Whats with the suddent influx of pagan and varg fags?

whats with the suddent influx of pagan and varg fags?

they are literally abandoning 2000 years of culture their ancestors cherished for a believe barbarians that live in mudhuts like africans worshiped

Other urls found in this thread:

books.google.no/books?id=2pw-CgAAQBAJ&pg=PA248&lpg=PA248&dq=Because Odin was heterosexually active he was in danger&source=bl&ots=GX1hfP57So&sig=ROFZnP0xRNcYc3bbpGeQL6AE8rA&hl=no&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjQwuTYt6rWAhXsDpoKHS1KBd4Q6AEIPDAC#v=onepage&q=Because Odin was heterosexually active he was in danger&f=false

This picture makes me hard.

christcucks THIS devastated that people think differently to them

fuck you, africans who "live in mudhuts" are based too, you filthy degenerate


eat mushroom bang drum

I stick to certain traditions of the christian faith, but I also have sacred respect for nature. Christianity is nothing more than paganism with a jewish label slapped on it. Birth,Death, Rebirth do you really need to worship a crucified jew to be enlightened to these principles when it happens every year round in the seasons? The only good thing about christianity is the emphasis on the family unit and as we've sen this seems to be nothing more than a millenia old jewish trap to destroy white families. Do the world a favor do to every jew what happened to Jesus

Kikestianity is Semitic weakness worshipping nonsense and those 2000 years were fucking wasted. Hate to say it, but it's true. If you think Europeans could not build equally beautiful buildings to venerate Mithras or some other deity, you are insane.

Barbarians destroy civilization. Good. A savage stock of Whites to survive WWIII should be maintained.

Its less than a 1000 years of ancestors for parts of scandinavia. Saint Olav the holy that christianized norway died in 1030. Some places like parts of the then much larger Lithuania wasnt converted until the 1300-1400s.

In the same way atheists have Christian moral fibre the first Europeans pagan moral fibre manifested itself in different brands of Christianity which then diverged into more brands of Christianity that were still based on that pagan-Christianity.
For people to "convert" now would just be creating a pagan-Christian-Christian brand of peganism which would not necessarily forsake the accomplishments or adaptations of their ancestors if it's for the benefit of their bloodline.

Almost forgot. Praise Kek

t. Thread full of literal cum guzzlers defending their faggotry

Wrong, Christianity came to Northern Europe 1000 years ago.
And North Europeans have basically done everything they possibly could to get out from under it because of its undeniably Jewish origins.
The Crusaders worshiped Deus, not YHWH, what you don't understand is that Deus is the name of a Pagan God related to Dyeus, Zeus, Lous Pater, Dyaus Pitar and even the Germanic pagan God Tyr.
Jesus Christ was a YHWH worshiper, and YHWH is the God of the Jews.
We're just worshiping the Germanic version of Deus by worshiping Tyr, and renouncing Jesus Christ because he was an Israelite Supremacist that said non-Jews were like animals in human form.

You're spreading Jewish propaganda.

Paganism as you almost certainly imagine it IS jewish propaganda. It is a construct made up by Jewish-dominated past-Enlightenment academia that has almost fucking nothing in common with what even ancient Greeks, never mind practicers of paganisms from which very little survived to our day, like that of the Norse, actually believed. It was made up to seem anything more than a collection of bloody and incosistent superstitions specifically to undermine Christianity.

Take a look at the most advanced paganism in history, Hinduism. A small bunch of Christian adventurers BTFOed a whole sub-continent its adherents and their descendants only failed to kept India under their thumb due to events that flowed from the Europe abandoning Christianity. Hinduism also was not very successful at teaching people to poo in loo of course.

I usually see it from nords and athiests western europeans. pagans were living in africa tier mudhuts for thousands of years until Christianity saved them

He's really not, read the source, it's full of degeneracy.

>imagine being this seething

>The Crusaders worshiped Deus, not YHWH, what you don't understand is that Deus is the name of a Pagan God related to Dyeus, Zeus, Lous Pater, Dyaus Pitar and even the Germanic pagan God Tyr.

