What does Sup Forums think of bullying

does Sup Forums think bullying is good and beneficial or bad for people
>could bullying of helped

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Good within a degree.

Also, of =/= have.

It will always happen in one way or another. Whether it's the physical bullying of a strong vs. weak culture or the crybulling of a progressive PC culture, someone's gonna get picked on for being out of place.

shut up faggot

you know what I'm going to bully this thread away from you

its now a "Johhny depps butt boy thread"


star at the 1:20 mark

Lack of bullying leads to superiority complexes among nerds (especially white nerds.) The alt-right's popularity among this demographic is proof of this fact. We really do need to bring bullying back.

bullshit. Bullying to any degree isn't right or natural. Even if a kid is weird, he shouldn't be torchered to killing his or herself about it.
It doesn't happen in catholic schools. It doesn't happen in white tight knit communities. It's wrong. Period.

Well if anything anti-bullying culture especially in schools has only made things worse plus it's created a legion of useless bystanders so wtf I guess I love bullies now


Sounds like you were, or are, bullied.

If you're targeted, it's because you make yourself a target. Stop talking about games. Stop talking about politics. Stop talking to anyone but your friends. Stay reserved, and stay quiet.

If you aren't strong enough to stand up for yourself and make it stop, then blend in and survive. Learning your place will do you good desu

Please do, the last time a faggot commie tried to bully me in high school he spent the better part of lunch time screaming as I chased him with a hammer, and I would have fucked him up if the teachers didn't stop me

I was bullied, but
>Stop talking to anyone but your friends. Stay reserved, and stay quiet.
is a fucking rediculous thing to expect from society, from kids. There are still places in the country where you don't have to act like an animal in the fucking jungle, where you can just be your own person without worrying about ridicule
Making excuses for bullies (read: usually niggers or abused whites) is wrong, what should be condemned is the fact that it's even happening

Go right ahead and bully people but you don't get to cry when your victim turns and murders you.

yeah, that was the vid i linked..he murdered someone

Pwease no bully

did he really? Look how he acts like a nigger
Everyone talks about integration about how it drags up blacks, no one mentions how it drags down whites



I was bullied plenty, either I am a outlier or your just plain wrong

>What Do You Guys Think?
>Give Me Clicks
>unarchived or hooktubed YouTube link

>What does Sup Forums think of bullyin

we literally HAVE to burn femiscum on stakes. publicly.

"Burn one, educate hundrets"

>No one will try to bully you as an adult

This shit is insane. I am 5'5" and took care of (usually ended up becoming friends with) every one of my "bullies."

You gave them an inch, idiot. It has everything to do with how difficult you make it for them.




>learn to fight subhuman animals instead of changing the animals
Have you ever seen the movie bully? The kinds of bullies these days kids are facing belong in fucking mental hospitals. Sure know how to act, but you shouldn't have to be watching your back and fighting evil children in a civilized society
>just be tough
you're not addressing the problem, you're figuring out a way to dance around it


>bullying of helped




It sucks, but the only way to fix it is to let the kids fight it out

Could have at least posted a white person. Shit b8 try harder.

Well, bullying here is treated as acceptable within a degree, like said. It helps forge character so you don't become a numale, but too much of it can be bad. Some retards cry "MUH FEELS" in the news every now and then but thankfully it's not catching up.
Now, talking from a social perspective, kids still don't know the difference between right and wrong, so you can't held a child liable for that, but the parents.

never beneficial

there are ways to explain why something is bad without resorting to fear tactics and psychological manipulation.
Sup Forums will probably say its beneficial because they are edgy as fuck, but what else you can expect

kan't spell for shit

>if (flag=="Ancap") :
> discardOpinion()
> callHimAFaggot()

Pwease fren!

