Why are you unironically racist? Racism doesn't make sense in the 21st century...

Why are you unironically racist? Racism doesn't make sense in the 21st century. I thought it was proven we are all humans one and the same and there's no such thing as race. We can all breed with each other right. So why focus on some artificial bullshit? It's like saying people with green eyes are automatically smarter. It's fucking retarded and why I can never get on board with your bullshit.

Other urls found in this thread:

books.google.co.uk/books?id=Pq5VDgAAQBAJ&pg=PT117&dq=thomas sowel polish italian greek iq&hl=en&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=thomas sowel polish italian greek iq&f=false

Racism is healthy.

Because standing idle while trash perpetuate a sickness in their community is a sin. We let them know that this behavior is unacceptable. The same way a mother teaches a child not to swear. You let them know they are not loved if they behave a certain way. The black community seems to pride itself on delinquency. Manliness in the black community is determined by how much you are against the law. The are teaching their children and setting them up for a life of failure. How is this not considered child abuse? A stern rejection of this culture is the only correct way.

But I noticed we are not all the same, niggers have a problem with understanding things and they constantly steal or ask for free shit. Why did you tell me we're all the same. Clearly we are not. I mean please and thank you are in my lexicon why not a niggers ?

Saying we are all the same is racist on its own. It's ignoring and denying all the unique cultures each races and nations hold.

The man who mapped the human genome has been without a job for decades because he was a racial realist.






Have you actually met a nigger?


All you are doing is elbowing white people off the edge of the table of history.
The only countries that are practicing diversity are white western ones.
Politicians isolate themselves in blankets of security and wealth hiding from racial tensions all the while just making conditions worse for all of us.

The point is that racialists and Nazis say that blacks are incorrigibly inferior, which is unfair and untrue to say of any man whomsoever who carries about with him an immaterial and immortal soul.


It is as facile to claim that blacks must be the way they are now perpetually as it would have been for a Roman to have said the same of the ancient Britons.

I can't help it. It's honestly out of my control. It seems stupid to live in constant self-denial.

Only racist so far as whites have the best culture which lends to better society. And then only so far as whites have a healthy majority. The reason things are turning to shit is because whites are losing ground. Same concept of trading securities. Simple math.

Obviously having an Australian Aboriginal skull is not innately a hindrance to a man or there could never have been a David Unaipon.

"He was known as the Australian Leonardo da Vinci for his mechanical ideas, which included pre World War I drawings for a helicopter design based on the principle of the boomerang and his research into the polarisation of light and also spent much of his life attempting to achieve perpetual motion. Other inventions included a centrifugal motor, a multi-radial wheel and a mechanical propulsion device."


I'm not racist, I just hate niggers.

>proven there's no such thing as race
Are you retarded?

Do you think black people and white people differ AT ALL? How about skin colour? OK, how about facial features, like the nose? OK, if facial features are different surely the skull shape must be different? And you know what goes in the skull? That's right, the brain, the thing responsible for intelligence, temperament etc.

But presently diversity is ruining many countries with high living standards. Saying that africa will be fixed in 1000 years doesn't make my views any less justified.

>posts meme with "nigger"

This isn't very good b8, you faggot.

>implying dindus have souls
>implying the soul even exists

Nobody is saying that.

However, society DOES value things in which blacks are lower (e.g., hard work, integrity, intelligence). So blacks are not inherently less worthy on a spiritual or moral level but they are less valuable to society. Either way I don't think anyone in this thread has promoted gassing them or anything like that.

>Racism doesn't make sense in the 21st century

Are you tryin to currentyear me again?

What is family, you stupid fucks? Do you really not see your extended family being destroyed by niggers? Is it really just simple-minded, unconscious disgust going on in your heads?

>what are outliers

their average IQ is 60 ffs

>I thought it was proven we are all humans one and the same and there's no such thing as race.
Someone told you this. Question it.

Please name one African civilisation from ANY point in history, comparable to the Roman Empire or British Empire.

Must be sub Saharan (Egyptians were Persian or possibly European).

People create culture, user.

Biology is the root, culture is the flower.

>What is normal distribution

It's cultural differences that affect societal harmony. That's what upsets people. It has nothing to do with race that's just what (((they))) want you to believe.

In the animal kingdom ther are species of the same animal that can mate successfully but have redically different personalities, behavior, intelligence levels, etc.
Inter-breeding capability does not inherently mean we are the same species.

Eh, I'm not really racist I just like coming here and calling random people nigger, spic and kike. Also never trust someone who says they don't judge people by their race even a little because they're lying. I can still see blacks have a crime problem that's specific to blacks even if I'm not racist.