You clearly haven't investigated Paganism honestly.

Post real sources for this bullshit.
This whole thing was started by a Jew, they're pulling a "mistranslation" card that has no real basis in reality.

>they've been drinking water contaminated with iron-oxidizing bacteria
>the bog iron demands blood for the ancestors
>fluoride was never the real threat

>post real sources
>literally post two different sources with multiple citations
U mad bruh?

Also according to early Christians, pagan gods are either angels or saints of the christian religion

Rome abandoned paganism for Christianity as they became more advanced. Really makes one think.


In the late Icelandic Eddas, Týr is portrayed, alternately, as the son of Odin (Prose Edda) or of Hymir (Poetic Edda), while the origins of his name and his possible relationship to Tuisto (see Tacitus' Germania) suggest he was once considered the father of the gods and head of the pantheon, since his name is ultimately cognate to that of *Dyeus (cf. Dyaus), the reconstructed chief deity in Indo-European religion. It is assumed that Tîwaz was overtaken in popularity and in authority by both Odin and Thor at some point during the Migration Age, as Odin shares his role as God of war.

According to this scholarly reconstruction, Dyeus was addressed as Dyeu Ph2ter, literally "sky father" or "shining father", as reflected in Latin Iūpiter, Diēspiter, possibly Dis Pater and deus pater, Greek Zeu pater, Sanskrit Dyàuṣpítaḥ.
Later figures etymologically connected with Dyeus

In Greek mythology Zeus
In Roman mythology Jupiter (from *Ious-pater)
In Historical Vedic religion Dyauṣ Pitār
Dionysus, especially with the Thracians and Sabines
Possibly Dis Pater (although he is more connected with the Greco-Roman Pluto theologically)

Rooted in the related but distinct Indo-European word *deiwos is the Latin word for deity, deus. The Latin word is also continued in English divine, "deity", and the original Germanic word remains visible in "Tuesday" ("Day of Tīwaz") and Old Norse tívar, which may be continued in the toponym Tiveden ("Wood of the Gods", or of Týr). Roman god Jupiter is a form of Dyeus. Norse god Týr

The following names derive from the related *deiwos:

Germanic Tīwaz (known as Týr in Old Norse)
Latin Deus (originally used to address Jupiter, but later adopted as the name of God)
Indo-Aryan deva: Vedic/Puranic deva, Buddhist deva
Iranic daeva, daiva, diw, etc.
Baltic Dievas, deivė (goddess)
Celtic e.g. Gaulish Dēuos, Gaelic dia, Welsh duw
Slavic div (genitive divese; "miracle")

Rome abandoned paganism because the emperors wife was a christcuck and he wanted her to shut the fuck up.
Then it fell apart less than 200 years later

if converting to christianity is okay because it served a practical purpose in uniting different peoples is converting to islam okay since it would serve a practical purpose in uniting with the middleast?

The sources do nothing but make loose connections between unrelated words, it's a classic Jewish "mistranslation" tactic.
It's baseless purportation.

fuck off you kike worshiping pedo.

Pagans are literal FAGGOTS

If its all Christians, why are all of the holidays that those people celebrated, pagan holidays?

Your Christians conquered Hindus abd promptly held ceremonies on PAGAN dates, not christian ones (Christianity had no holiday dates of its own if you'll recall)

>whats with the suddent influx of pagan and varg fags?
2000 years of Jewish Control

> 2000 years

Read the actual source material for yourself. The amount of cuckolding in it is crazy. Odin himself gets cucked by his two brothers Vili and Ve, who creampie his wife while he's away.

Loki gets assraped by a horse, has a gay rape baby, and gives it to Thor as his personal horse.

Nearly every Hero like Sigurd dies and his wife remarries multiple times and has kids from at least 2 other men.

Pagans were queer bro, even first hand sources prove it. Neo-paganism is Jewish propaganda.

