A study has found evidence that religious people tend to be less reflective while social conservatives tend to have...

>A study has found evidence that religious people tend to be less reflective while social conservatives tend to have lower cognitive ability

wow Sup Forums, why are you guys so unreflective and dumb?

Other urls found in this thread:


No religious liberal master race reporting


>if we say their views make them retarded they will come to our side

Transparent as hell, conservatives aren't stupid they are just liars and hypocrites.

>a (((study)))

A desperate hook-nosed attempt to flog the righteous. This shit doesnt work anymore. You lost.

This. Not a study, it's an accusation.

Social conservatives are dumb? Surprise surprise!

you realize pretty much all niggers, spics, arabs, and other brown people are both religious and social conservative while most white people are the opposite?

where were the brown countries that accepted gay marriage again?

all this study did was confirm shitskins are stupid as fuck

the only policy that matters

This. These kinds of studies never control for race.

Well, maybe not the politicians. But the people that support them sure are dumb. They're the ones believing the lies and whatnot.


Vast majority of so called psychological studies can't be replicated.

But sure lets take this one on face value as intrinsically true.

who is that thot?

>making excuses to be a whore/faggot/junky

>tfw to intelligent too make good decisions

>you will never ram your hard, thick, throbbing white cock down her throat
feels bad man

It is scientifically proven that Christians have lower IQs than atheists and Liberals have higher IQs than conservicucks

>tfw to intelligent to be a decent person
T. Liberal

Call it what you want, but it's true, (((christkikes)))

it might be a dude

Nice try shill, but anyone who reads it sees that its not causal.

Sample sizes are all different as well, which is completely wrong for comparing social conservative and non-social conservative.

You should go back to the university and demand your money back from your stats professor.

>tfw to intelligent too be unbiased
The more liberal someone is, the more likely they are to unjustly discriminate on the basis of politics. Source:papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2002636
Conservative psychologists face discrimination that liberals do not notice. Source:papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2002636
82% of psychologists are explicitly willing to discriminate against conservatives. Source:journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract?fromPage=online&aid=9945048
The field of psychology is rife with progressive bias and intolerance of conservatives. Source:cdp.sagepub.com/content/23/1/27.abstract
Liberals are equally as intolerant as conservatives. Source:papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2239819
Conservatives are happier than liberals. Source: ssrn.com/abstract=2239819

Liberals consistently underestimate the compassion of conservatives. Source:journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0050092
Liberals view themselves as more compassionate than they really are. Source:heterodoxacademy.org/2015/09/23/how-marcuse-made-todays-students-less-tolerant-than-their-parents/
Young people who advocate for social justice are less tolerant than their peers. Source:heterodoxacademy.org/2015/09/23/how-marcuse-made-todays-students-less-tolerant-than-their-parents/
Conservative and rural Whites are discriminated against in college admissions. Source:nytimes.com/2010/07/19/opinion/19douthat.html?_r=0
Liberals value the lives of Black people and foreigners more than the lives of White people and Americans. Source:wired.com/2010/09/kill-whitey-its-the-right-thing-to-do/
72% of American college faculty are liberal, while only 15% are conservative. Source:washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A8427-2005Mar28.htmlAtelite
American colleges, 87% of faculty identify as liberal. Source:washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A8427-2005Mar28.html

Here's the archive

>nytimes com/2010/07/19/opinion/19douthat.html?_r=0
>wired com/2010/09/kill-whitey-its-the-right-thing-to-do
>washingtonpost com/wp-dyn/articles/A8427-2005Mar28.html

Was about to link those.
>Libcuck brainlet BTFO

Liberals are overthinking and coming up with elaborate complex theories to explain away the obvious.

>being a hateful (((christkike))) conservicuck is being a good person
Do I even need to dig up bible verses to prove it's for shitty evil people?

>liberals and progressives her themselves and each other off with fake news

Nothing else is new. This us actually completely fucking wrong. Constervatives are structural and hierarchical Liberals are abstract and gay

Fuck off faggot

There have been countless studies that objectively prove conservatives and Christians are less intelligent
What more proof does a brainlet like you need?
Trump supporters are less intelligent on average as well

found her

>There have been countless studies that objectively prove conservatives and Christians are less intelligent
where are they?

hillary: too smart to win

SHIFT + LEFT CLICK and your thread has now been hidden

(((A study)))

''"Socially conservative ideologies tend to offer structure and order," he said, explaining why those with lower intelligence may gravitate toward the right. "Unfortunately, many of these features can contribute to prejudice."

