Has the world's poorest people

>Has the world's poorest people
>Worst literacy out of any other continent
>Crime is astronomical
>Food is scarce

Taking into account all these factors, how the fuck is Africa currently experiencing a population boom? You can't say that mothers are chucking out more babies as a survival mechanism because surely they wouldn't be able to feed, educate and in general care for them would they?

In spite of EVERYTHING that is wrong with them, how are they currently surpassing us?


Foreign aid

they currently surpassing us just in number

>their religions forbid to use birth control
>the ones smart enough to want to use birth control can't get condoms that fit them. not a meme. google it.
>they spend their entire day in a survival mode. they are too poor to have tvs. they can't read. their lone entertainment/unwinding time is fucking.

Stupid moron, civilization and academic freedom means Vertical growth, whereas lack of vertical growth equates to horizontal growth. Plus Africans can't into civilization = stunted Vertical growth = Horizontal growth.

Why do you think Japan is having a population decrease?

Foreign aid , they are getting so much food that they literally cant build up their own economy by selling the food they produce themselves.

Aid, black africa had a very stable population for thousands of years until we gave them aid.

>currently surpassing us


also just because they have an insane birthrate does not mean that most of these babies grow up to live extremely short, impoverished and disease ridden lives. The failure of africans to regulate their birthrate will not only keep them in perpetual poverty but will also drag down literally everything that is anywhere near africa.

Huge economic growth. Rising living standards. Hope for the future! And a lot of really backwards ideas about pretty much everything. We've got to get these people some internet. They can't even hear us rage at them yet.

This may come as a surprise to you brainlets, but War and Insecurity = Population Growth.


foreign aid you retard. weve been saving millions of fully dependent nigger lives for decades just so we can save billions of fully dependent nigger lives in the future

> Food is scarce
Not scarce enough to stop the growth, as life is getting better worldwide.

China is one of the most insecure and oppressive civilizations in the world today = huge horizontal growth


they have no concept of "tomorrow". they have sex without condoms and birth control and dont even think about pregnancy. some of them think condoms are white inventions to genocide them. there is nothing to do over there besides have sex. i have worked with an african before, fresh off the boat. he will constantly lie about things that will come back to haunt him later. and when it comes back, he gets mad. he himself even told me that african men will never admit to being wrong. they have no shame but all pride. all blacks in general will never admit to being wrong, but african africans cant even plan for lunch break literally.

>sex is used as an escape from the horrible suffering all around them
>no access to birth control
really made me think

Friendly reminder that Africa was on track to become the most prosperous continent in the world putting America in its backpocket if it weren't for WW1 and 2.

Cecil Rhodes had plans to build a railroad from South Africa to Egypt.

Oh how they destroyed this beautiful, magnificent and rich continent. Fuck progressive victimhood mentality, it's gonna plunge humanity into a new dark age

>low IQ
>subsidized living
Low IQ people procreate more often and in Africa where anything can kill you you want to get the local numbers up. Hasn't pol talked this subject to death though?
>t.mixed kid

Species survival strategy much like a frog or fish that has many children all at once because of low survival probabilities. Unlike lets say a chimp or elephant that has a few offspring but nurtures and raises to ensure survival. Add in western empathy for the nigger i.e. foreign aid and BAM you get Niggersplosion of population growth

so what? the europeans create beautiful cities just so they can flood it with refugees. just more rape and murder to happen under the rule of euro neanderthals

Can we meme communism into the African continent?

>Sup Forums can't into population pyramids
it will drop back to 2-3 in a twenty or so years