Celts didn't worship Odin, Greeks were homosexuals too. You're not making a real point here. There's no religious connection to their sexual activity.

You posting this is like posting the poorly notated versions of Mein Kampf

Cuckans are African ooga-booga tier.

I don't know what to think about this whole pagan LAPPing/everyone is a Christcuck thing. At the same time, it is pretty clear that Christianity has its roots in Judaism, and not European paganism/neo-paganism. I would be curious to know how much of paganism/neo-paganism is actually based in fact, and how much is just LARPing. Pretty sure Hitler condemned the LARPers, and there is a lot of faggotry and degeneracy in pagan beliefs and practices, as Richard 'homosexuality is white' Spencer has correctly stated. I suppose you could also look at the relative merits of each belief system from a philosophical/theological perspective, and I think Christianity wins there in profundity. Not all Europeans converted to Christianity, or converted willingly, this is true, and I think Christianity tempered some of the barbarism of the pagans. We should probably keep that in mind, and make sure that tempering doesn't end up as dulling, which liberalism seems to be leading us to.

Look retard, Christians are today the most devout proponents of immigration and multiculturalism only surpassed by the jews themselves, so you see why a lot of people are fed up with christians and their love for bbc.

abandoning 2000 years of culture
Yeah, culture with Jewish roots... pacifism, internationalism, race-mixing, weakness... No thanks
>their ancestors cherished
They didn't cherish it, it was forced on them with terror, and created a class of confused guilty self-hating weaklings afraid of their own nature and living a life opiating on a hypothetical god and the afterworld he offered. Just like (((bolshevism))) (((christianity))) was maintained with jewish terror

>Then fell apart 200 years later.

LARPagans really know nothing about history, huh?

The cause of this "Dark Age" was the collapse of the Western Roman Empire and the waves of invasions and raiding that followed it. Without the larger economy and administrative infrastructure of the Empire to sustain them, trade systems, large public works and educational systems all collapsed, contracted into local versions or died out in western Europe. And waves of invasions by various Germanic peoples, Avars, Moors, Magyars and Vikings (thanks pagan faggots) made mere survival a higher priority than things like preserving books or maintaining road systems.

The idea that Christianity caused or significantly contributed to the fall of the Western Empire has long since been rejected by modern historians. It clearly wasn't a significant factor, since while the Western Empire collapsed, the equally (or even more) Christian Eastern Empire continued for another 1000 years without collapsing and without any "Dark Age".

>Odin himself gets cucked by his two brothers Vili and Ve
Loki is not a God, there was no ancestral cult of Loki. Loki getting fucked by a horse was meant to demean his character because he was loathed by the Gods. Loki was called the blemish of all Gods and Men by Har in the Poetic Edda.
Germanic Neo-Paganism was developed in the Volkish movement in Germany and led to the third Reich itself.
You're the one posting Jewish propaganda.

Saying Christianity is jewdized is retarded. Under pagan Rome, Jews enjoyed full citizen rights, as in most of the pagan world, including Greece, Syria, etc. However, once Christianity became a political power, around the 4-5th centuries, Rome made it illegal for Christian citizens to practice Jewish customs, and even turned many pagan practices into Christian traditions.

By the turn of the 11th century, most European nations were already Christian and totally different from rabbinic or Talmudic Judaism. In fact, no christian nation has ever historically adapted anything from Judaism. (Which is why I use the term Christian values, not Judeo-Christian, as that never existed). There was no commonality in the practice of these two religions. Even the interpretation of biblical laws were different. In fact, even Jesus himself condemned the Jews of his day and all their unbiblical or extrabiblical laws. Jesus was one of the biggest opponents of "Jews", which is why they passionately hated him.

By the 16th century, many European countries already had a history of expelling Jews or making them pay extra fines/taxes to live there. Most Jews didn't enjoy full citizenship rights either.

The only reason why "Jews" have been able to get such power, wealth, etc, in these recent past centuries is because they hate Christians. Their whole purpose of gaining global power and influence is to destroy Christianity and Christendom (the Western world), or White people, who are the ones who spread Christianity to other peoples.

