwusst hätts wos Dei kloana "schlauer" Kommentar auf De runterreisst, dann hättst wahrscheinlich Dei voisoachts Maul ghoidn. Aba Du hosts ned kenna, Du host Dei Mei aufreissn miassn, und jetzt zoist, Du gottverdammta Troddl. I scheiss an grant üba Dir aus und Du werst drin dasauffa. Du bist komplett hi, Klona.

Thanks for your contribution Mehmet.

>be me
>go to oktoberfest during my study abroad fall 2014 (before all the rapefugees)
>it's just a state fair with beer
was so disappointed desu

Starts today, ends first week of October.

The inevitable ficki ficki will be very helpful for /ourguys/ in the coming elections.

May fatalities rain down on their Somali loving asses

>Official Thread Theme


>go to Oktoberfest
>watch mentally retarded `stralians and amerifats pass out by the hundreds
-Nein, thank you.

Rolling for beer tent bomb.


This is the best time to sell liquour in the global market

Aren't they banning the consumption of alcohol at Oktoberfest now, so as not to offend Shariah-law practicing immigrants? Or is that just happening in small areas?

Thats actually pretty good.

>In September
bahahha. Germans are SO fucking stupid! HAHAHHA

Remember no beer.

Do you retards actually believe this? How many mass rapes and bombings with practically no effect on the opinions of the general populace have to happen before you faggots stop saying this? Literally no one gives a damn if a white German 10 year old girl gets brutally raped by a pack of 30 Somalians in a church. They've fully bought the part and parcel meme, and will just turn their heads and pretend everything is fine and persecute you if you say otherwise.

>Germanbros, are you planning on going out and enjoying the festivities?
Hell, no!

Baden native here, fuck you
And don't say SHIT about Fichtl's Lied!!!

Tbqh there already were many mass gropings by drunk german retards at Oktoberfest. The police puts much effort in not letting this happen often. Don't really know if it will get worse with more immigrants. I don't even know if the non-terrorist refugees will attend such festivities.

Don't think so since they are muslims it would look bad on them for going to a place where everybody is drinking...

So the ones that are actually going will be non-muslims who don't cause issues as often.

Oktoberfest was originally in mid October, but as the holiday lengthened to several weeks, they added them earlier, where the weather is nicer and more suited to drinking outdoors.

>German beer

imagine the backlash when the mudslims rant about this

>Police botched up investigations, claimed it was "right wing extremists"
They initially blamed left-wing extremists, till it became clear that the bomber was killed in the explosion, and he was most definitely, unarguably rightwing. He was acting as part of a group, the police claimed he was acting alone, and concluded swiftly at the behest of Bayerns Ministerpresident, Franz Josef Strauss. Strauss was a fat corrupt sack of shit slightly to the right of Mussolini, for whom Bayern was a personal fiefdom. He'd already criticised the banning of the group actually responsible for the bombing ('over-reaction') and played Witchfinder General on many a leftist goosechase. Bayern in the late 70s- early 80's was a dangerous time and place to be a leftiist. Leftists did not bomb Oktoberfest.
>arrested one student who hung himself in prison.
wut? who?

I went in 2010 and enjoyed it more because it was like a state fair with beer.


>Oktoberfest 2025
>the largest muslim holiday where all beer and alcohol are poured into the most barren patch of ground where it belongs
>a daw where all pork products are evacuated from the city
>the day of the longest pray

THIS is the official thread theme:


>and played Witchfinder General
i blame the mushrom tea

I'm sure they're going to have so many police, you can't do anything illegal.

The fact that I neither speak German, nor had to translate that to know exactly which kind of pasta it is, tells me I officially spend way too much fucking time here.

I'd like to say that's enough for a while and I'll take a break... But we all know that's not going to happen.

I'm clearly unfit for normie world. This is my home now.

Nothing will happen. Bayern is not a libtard shitfest such as Bremen or Berlin. They certainly put up some Moslemsperren (aka Betonpöller) and got loats of aryan policemen.

Muzzies fear the aryans

I had the same experience, leaf. Further proof that good memes transcend language barriers.

Munich here. Nafri groups of 3 people max are allowed at the entrance, and cops on nafri watch inside. Every nafri group has at least one watchdog squad on their trail.