Isn't that how schools/work places get shot up?
You never back someone into a corner, literally or figuratively, they'll fuck you up when they feel they have nothing left to lose.


you had a good bully then.
yes, i did make friends with some of my bullies (after a good fight) but some of the bullies don't want your attention and are genuinely malevolent. the difficulty lays in differentiating those type of bullies from the "playful" ones

bite-sized bullying is fine, i.e. making fun of a kid for his voice squeaking, but only a few times and not routinely targeting that person every single day.

I get the feeling the majority of these kids that "break" literally have never been teased in their life, thats why when they get a first instance of it in highschool/college they fucking break mentally and kill everyone.

Overall not very helpful, and most of the victims have something wrong with them. Bullying the disabled is nigger tier.

I think the bullying outrage was manufactured HORSE SHITS!

i disagree. the ones that "break" usually soak a fair amount of bullying before executing the final solution.
it takes alot of thought before ending it all. your entire school should hate you at this point

It has its place in tens/hundreds of thousands of years of evolution. Namely, if you can't get by with the largely benign aggression of your tribesman-- the odds of you surviving for any appreciable period of time in the wilds are very low.

A few hundred years of civility does not undo thousands of years of tailoring to your environment.

>it takes alot of thought

yeah its a stupid decision. but most of these kids can't move into other schools and if they try to solve the issue with power the chads will summon hoards of normies against them, so its a lose lose situation. don't pretend like its easy to be in that situation

>giving someone shame about his own existence

Go eat a dick, ok?

>What does Sup Forums think of bullying
I think there is criminal harassment and anything less is just snowflakes crying

>does Sup Forums think bullying is good and beneficial or bad for people

To think of it as of beneficial or not is fallacy. It's relative and primal in human socio-interaction. It's about establishing power relation between parties. That is pretty much why higher institutions such as law enforcement exists within society, and mostly that is why kids/minors endure bullying - they dont see the bigger picture, only their small socio group instead of addressing their problems with parents/adults.
Those who claim that bullying is strenghtening/forming character probably do also put up vibrators up their asses to build up rape-immunity.


Bullying is a divide and conquer strategy made by the Jew. I was never bullied in my time growing up, due to me being a sports guy and athletic as/f. But bullying divides a school and fills it with degeneracy, and that also leads to your average school shootings. Overall bullying is degenerate and gets rid of competition, and only betas and weaklings get rid of competition.

>if they try to solve the issue with power
Maybe I'm an outlier, because that's exactly what I did in my 4th year of high school (here we just have elementary and high school, grade 1-6 and year 1-5) and the bully, who was a chad (a popular one) just fought with me until the teachers stopped us. I got losts of bruises but after that, while some kids still tried to pick a fight sometimes, it wasn't as bad as it was before.
Maybe it's just because Peruvian schools are ruled by the concept of strength.

>bullying doesn't happen in catholic schools

Getting bullied builds character. Makes you not a little bitch anymore. Or it doesn't and you cry on the internet.
life goes on

These days maybe, but when you have to watch your back constantly, is threatened constantly, and those in authority turn a blind eye, things begin to look grim really fast.
There is a difference between 'teasing' and being shoved/kicked when in public, and getting chased and beat up by a group when alone.
I was 'lucky' I made friends with a bunch of outcasts who gave no fucks and will trash your house, burn your locker, and throw bags of shit and piss at you if they didn't like you. Middle school/high school was pretty great once I got to know them.

Sup Forumsniggers should have been bullied more.

not like niggers bully user. not like niggers bully.
I've been to both, public and private schools. I was wrong to say there's no bullying in private schools, but by and far are there more of the weirdo kids who get away with their weird ass quirks in private school than public school.

its necessary to development, to either be bullied or be the bully gives insight to the human condition during our formative years. to take that away turns people into animals lacking all empathy as we are now seeing from the sjw/libtard set.

they claim altruism, but they are doing it for themselves, for social points, to fill a void of emptiness their education is unable to fill by design. They are selfish, completely unable to understand anothers view.

this is why bullying is necessary even if its painful for the bullied, on the other hand those who bully deal with the guilt of it later in life if theyre a human of any value, those who dont turn into pathetic losers as karma demands.

i mean the vid i linked the kid did go on a shooting spree

there is a big difference between being bullied by someone popular and someone unpopular.
school bullies play dirty and you have to watch your back especially if you don't have any friends to protect you.
you could use force on the chads but it will probably won't end up in your favor (even if you win). 2 years as karate student probably helped me the most at dealing with bullies

Here's the bullying life cycle at my (church of England) and my best mate's (jesuit) schools.
>shit talking, name calling, shoving and tripping until a boiling point is reached
>either kid is a faggot and moves schools or there's a huge fight and everyone's chill after.