Jews were able to live with pagans because they mutually did not pose a threat to each other. They stayed separate for the most part, e.g. kept to themselves (in designated communities, e.g. Greece, Syria, etc). When Christianity came to the forefront, the world was turned upside down, and Christianity gained the most influence in every aspect of life. This turned certain "Jews" in power to become anti-christ, just as when Jesus himself came.

nice try shlomo

>Hurr Hitler was a pagan.


In the Secret Conversations with Hitler, two confidential interviews were given by Richard Breiting in 1931. Breiting was a member of the German People's Party. In these conversations, (which were actually more private than the Table-Talk), Hitler reveals his aims and plans. Like the Table-Talk, the notes were taken in short-hand. Unlike the Table-Talk, which Hitler knew would later be revealed, Hitler was assured that his statements would be kept secret. Moreover, the Secret Conversations were authenticated as written solely by Breiting (unlike the editing by Bormann). Yet nowhere in these conversations does Hitler denounce religion. On the contrary, Hitler mentions a conciliation with Roman and German Catholicism where

>"people like von Papen and many others are establishing good relations with the Vatican."

In Hitler-- Memoirs of a Confidant, Hitler reveals himself through conversation to colleagues from a conference on economic policy. In it Hitler is reported to have spoken, glowingly, about raising the

>"treasures of the living Christ,"

> "The persecution of the true Christians and sanctimonious churches that have placed themselves between God and man and to turn away from the anti-Christian , smug individualism of the past,"


>"to educate the youth in particular in the spirit of those of Christ's words that we must interpret anew: love one another; be considerate of your fellow man; remember that each of you is not alone a creature of God, but that you are all brothers!" [Turner, Ch. 23]

Nowhere in the Memoirs do we find a Bormann-like anti-Christian statements as found in the Table-Talk.

Lel. I think a good synthesis is that Christianity tempered the pagans of Europe, and allowed them to stop being niggers. I'll probably teach my kids about their Anglo-Saxon roots, but Christ allowed the pagan Europeans to extricate themselves from some of their degenerate practices.

Just mock them
They're "religion" is a joke and 80% of them aren't even serious about it
>he needs to pray thousands of times for his "god" to even consider listening to him
>my god knows what I need long before I even bring it up in my prayers

>Neopaganism was developed by volkish movements

Hahahhahaha.You would think european LARPagans would be any better then the american ones as we have more sources and direct connections to the land, but lo and behold its the same cringy bullshit without any substance:

youtube.com/watch?v=5LgCuvb79eQ [Open]

Wiccas were already absolutely insufferable when Gerald Brousseau Gardner got a harem of women dressing up as witches, probably got ungodly amounts of pussy in exchange for enflating the egos of his "witches".
One of the few I could take seriously was Friedrich Hielschers circle which started around the 20s, some german dude basically using christian substrate (showing respect and merit to it) and added germanic gods as angels below for some kind of henotheism-he actually wrote theology based on this but ended as an autocratic cunt dispersing his followers by forbidding them to use radio and TV when he finally managed to get some cult-village going until the 80s.

>gets told Christianity wasn't adopted because rome was advancing its lack of advancement being evident in its soon collapse of half its empire
I'm glad you missed the point entirely, the point isn't that christianity played a part in the fall but rather the fall happening is proof rome wasn't going through some great advancement as it adopted Christianity as its official religion

Always the same non-argument

>modern LARPagan surprised that Christianity, the force that unified Europe and allowed their manifest destiny across the world, has several splinter groups

Think of it this way. At its absolute maximum the population of the world in 0AD was thought to be 230 million people.

The population of Europe was thought to be about 80-110 million.


Depending on region and county the would have had opposing religions and prayed to different Gods/nature spirits, trees/ whatever.

You can't seriously be surprised that any particular branch of paganism, which probably had no more that a few hundred thousand people following it at any one time, and has no real historical data (as they were illiterate morons) than a global religion with currently a BILLION members (and growing).