She's an idiot and Trump is probably smarter (he has a very high IQ), his supporters are idiots though
This man cites a study in Norway that says trump supporters have a lower IQ

As someone who is quite liberal (if that word means anything anymore) I dont agree with Varg on everything but this is a good video of his

So basically, leftists push the idea of cognitive supremacy when it comes to political ideology, but when you point to the different cognitive capabilities of the races they get triggered?

what does that even mean, how the heck did they test "reflectiveness" and what do they mean by "religious"

You could say the same about teh screeching autists in this thread
Scientific ''racism'' is valid, prejudice is for idiots though. There is outliers in all races

No there hasn't and psychologists agree that intelligence differences between ideologies and the religious is statistically insignificant. Your only goal post to shift to is the fact that abstract thinking is a trait coming to liberals and people with IQ

Again you are an immense faggot, chang


well i appreciate your quick google search effort but you're linking me second hand information here

go ahead and read these posts and see just how much they contradict/disprove the hit piece articles you linked. you may be surprised since all of these counter studies are, well, actual studies

stop posting pictures of my waifu, u mongoloid american

also it seems there's more linked studies in here disproving retards like you than there are studies disproving retards like me. so it looks like i win

Reposting the same thing is not allowed. Social science is not science.

non-religious national socialist. explain.

The links posted by the Brazilian say nothing about IQ

"She" has a dick.

they dont have to in order to pertain to the subject

For the one who's supposed to be the educated one, you fucks sure do throw a lot of buzzword insults around.

Make fun of based Trudaeu all you want, but liberals are smarter
Just remember that, brainlets

yeah trudaeu is cool he can do a hand stand while his country is getting flushed down the toilet by china

>evolution is true
>all races evolved different physical characteristics except for their brains which are exactly the same

They're counting blacks in conservatives.

You sure? The man looks like he's only 3 steps ahead of being retarded.

Liberals have a higher IQ, that much is proven. All that other shit means very little to me
Wow, some biased study says you're more compassionate. Good for fucking you, at least IQ is 100 percent objective

good I would succ her dicc if you know what I mean

Bullshit. Religious people are in a constant state of self-reflection, measuring their actions against their religious beliefs, making sure they're staying in line

Yeah,that's called just being dumb, like the study says, you guys are dumb

shitty strawman shitpost

So does some Autistic's. Intelligence=/=Wisdom.

>that pic

Until I see definitive proofs, I choose to believe that is a girl.
A girl who is cute, but obviously messed up by early exposure to Japanese porn cartoons.

So these kinds of studies are politically correct again? OP, let me tell you a little something about niggers ...

>Democrats still attacking the foundations of what makes the west great
Christianity is going nowhere, you degenerate filthy fucking Commie.
I know what you're doing.
Better for them to be not religious at all, than to be Christians.
God I hate Jews.
You're so fucking obvious, and yet you think you're slick.

brazil bros studies are biased but the dailymail spam finland linked isnt?

stop trolling bro. liberals go to college more but that doesn't mean they're smarter. especially when ivy league schools are accepting niggers based on basketball essays and not GPAs

Literal Autists have a higher IQ on average.Doesn't mean they aren't wise. They're just usually awkward in society. I think it's obvious the most intelligent people will also become the most wise, because of their superior intellect

Bias means way less when we are talking about an objective concept like IQ compared to studies totally subjective shit like ''who's more tolerant''

Strawman? You retards are the ones doing your fucking damnedest to censor all intelligence studies.
If we could identify all the genes associated with intelligence then allow people to modify their own genes to have them, we'd be a lot better off. Obsession with proving that all races have exactly the same brains and that intelligence is purely 100% environmental doesn't help them actually. It prevents them from being enhanced to the performance standards society demands of them.

>this aspect of psychology is objective when biased sources agree with me
>but this other aspect of psychology is subjective when unbiased sources disagree with me

nice scientific relativism, you shitty post modernist

IQ is literally a fucking number used to measure intelligence
I'd rather be proud to be on the objectively more intelligent side than to brag about an article that says ''waaaah conservatives face discrimination that liberals don't see''

you're a living meme

>prejudice is for idiots though
While there are outliers in all races, prejudice is a useful survival instinct. This behavior pattern evolved out of necessity. While all alligators will not bite you, they have a consistent behavioral pattern of swimming around and biting whatever is around. The people who just avoid these creatures will have a higher probability of passing on their genes at a higher rate.

I coud'nt finish reading this without thinking how much of a fag OP is and the researchers are. Religious people ... who assemble in a building built for the very purpose of self reflection, are less reflective that non-religious people?? What a great use of tax dollars. I bet it turns out it's all wrong like the time they studied which group would be more neurotic, Conservatives or Liberals, and when they found out liberals were, they just reversed the results to get the answer they wanted...