Racism makes sense if you expose yourself to different groups in the US and have a baseline level of morality.

It's not a coincidence the best blacks act white and the worst whites act black.

But this is true, brits are inherently ugly and borderline retarded. Gauls are the only worthy Celts
>"what is the bell-curve" the post
congratulations, you found the upper end of the standard deviation.

I oppose mass immigration. No argument from me there.

The majority of people on Sup Forums contend that blacks are innately inclined to be less intelligent, innately inclined to be more violent simply because they were born black. They don't simply speak of what is but declare what shall be perpetually. Therefore every black man has to go lest he "taint the genepool," every mixed marriage is wrong because it "lessens the white race" and other such nonsense.

Even if you're right (you're not) those cultural differences are apparently so deeply engrained the distinction of nurture and nature is arbitrary.

The Britons were savages for thousands of years and would have remained savages for thousands of years more had they not been civilized by the Romans. Your point is void as I observe here. Anacharsis the Scythian would have been called a "standard deviation" if somebody with your foolish materialistic conception of life had existed in ancient Athens as I point out here. I don't think that people who think like you have the slightest conception of the philosophical implications of your talk about "outliers" and "bell curves" and the like. As you deny the soul in man and cast him down beneath the level of a beast; as you say that blacks are in a bad state not because they have made and are making bad choices, as you say it is because their "genetics" makes them fundamentally bad that they are in a bad way, you are therefore fundamentally materialists, and you follow a philosophy of despair and nihilism. How can you think there to be meaning in the universe when you reason like this? If black men are forced by their genetics to be what they are, then so are you. All your actions are predetermined also. You are not a moral agent. All is illusion----love, nobility, honour; the best and highest and noblest parts of life and of man collapse into the dust under your materialistic conception of life. In seeking to reduce the black man to an automatic beast you necessitate your being an automaton as well, and life itself is poisoned forever more. If you are a biological machine just like the black man neither of you possesses superior virtue. You are, in your conception of life, no better than a computer which is built out of better materials. At least never profess to believe in God or Christianity. How can a man believe in Divine judgement after death and a just distribution of rewards and punishments if our actions are predetermined by our genes rather than chosen by the volition of our own immortal souls?

>The majority of people on Sup Forums contend that blacks are innately inclined to be less intelligent, innately inclined to be more violent simply because they were born black.

It is not a conspiracy. Look at crime statistics. Niggers are going to nig. Ever hear of the "Warrior Gene"? If not you should google it.

The average IQ is terrible for any africkan. Granted, there are deviations....however, no different than a physical trait being genetic, so too is cognitive ability.

Tl:DR crime statistics tell the whole story. Blacks commit crimes, blame whites and we cannot discuss that blacks commit an inordinate amount of assaults and rapes compared to the evil white man.

Fuck out of here with that shit.


I. Q. is not static. There is such a thing as epigenetics. What do you suppose the I. Q. of the ancient Britons was as they languished in barbarism for thousands of years?

Polish, Italian, and Greek immigrants to the U. S. in the '20s had IQs at the level of the 80s, and sometimes as low as the 70s.

"There have been not only individual whites, but whole communities of whites, who scored at the same average IQ level as American blacks, or lower. During the era of mass immigration to America from Europe, immigrants from Spain, Italy, Greece, Portugal and Poland scored at or below the average IQ level of American blacks. Other groups of whites with average IQs no higher than those of blacks have included white mountaineer communities in the United States, canal boat people in Britain, and the Gaelic-speaking inhabitants of the Hebrides Islands off Scotland."

books.google.co.uk/books?id=Pq5VDgAAQBAJ&pg=PT117&dq=thomas sowel polish italian greek iq&hl=en&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=thomas sowel polish italian greek iq&f=false

To make judgements about the black I. Q. only 150 years after they were properly brought into contact with civilization (and then promptly abandoned in the latter part of the 20th century, or else corrupted by socialism and the welfare state) is madness.

Are you going to account for the violence and barbarism of the ancient Britons, Scythians &c., or for the savagery of Ulstermen and the Scottish borderers in the 17th and 18th centuries by means of this supposed "violence gene" also? Of course you won't, because you uphold a double standard.

Same thing. Inherent nature of the races. Whites are the bulls. Which makes me question why the 1% want to destroy the world by getting rid of them. Their philosophies are shit when patterned to the real world.

>Current year
>Ignoring tribalist biases and instincts found in all animals
>Race isn't real
>Evolution is artificial bullshit
Flag checks out

Because a lot of us grew up with literally this, and were even called racist for ever daring to fight back.


>I thought it was proven we are all humans one and the same and there's no such thing as race.

you thought wrong.