Just to put into perspective how fucking irrelevant Norse paganism is there are more Scientolgists in the US today than there were ever people who genuinely believed Odin really existed and sucked dead men's cocks for sperm.

No go and play Skyrim and pretend you're a real Nord. Faggot.

Difference between Christianity and all other religions is that Christ is actually God.

You don't understand. I am saved by Christ. There is a tangible benefit to my life, and because of it I will inherit eternal Glory. There is a benefit I gain in this that no pagan LARPing will give any of you. That's why we look down on you, because you advocate for something you don't really believe. You're just atheists who realise how stupid atheism is.

But anyway, lets turn it around.

Remember that Vikings sold whites as slaves to Arabs. White women were especially in high demand.


You can tell why it appeals to the modern Swede, there ancestors basically invented a religion dedicated to weaponised cucking. Not only did they allow their women to have multiple husbands, they actively captured white women, and shipped them half way across the world so they could give them to shitskins.

When that failed they just decided to let all the shit skins into their country and rape their women without consequence.

It's no wonder the only time Nordic people weren't absolute cucks was the few hundred years they were Christians.

Nice cross on your flag BTW

Look how not a single christian will address their collapsing church but rather attack us instead.


There aren't many of them and they tend to stay in their generals so I'm fine.

SAGE all Christian / Heathen antagonism threads

Support Christian/Heathen allegiance!

Divided we stand no chance. Together, we are strong! Let us secure a future for white children, and THEN we can go our separate ways.

Always think: What would Jews/Muslims/Communists want?

In this case, they want Pagans and Christians disunited.

If only Christians stayed in their own generals

Anyways gonna vote SD in the church election tomorrow.

>like Africans
Anti-white propaganda

>Mud huts

This is why christcucks are absolute morons that no one respects.

The Catholic Church and Christianity *as we know it* were both crafted in Europe. The reason it was so readily adopted by European pagans was because of how compatible it was with their present beliefs. For example, Germanics took to Christ as they viewed him and his role in the "End Times" as a very similar figure to Baldr with his own respective role in Ragnarok. Various Patron Saints helped fill the role of pagan minor gods.

Bless you, bong. How can one more fully integrate their Anglo-Saxon roots into their Christian faith in a way that is not heretical?


Be a good goy. Abandon your history and worship this jew

Le ebin bagan ecks dee
>Seriously, fuck pagans.

t. based mexican conservative

haha ebin all pagans worship satan meme haha ebin

The majority of your 'believers' are LARPing edgy teenagers, with the exception of adult psychopaths like Varg, and the esoteric tryhards on pagan discord.

They're atheist who just want to believe in a religion so they LARP as pagans worshipping marvel superheros and not the ebil christians that they despise

nobody is christian of pagan here, stop larping, thx


>saved them
Tried to give them a civilisation which is thousands of years ahead of their evolution, paving the way for the great overpopulation of africa which is now a big problem and all because they didnt understand nature and had the retarded claim all people were equal

The majority of your 'believers' are faggots social signaling as good Christians while campaigning and voting against all Christian interests. Haha why hasn't the bible changed in thousands of years you guys I mean come on we should haha accept the gays haha let those migrants come in haha atheists are fine too!

>they are literally abandoning 2000 years of culture their ancestors cherished
And Christians are abandoning 6,000 years of culture their previous ancestors cherished. The fact of the matter is many many people on Sup Forums are dissatisfied with the state of Christianity, with the Pope washing the feet of refugees and with Evangelicals being rabid supporters of Israel.

It is certainly understandable that people dissatisfied with Christianity who still like the idea of religion would turn to Neo-Paganism, or in some cases Islam (muh white Sharia). I'm just an atheist and as for my ancestors, none of my ancestors alive when I was born have been particularly religious and I would probably put my father above my great, great, great, great grandfather when it comes to whose opinion matters more.