I dont care if you bully as long as you yourself arent a huge pussy.

On one hand, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

On the other, people can be fucking cunts and we shouldn't have a culture where it's okay to be a cunt.

stop trying to think whether it's good or bad
just punch the bully in the face and stop being a pussy!

the video i linked, the kid in it did gun people down


also vid in op

>Bullying was made by the Jew
Read back what you wrote, you're a living breathing meme.

there is no evidence that bully helps to introspection or development. quite the opposite, when you force people to change they react negatively and rebel. you don't want to end up in a situation where someone is getting killed or injured.
the problem is that we allow the aggressors to be verbally abusive and forbid the victims from fighting back. if you actually let the victims fight back and give them legitimacy then we will have less bullying overall

If the bullied one was a homofaggot, a nigger or a jew, perfectly fine

I didn't explain myself well. Here, a chad is someone with lots of friends he can and will mobilize to bully you while also doing it himself. What happened is that I ambushed him after class and we ended up fighting but, as I said, teachers discovered us. After that, he and some of his closest friends still came to pick a fight, but most of the others started treating me normally, either ignoring me or making small talk every then and then. When chad called them, some of them just said Why bother?

ITT: confusing bullying with normal male behavior
bullying is about destroying a kids soul, not bants

>he shouldn't be torchered to killing his or herself about it.
these kids commit suicide becuase they are weak people born of weak parents, im not blaming them, im blaming the parents. this everyone is special, everyone gets a trophy, no one loses ever mindset has poisoned an entire generation, made them completely unable to cope with reality, complete aliens to the trials and tribulations of life

fortunately generation zyklon is rebelling.

Bullying checks people's egos it humbles nerds and faggots who otherwise go on to become serious meglomaniacs.
bullying also is the best motivation for people to fix their shit. why would a fatty get in shape if their is no immidiate concequence.i provide the concequence by calling the, fatass all the time.

>becuase they are weak people born of weak parents
>Darwinian horseshit
easy there edgelord. yeah, even the "weak" kids deserve to go to school without being picked on by barbarian niggers

>humbles nerds and faggots who otherwise go on to become serious meglomaniacs
in what fucking world do nerds go on to become serious meglomaniacs?

>going to school with nigger
Still the parents' fault.


bullying is ok as long as its something the kid can change for the better, such as being fat. bullying will have the kid realize being fat is bad and will therefore lose weight.
bullying is wrong when its about something the kid can't change. if he has big feet, for instance, calling him a clown won't do shit except ruin his mental state.

Jews voted for integrationist policies and the low class (nonviolent, non criminal) whites got fucked. Stop blaming white people for nigger and jew actions
>muh exceptional cases
and even then, i wouldn't call the google guys meglomaniacs, or zuckerkike
they're still aspie spergs

Boys who cannot or will not acquire the interests and skills that a normal society requires of men (viz. the ability to fight in wars, win battles and kill enemy warriors) are asking to be strongly encouraged to commit suicide.

It's that or let them put the whole tribe at risk by becoming a burden to the war party. Better them than the whole tribe.