This sort of racialist nonsense is a completely false conception of life and history. Virtue is the root of the flower of a great society. How will you account for the rise and fall of Classical Greece and innumerable other societies like this? Observe the difference between a man like James Ferguson, who began life as a simple shepherd living in the most humble of circumstances in the Scottish countryside, and self-educated himself into one of the most eminent scientists and men of letters in his day, and a man like Lord Byron's father, who squandered his entire fortune, was an abject drunk, womanizer, degenerate, and a murderer. Nations, which merely represent men in the mass, rise or fall in exactly the same way.

As pointed out here "If Athens for a thousand years had no great men, began to have a few in the sixth century, produced an astonishing number of geniuses of absolutely first rank in the fifth and fourth centuries, tapered off in the third, then became sterile again and has remained so until now, there is no known mechanism of heredity which can explain this fluctuation of incidence of high ability." --- A. L. Kroeber, a noted cultural anthropologist.



>What do you suppose the I. Q. of the ancient Britons was as they languished in barbarism for thousands of years?
It sure as hell was higher than anything in africka. You are assuming that all people are equal and you have a co-exist bumper sticker on your prius...I get all that. I disagree based on simple science...You know stuff that Bill Nye does not go near.

Europeans had to contend with this magical thing called "Winter". It happened every year, and killed anyone dumb enough to not understand the signs of the stars. Europeans at that time had to plan ahead in order to not only survive today, but to make it to the next year's harvest. This "feature" forced objective and abstract thinking....

Meanwhile in afrika....No one has to plan for shit. There are no seasons, there is no need to think about tomorrow. It doesn't matter. There is plenty of food and water. There is no need to ponder next month. There is no need to even know what time of year it is. Every day is identical to the last.
Afrikans were creatures, just like the Europeans. If we were all created equal, surely the afrikans would create something....like a wheel, boat or some sort of animal powered device.....Eh, nope.

So somehow in europe, white motherfuckers are planting grains, raising domestic animals, and riding horses with or without a cart/carriage. They are crafting warm clothes to survive winters....

Motherfucker is still wearing a loin cloth in afrika. STILL.

You can deny IQ and its meaning all you want, but it still directly correlates to "success". Higher IQ people make more. Every time. When these niggers have a sub 90 IQ, expect them to act like retards.

Sorry, these are just proven facts. Sorry you don't like IQ or the idea that Humans are not one single species that is the same everywhere.

Why can any fucking retard look at "human" bones and be able to identify the lineage as one of 4 easily discernible species?

I'm not racist, but I am biased. If a black man is dressed business casual, I'm not comcerned. If a black man is dressed with his baggy ass jeans at his knees, I become cautious and alert. You'd be retarded not to do that.

If a white man is dressed like a full on frat bro, I avoid him due to his likely limited conversation, but I'm not alert to him potentially harming me. If a white man is dressed like a hippie with gauges, dreads and a nose ring, I keep my hands on my wallet and phone. Again, you'd be retarded not to do that. Also again, I'm not racist, I'm biased.

Here's the future of all your granddaughters in America, or your great-granddaughters.

I can't be racist because I'm not white

Because I understand proven genetic research.

>>A. L. Kroeber, a noted cultural anthropologist.
my nigger an anthropologist born in the 19th century fuck my tits let me get my listening horn this is getting serious guvnot

I bet these girls parents are liberal shitheads that tell her to stop being so racist when she complains about the school she goes to.

That's how my parents were, and I literally want to skin them alive because, to this day, they still don't fucking know shit. They grew up in their lovely boomer lives, and fucked the future for all of us.


The irony of a hammer and sickle complaining about ppl asking for free shit. Go fall in a punji pit you literal human feces, that way you can die by something equally full of shit

Primitive Britons were still more intelligent then Negroes, and more importantly only exhibited this behavior during their early history, becoming the strongest civilization in history later on.

Average intelligence means little in the absence of a formidable culture and government. The idea that all the factors that determine a people's fortunes should hold constant merely because average racial intelligence does is absurd.

What does it matter if you have 10x the 130+ IQ people of a country a thousand miles south if you are kept in subjugation, or have recently lost a major war or had a famine, and as a consequence your people are less educated?

But no by all means ignore the actual averages of intelligence and numerous studies on its genetic inheritance just to promote your nonsense ideology.

>Africans invented those big disk things in their lips.
>Americans put feathers in their hat and then invented the foundation of western civilization.

God, you're fucking stupid. Just fucking go away. You're not the shiny thing. You're the smudging turd. No amount of delusion will change that. Whatever human faculties you possess only serve to fool and drag others down.