Me too

Your believers are non-existant or brown

>as they became more advanced
You mean as the empire began to decline
And the didnt pick christianity, it was forced upon them trough Jewish terrorism

(((Anything to kill the goyims god)))

>Non existent
Coming from a pagan.
I'm Catholic and most Catholics I know are opposed to homosexual faggotry, its theologically opposed to Christianity, it's only Jews that push the tolerant BS down our throats.

There are no true christians left except drooling Israel loving retarded bbc-chugging "conservatives" and south americans.

Which is why Romans wrote the Bible centuries after the events and promptly established a Catholic faith that looked a lot like the pre-Christian Roman religion, not the personality cult it was? Nice try.

I'm a nigger and most niggers I know don't steal so haha aren't we so nice, its only those nasty mean niggers who give us a bad name haha now let us into your country right now.

zeus was a homo and so was odin

>True Christians
No true scotsmans fallacy. Also, Europe looks pretty Christian to me,

who is this semen demon?

>barbarians that live in mudhu-

I don't know but pagans are the most moronic people. I think they watched way too much Harry Potter or something else just as lame.

*1200 years for me

and why do these years matter more than the thousands of years of being pagan?

>he fell for the mudhuts meme
doing about 3 seconds of research will enlighten you on that you fucking autist

>waves of invasion

Look who really doesn't know about history. The Empire fell because of the mass integration of foreigners with no concept of being Roman. The Roman religion was about maintaining order. Christfaggotry is a Jewish personality cult. Once you stop respecting the past, how can you be surprised at the outcome?

Islam would have been much better for europe, a religion that worships the warrior and has contempt for the coward pacifist an weakling. The exact opposite with christianity

We know extremely little about the beliefs of European Pagans past a certain point. We actually know very little in general. There's more religious lore in Marvel superhero comics about Thor etc than what we actually know of authentic pagan beliefs.

If pagans were actually serious about paganism they'd become Hindu. At least that's a surviving polytheistic religion with strong roots that we can trace.


I fucking hate neo fagans in here.
They are nothing but edgy retards mad at religion because they are too 666xXXSaSukeUchiha2cool4church.

The don't care about paganism

All they do is use paganism as a thin veil to exercise their autistic screeching at Christianity AND NOTHING BUT CHRISTIANITY.
They are dishonest subhumanic pieces of shit with zero principles, who only cause infighting and division.

These pieces of shit are no different than brainwashed Redditors from r/atheism.
Varg can gulp my stinky steaming shit. The Golden One is the only person related to paganism who cares about pagan culture and does not use it as excuse to attack other religions.

books.google.no/books?id=2pw-CgAAQBAJ&pg=PA248&lpg=PA248&dq=Because Odin was heterosexually active he was in danger&source=bl&ots=GX1hfP57So&sig=ROFZnP0xRNcYc3bbpGeQL6AE8rA&hl=no&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjQwuTYt6rWAhXsDpoKHS1KBd4Q6AEIPDAC#v=onepage&q=Because Odin was heterosexually active he was in danger&f=false

THIS is their source for the claim that Odin drank semen. It's written by David F. Greenberg and the title of his book are "The Construction of Homosexuality". He draws wild conclusions on his own and his sources, I have checked them, doesn't back up his claims.

It's not really surprising that Christians use Jewish sources though, because that's basically their whole bible.

The most signficant problem with Christians is that when you instruct people to read the bible
and take it too heart It doesn't take too long before people realize that it all takes place in
the middle-east and it's about people called "Abraham", "Lot" and other semitic names.

And when people ask "So where do I come from? Where is my people from?", christians have no real answers.

European soul is pagan. Practicing "pure" Xtianity is against European nature, thats why so many churches and divisions inside of single religion.

Whats wrong with all the christfags who spit on their Gods and the most important philosopher who basicly revived them. Nietzsche

>Reeeeeee Varg said brown eyes are a non-European trait

>Varg "Western Civilization Was Created by Mixed-Raced Individuals and the White Man is Naturally a Savage" Vikernes