I dunno. Honestly, Bully wasn't that bad of a game. Maybe not Rockstar's best, but it had all the right marks of a good Rockstar game. I enjoyed it, 100% completed it. Wouldn't mind a sequel.

being a former bully and friends with others who were as well, at least in our cases there was introspection and much regret, we've all reached out to try to make amends as best we can, but some people disappear into the ether after schooling.

as for fighting back, youre absolutely right. as a kid if i were facing a kid who i knew for a fact wanted to fight if i tried to bully him, i wouldn't have bothered, not worth the trouble.

also the bully isnt internally thinking "heh im gonna bully this kid", usually weirdness or weakness is sensed and the bully uses that as an excuse to take it out unaddressed personal issues on the person.

myself and my friends who also bullied, were ALL products of highly abusive homes, its not an excuse, just that nothing happens for no reason.

this one you dumb ass, unchecked nerds walk around with an air of "oh fuck i'm so smart i'm so much better than everyone else, everyone is an idiot except for me!"
in the anti bullying sphere they are invincible, they need someone to let them know that no matter how high their highschool grades are, they can still get their ass kicked by some idiot who is twice their size. they have nothing to humble them.
otherwise we are going to end up in a world full of sarcastic impervious sheltered zuckerberg-clones

Somewhat agree with this. If you can't handle bullying, how can you handle pressure?

granted. Let's define a difference between harassment and bullying. If you define bullying that way, then I'm okay with that. Harassment ends up with kids killed, and replies like this are retarded

Well that video is another example of people that we need to remove from the country and put into Venezuela. so they can see how their BS Social Justice turned out for them!

idk, after watching this video i really changed my mind about it. now i think its necessary

no one "deserves" anything at all you entitled faggot. parents are absolutely responsible for their childrens ability to deal with outside stressors, kids who cant deal have parents who never taught them how, either because they themselves dont know how, or are neglectful

hes in jail for life most likely

>if he has big feet, for instance, calling him a clown won't do shit except ruin his mental state.
yeah but the horse cock thats implied later in life from those feet has to ease the sting a bit right?

yeah, just by the grace of being a human you have inalienable rights.
>arents are absolutely responsible for their childrens ability to deal with outside stressors, kids who cant deal have parents who never taught them how, either because they themselves dont know how, or are neglectful
so it's okay for niggers to pick on little suzie until she hangs herself? You make me sick. Where is your empathy, at least for other white kids?

>so it's okay for niggers to pick on little suzie until she hangs herself?
i never said it was ok, i said her parents are failures because they failed her in more ways than one, and like another user said
>letting niggers pick on your small child without retribution

its pretty simple, show up to school, find the nigger and talk him into chimping out and taking a swing, shouldn't be hard, nigs have zero self control and zero future planning skills in one moment his life is fucked forever and he is no longer in that school

If talking shit is considered bullying then everyone is a bully

Unless you mean physical, then can't really say I agree with it

If only you could choose which school your children went to

bullying in schools is good, it gets you ready to deal with the bullshit of the real world and weeds out the weak by making them kill themselves or shoot shit up and end up in prison forever thus taking them out of the gene pool and making us stronger as a species

just stop being a pussy faggot

if you have money you can, doesnt mean they wont be bullied, rich kids are assholes on steroids

There's two things to remember
Guys bully differently than girls
Everyone stops when you beat them in front of thier friends

My woefully underaged mother named me with a clear girls name. Never got bullied more than once by anyone

Bullying is just another social pressure. It'll either expose faults or allow the kid to learn and grow.
My 5 year old daughter knows how to both block and throw a punch. Once her dance classes grind more kid clumsiness then we'll look into something less general for fighting

Same goes for my 3 year old daughter
There's no need to put up with other peoples bullshit, projection and emotional defects

>My woefully underaged mother named me with a clear girls name
what name

>After I graduated highschool, I was forced into a job by my parents just because "it had a 401k"

>The job was basically traveling all over the place installing these back up generator type things called UPS

>As you can imagine, you're not going to get good human beings that are willing to heeve ho batteries all day and kill themselves breathing in battery acid just so they can go to the bar after work

>I was bullied relentlessly.. I was called a retard by a group of literal crack heads(the one guy was nodding out most the time)

Definitely had an impact on me... I don't like bullies

I'm a guy named Erin

Boy named Sue?