This is going to be the future yearbook of every American.

The facts he points out are common knowledge among people who know anything about ancient history.

A just-so fairy story to try and substantiate your racialistic nonsense. Not a straw of substance to it. Both Northern Europe and sub-Saharan Africa were both basically barbarous until the former was civilized, and even then the process required hundreds of years. Cicero and Caesar spoke of the Britons in exactly the same language as you do of blacks. Those facts may sting your pride, but they are facts nevertheless.


Oh shit, I guess it's the current year guys.
Wow, OP is so right.
I'm all for millions of savages coming over and raping our women now.

>we can breed with each other right
That doesn't mean anything you uneducated nigger.

>early history

What you mean by "early history" is thousands upon thousands of years and then several hundred years even after the Roman conquest, and even then you are in the Dark Age and have to wait several hundred more years for the real glory days of Northern Europe. And yet people like you find fault with sub-Saharan Africans who were brought into contact with civilization only 150 years ago.

>one group is barbarous [but still has agriculture, towns, villages, and metal working], and shortly after its first contact with real civilization becomes a real civilization.
>another group is in the stone age for most its history and even after centuries of contact with more advanced peoples is still completely barbarous.

Wow these are so similar, and DEFINITELY disprove all of modern genetic research and crime statistics!

>Kill yourself.

You are the exactly the sort of coarse, vulgar, mindless cretin that racialism most appeals to.

I've long suspected that we'd be more successful at integrating literal chimps and gorillas than the fucking black nigger plague

Its not remotely a comparable circumstance no matter how much you try and falsely equate them.

are you some kind of biological essentialist OP?

>Manliness in the black community is determined by how much you are against the law.
It seems to me you're less concerned with race and more concerned with black American culture

Africans, on average, have a lower IQ than Europeans. This disparity has been recognized since colonialization, and continues in Africa despite prolonged contact with the Western world. E.g. South Africa and Zimbabwe.

Sub-Saharan Africa had metallurgy also. It is known as the African Iron Age.


You vastly overrate what Britain was. "When the Britons first became known to the Tyrian mariners," says Macaulay, "they were little superior to the Sandwich Islanders."

"Shortly after its first contact with civilization" is a lie. What you mean to say is hundreds upon hundreds of years. I can name innumerable black men of worth to you; but how many British men of worth can you name between the Roman conquest and (say) 400 A. D.?

>I can't be racist because I'm not white
I can't be racist because My great great grandfather was half black and my other great great grandfather fought for the north to save the slaves. His name is on a bronze plaque because he was an officer.

I can't be racist. I have blonde hair, grey eyes and an awesome red beard

>Americans put feathers in their hat and then invented the foundation of western civilization.
We call that "Macaroni" over here in the states.

>A just-so fairy story. Not a straw of substance to it.

You must be new here. There is plenty of substance...so many pictures in this thread are posted by intelligent anons. Open your eyes you hippie. You can sit in your cognitive dissonance all you want. Sure I use some fun adjectives, but what I am telling you is truth. You can pretend to not believe it, but you won't convince most people. I am talking about evolution, which is commonly accepted by science. All people are not created equal, and you don't have to like it. It is a fact. Some people are just shit at certain things. You can put lipstick on a pig all you want, but the facts are simple and are easily proven by science...over and over. Somaliians are some of the dumbest humans to walk the earth. Forrest Gump would have been a philosopher in their country.

I don't for an instance think that all blacks are dumb/worthless/violent, but PROVEN statistics show that some blacks are very dumb, very worthless and violent as fuck. Most crime stats put your chances of being robbed by a black guy 500% greater than being robbed by a white guy.

Blacks commit an inordinate amount of crime versus their 12-15% of the us population. Why is that? If they were so intelligent, wouldn't they try to adhere to the laws?

Many groups of Europeans in a low state of culture have proven to have I. Q.'s as low or lower than those of Africans.

To judge sub-Saharan Africans as you would judge Europeans would be like judging a Briton in 200 A. D. (150 years after the conquest--as we are now 150 years after colonization) as you would judge a Roman or a Greek.

How come every single black majority country is a shit hole?

Northern Europeans were known to be stupid and violent by civilized men and were so for thousands of years. Your argument about blacks is a facile just-so account which denies history, denies the human soul, denies the freedom of the will, and reduces all the phenomena in the universe to matter and its movements and modifications as they exist in the present moment.

I have been here since the very beginning. Unlike you I get my knowledge from my own reading and I think for myself. I am not a weak-minded Johnny Newcome like you who reads an infographic or two about black crime rates and then thinks himself to represent the pinnacle of enlightened wisdom. You know nothing about man, history, philosophy, or life, and yet you imagine that you know everything that could possibly be worth knowing.

