99% of whites, but only 2% of blacks can solve this

99% of whites, but only 2% of blacks can solve this.

How white are you?

Other urls found in this thread:


It's that one

You have to go back.

Middle Column, Bottom Row.

Top right I guess. That it bottom middle

Agreed, though I doubt 99% of white people would get it.

It's just the max, over two sets of values 0, 1, and 2 (say) between the left column and the center, result on the right.

ok smart guy, how about this one? only 70% of whites but 98% of asians can find the area.

32π - 64 (units squared)

the shirts your man.

smart way or dumb triangle way?

its bottom middle answer,
the third square is the sum of the previous two

How did you determine this. I think it's top left, as there are 3 large blocks.

Top left? I dunno

The first one

you guys are confirmed niggers or untermention, its bottom middle

Top right?

top right


because that's the pattern, you can pretty much disregard the middle row

What's the dumb triangle way?

if you draw a line from the bottom left corner to the top right corner, then rotate the portion of the shape above it 180 degrees, it fits within the line.

Then its just a matter of subtracting quarter areas of circles from only two triangles. A lot less work.

if that's the answer then it's a stupid question. In what situation is this applicable? The ability to come up with arbitrary constrains that satisfy unknown rules. It's basically look at this shit and come up with garbage.

I mean I think I agree with you, but who makes these stupid tests.




It has to do with circles.
Each curve is 1/4th of a circles circumference, and when you see its 1/4th you can also see the radius of the circle for that curve.
Then all you have to do is add and subtract the appropriate areas to get the answer.
Didn't do it myself because i can't be asked to puzzle all the areas together to get the right shape.

Here's the test btw, mates.

>tfw to smart four pol


The fifth one definitely

Damn, should've paid more attention in class :/ thanks

Nope, seeWhat was your logic?

Noticing this helps a lot:

No, center tile has two large blips and only one propagates to the right.



48 square units

>What was your logic?
Idk how to explain in english but this is what I thought it's supposed to be(but this option is not available to choose

never mind I got confused and I think I have autism.

this shit is just raging autism. who the fuck would think like that. mensa test is confirmed autist finder/exposer.

>99% of whites
> 2% of blacks
Fucking bullshit!

He is smart

Niggers stink doubly

That doesn't make sense, the big squares must be 3 not 2 small ones.
the nose knows


I think you're making it much more complex thna it needs to be:

There's a way that it works columnwise aswell
top minus middle = bottom

Top left.
Each row shows an equation, box1+box2=box3.
Top row is [line with no dots] + [line with two dots] = line with two dots
Middle row is [line with two dots] + [line with three dots and a large dot] = line with two large dots and two small dots
From the middle equation we infer that a large dot is equal to three small dots which allows us to finish the third row.
[two dots] + [two dots & two large dots] = one dot & three large dots


arithmetics, no genius really

It's clearly what said
reminds me of binary

No wonder you lose to Emus.

This is it. As you move down and to the right, the total "mass" attached to the line increases. Top-left is the only answer that satisfies this trend.
[ 0 2 2 ]
[ 2 5 6 ]
[ 2 6 x ]
Where x must be greater than 6. Top-left is 7.

Here's another one for you to chew on.

Okay, so that second line demonstrates an upper limitation imposed on the sum. Didn't occur to me at all.

top right, that one is trivial.

I got the answer, but skipped a lot of the explicit arithmetic. Basically, you get the idea that the first two of the row add up to get the third of the row. Basically, the approximate surface area covered by the black boxes in the third one of the row must be more than the first two. The top left answer is the only one that fits. I think it's a lot better to do it this way since time can be a part of the test. Be parsimonious in the logic that arrives at the correct answer. It probably took more time for me to articulate my thoughts to write this post than it did to get the answer to the question in my head.
t. East Asian

mfw you get that same answer vertically

i've done the test and my answer was correct
also its not a reflection, the middle is not a reflection of the bottom middle
also it works horizontally also

alright big guy.

> tfw you get autists that have no life to do your IQ test for you

this bottom left


Bottom left.

>99% of whites

Bullshit this is a late-level IQ question. Likely less then 20% of whites could get it.

can't stump pol

I think it's top right

Ah when you explain it like that it makes a lot more sense.

you realize, that everybody can get it right with infinite time and actual IQ tests measure your times for exactly that reason

Is this loss?


tfw Sup Forums literally helps you raise your iq

Bottom left?

bottom right?

do you read these tests in rows or columns? Does it change from puzzle to puzzle? The spacing makes me believe they're to be read as columns. They should all be evenly spaced if they are row and column.

Yeah each question can be read differently. Usually left to right as rows.

Depends on the puzzle. That one works both horizontally and vertically.

nah, bottom right. Rotate middle 45degrees counterclockwise and ass first two rows.

bottom left* not right

r u sure? they are picklocks, do you want to say that blacks use only bruteforce?

It's like binary with three numbers (ternary) on OR operation

Each time a cube is added to the Y shape it changes which arm it is on. The next time a cube is added it had to be 3. It was already previously on the other two arms and only one arm was left unoccupied.

That's how I see it, I'm not the guys you're replying to.

This one is super easy. Top Right.

Who else here >2%?

nunber 5 retard.

bottom left

the number of squares increment and the Y flips if you look at it horizontally

so does:

Middle column, bottom one.

Looking at the picture, it goes white line, 2 up then 2 down. Then 2 down, then four up and four down. Then remove the one and make ten. Then re-add the five and drop down the 9 and you get the center bottom answer. But if you integer the matlock then rewind to find the fish you get top left.

Bottom left

I was gonna say top left since I was thinking top-down and each bottom panel is upside down. Small cubes don't become big cubes unless there are big cubes and only one becomes big. My theory could have been sound if it wasn't flipped. Guess I was overthinking it if its just a basic math puzzle.

Fuck my ass...

Guessing... Center line represents adding and subtracting. Top sum shows the basics. Second line shows how adding to a negative number, reduces it (or brings it closer to zero).

But the last sum is retard simple (as a fake out?), and the answer should be the top left option? Because no addition or subtraction took place.

>if sum>2 it's still 2
>positioning above or below the line has no relevance

I agree with the raging autism comment.

fifth one, not sure tho.

That should be "Top Right" option, god damn it. I think I have dyspraxia or some shit.

if the symbols are on the same side of the line (as in the black squares on the first example) you add them, you subtract symbols that are on opposite sides. It's just simple summations.

Bottom left. You rotate middle column 45 degrees counter clockwise and add to left columns. Common lines around both squares are erased.

The way I see it, is that if the blocks are on the opposite side of the solid line they cancel out each other. If they are on the same side, the are added together on the left. Might very well be wrong.

ok "white" guy. try this

The answer is top left.

Going from top to bottom, Top left black drops down and forces white 3 to the right of the mason dixon line. From there, 3 white snow collapse to make one black.

Middle column:
Two white and one black aren't happy, so they switch sides. The end up killing one another leaving nothing but empty space.

Column three. White eats black, then moves to the other side. It ate too quickly and popped out black on top of itself.
Shit's not hard, man.


last question of a certain IQ test scoring up to 145

If you approach it as a vertical puzzle the logic is slightly different.

fuck I love these threads

needed help on a few but its still fun

3rd on the top?
Took an IQ test last night, 128.

I thought this as well.

Bottom middle. Same thing