Like most social science these days, these studies' methodologies are always jokes.


Damn, that was a good fucking video
I'm on no fap man, don't post that shit

R/K selection theory seems to be the best explanation in my own opinion. Have you ever noticed that in undeveloped countries there are no liberals? Liberals are the descendants of those who only lived long enough to produce offspring because living in civilized society kept them alive. This is why they are always traitors to their in-group, they know that their own kind won't harm them but the out-group will. So they cuck as hard as they can cuck.

This. Needs to replicate before we take it seriously. Also...
This. All of those spics and nigs dragging the religious peoples' numbers down.

Libertarians have higher IQs than liberals.

FACT: Religious conservatives are happier than godless democrats.

You are just mad you hate life.

>People with lower cognitive ability were more likely to endorse socially conservative views

Aye, there's the rub, they inferred that from whether or not the person held generically conservative views as to whether or not they identified as a 'conservative'. There's also two general drawbacks to your case:

1). Leftists have a habit of attacking race realists on the grounds that 'they're only trying to make up for their low intelligence by appealing to their group', however this could be characterised in the exact same fashion

2). 3rd-worlders are overwhelmingly conservative - simply give a quick overview of any of their laws or social behaviours and you will see precisely what I mean. Do they, therefore, also have low cognitive ability? They must, surely.

>if you dont eat cum and cut off your dick you are retarded
White people you so crazy

>Christian person
>has to consider every day the sins he committed, including the "sins of lacking" (what he could have done to serve God, but didn't)

>less reflective


>Do I even need to dig up bible verses to prove it's for shitty evil people?
Go ahead faggot. I already know which ones you're going to pick, and I already have a response to it because there is always one specific mistake morons like you make when they try to use "evil" quotes from the bible.

It's legitimately always some Old Testament shit. Leftists are so fucking dumb they don't even understand the basic concept on which the Testaments are named for.

good thing im not a conservative or religious ig?

I can explain this in very simple terms for you foul insects. I have an IQ in the mid 150's and I work with people equally as intelligent. I am a die hard National Socialist. Everyone I work with, barring one woman, are extreme liberals.

Why is this? What do she and I have in common? We did not have easy lives. My father dragged me out of bed at 6 AM from 9 years old onward to run my little ass off. I was forced to get a job at 11. I was forced to take Judo and play football. My father, brothers, and I had a makeshift boxing ring in our backyard. I wanted a toy? Go buy it yourself. Want to go to college? Get a scholarship In regards to my coworker, she was raised on a farm where she spent her entire youth breaking her back. She worked a full time job for 5 years while studying for her masters.

Having a high intelligence guarantees an easy life. Easy lives breed weakness. Weakness breeds stupidity. These people live in a fantasy world. I also suspect severe magnesium deficiency.

Now, go! Never speak of this again, insect. And pray we do not rise and find you wanting.


Fascinating, but not surprising.

>a study

Well anyone with an even moderate IQ can surely debate the universality, which is surely a gross generalization, of a single study.

Nice try though.

That's interesting OP. I guess it means liberals atheists are correct on most issues then, because they are so intelligent. And the more liberal you are, the more intelligent, right?

Wait, hold on a minute. Fiscal conservatives score higher than liberals on IQ tests?

Not only that, studies have found that people with extreme views are more intelligent than moderates in the west. So that means communists, ancaps, nazis are more intelligent than both liberals and conservatives. Does that make them more correct?

And hold on for one minute more. In Brazil there is a correlation between moderates views and higher intelligence. And in South Africa there is a correlation between social conservatives views and intelligence.

So, from this, we've gathered that liberalism, leftism, being a moderate, being a social conservative, being a fiscal conservative, and being an extremist is correlated with a high IQ

Raelly maeks me fink

but i thought posts on /r/science are completely legit?

IQ is not indicative of behavior on all accounts. One can be highly intelligent but still have little foresight or understanding of abstract concepts.

A people whom evolution has shaped to survive a climate that requires constant planning will undoubtedly plan for the future far better. Aboriginals in Australia have been shown to have perhaps the best visual memories of any human sub-species. The ability to remember the location of an oasis is an example of why this is necessary.

Perhaps tomorrow after I am thoroughly drunk on my brother's foul homemade sake I will assemble a number of argument to show this data as invalid in the argument for racial separation.

Still very interesting, thank you for sharing.

(((A study)))

Last spring I took part in a study that affirmed that religious people are more likely to engage in innovative thinking. I'm sorry about your autism, (((1 post by this ID)))

how your thread gonna be called tommorow?