I'm talking about country averages. I'm talking the mean of all IQ data for a country, not the specific left ends of the bell curves. Western countries are more intelligent than African countries. This is neither good nor bad. It simply is.

LMAO at OP. He's clearly one of the shills who was hired to come here, or his professor told him to come here, or whatever, but now he's here forever and he's got the redpill in his mouth but he doesn't want to swallow.

This is pretty much the only thing that gets me an erection these days.

Please name one African civilisation from ANY point in history, comparable to the Roman Empire or British Empire.

>Many groups of Europeans in a low state of culture have proven to have I. Q.'s as low or lower than those of Africans.
So you are comparing the low state of white culture vs average blacks?

Sounds like a fair comparison. Its like the top 20% of blacks being smarter than 1 out of 2 whites. I enjoy giving credit where it is due.

>To judge sub-Saharan Africans as you would judge Europeans would be like judging a Briton in 200 A. D.
Pretty much it. The shame of it all, is that still needs to be our reference point. No matter how many white people show up and try to help, these afrikans simply do not better themselves as a culture...sure there are a few that are smarter....they either leave entirely or become warlords.
>How come every single black majority country is a shit hole?
The idea of afrikan "culture" is designed to bring everyone down to the same level. It is not designed to move upward, but to hold everyone at the lowest common place

.>Northern Europeans were known to be stupid and violent by civilized men and were so for thousands of years.
Just stop. You are not even trying. I am not talking about distant past. I am talking about contemporary facts. I am talking current events here. So can you be a doll and stick to the discussion. You keep going back to some shit that happened 3000 years ago. You weren't alive, and you sure as fuck aren't reading some long lost afrikan manuscript.

Lets talk about current events please. You keep trying to drag the discussion back. I told you why I believe currently afrikans have a retard level average IQ. I am not saying I am correct about the causation, but I am saying that it is proven fact that IQ does matter. If IQ didn't matter, Detroit, Chicago etc wouldn't be a shit hole.

>I have been here since the very beginning.
You want me to suck your cock? I don't quite grasp what that has to do with anything.

>It's like saying people with green eyes are automatically smarter

Green Eyed Master Raceā„¢ reporting. Speak for yourself nigger, I'm a genius.

>Polish, Italian, and Greek immigrants to the U. S. in the '20s had IQs at the level of the 80s, and sometimes as low as the 70s.

So you are saying white immigrants in the 20s has low IQs but don't now.

And blacks in the 20s, what was their IQ?

It was low then AND it is low now.


I know that's not what you meant technically because they are the transition from Africa to the Middle East. I wouldn't consider an Egyptian black. Other than that you got Zulu warriors who let the British have their own role play as the Spartan' s 300.

>only 150 years after they were properly brought into contact with civilization
Oh... they didn't have their own civilisation? Why is that?

Who created the civilisation they came into contact with?

>So you are saying white immigrants in the 20s has low IQs but don't now.
Don't feed the troll. He refuses to comment on current events and keeps going back to unproven/unsubstantiated claims

For fucks sake, IQ test was not standardized until the early 1900. Taking about IQ for people previous to 1916 is like asking what kind of Iphone the ancient Phonecians used.

>You can't judge blacks because EVERYONE was a bunch of uncivillized rapists at some point.


Does this even change the facts about African IQ?

>Observe the difference between a man like James Ferguson, who began life as a simple shepherd living in the most humble of circumstances in the Scottish countryside, and self-educated himself into one of the most eminent scientists and men of letters in his day, and a man like Lord Byron's father, who squandered his entire fortune, was an abject drunk, womanizer, degenerate, and a murderer.
It's almost as if genetics are more important than environment.

I mean the most classic examples of modern black civilizations are South Africa and Zimbabwe. The former has debilitating infrastructure after white flight due to apartheid. The latter has government-induced famine. I could also use Detroit as an example, but blue whites helped in the destruction.

Its about values and having shared values. We don't value wetbacks entering illegally, we don't value niggers living indefinitely on welfare, we don't value people basing their whole existence around their sexuality. Some race have more value than others.

I'm not necessarily racist all the time, but I'm 100% prejudiced 24/7

Prejudice saves lives, I'm not giving a clean cut white man in a suit a second glance, but if a nigger walks past me I'll be on alert until he's out of reach.

Too simplified. You're acting like it's a closed system when outside variables were introduced. The problem with whites is success starts breeding hubris, and hubris means bringing in outside influences under the delusion that it will lead to greater success when success before that was due to a closed system.