Plz no

plz no.

It's Torso, dun dun dun, did I do good?

Yeah but what if.

It wasn't?

look at the hips and shoulder, it's clearly a female.
it could be a doll or some other corpse as well

Oh yeah man, he would clearly be traumatized over finding a mans torso when he knows she's a woman. Stop being such a retard.

judging by , you are doing great.

Finally caught up after not reading for a year, does anyone else find this manga difficult to follow whats going on or am I just retarded?

Also, why would they kill this cutie off?

Dear lord i hope mutsuki actually got corpsed so we can get some sort of semblance of order back to the wiki again.

>Mutsuki dieing without Ishida spelling it out that she isn't a trannyfag
>Wikia forever saying Mutsuki Tooru: gender male, : sex female, :pronouns he/him/his/xe/xer/they/them

In my deranged ideal world, we get a flashback where she does the whole "im a woman/thisiswhoiam/somethingsomethingcharacterdevelopment" before she gets mannequin'd.

Why is :re so shit and unexciting compared to the original manga?

Because you watched the anime and picked it up after S1 ended, which also happened to be at the exact point that part 1 ended.

the only people who really say this are newfags

No, that's when I stopped visiting the threads.

Hahaha, yeah. Got'em!

Don't worry it's not who you think it is.
The focus shift from ghouls to ccg

>The focus shift from ghouls to ccg
Ghouls have been worse than the ccg.

No, I agree, it lacks the flair the original had

it's an expression of shock stupid


Re is a fucking mess

How strong are we expecting Kurona to be? I would say about as strong as Kaneki at the end of Tokyo Ghoul, especially if she has a half kakuja.

Kaneki when he beat Shinohara.

Thank fuck tumblr bait is dead.

Just because there is more going on at once, doesn't mean it's a "mess".

There has been a lot of confusion on the timeline in :re and there have been constant timeskips.

So what was the smell?

blood you numb digger.

>It's a mutsuki cliffhanger who puts tumblrina on suicide watch

bacon lube.

Are those two boys or two girls?

What's the confusion? If it's on the level of thinking that Ayato and Kaneki were in the same place in this page, that would be retarded and lacks any credibility. Because there were anons who thought those two were right next to each other here.

Eto's timeline with her speech and showing up at the ccg. The time difference between Rue Island and Cochlea.

Also not confusing, but just messy is the seven flashbacks this arc.

>Eto's timeline with her speech and showing up at the ccg.
How is this confusing? I'll allow the second point, though. I wasn't confused, but I can understand that it may be difficult for some to process that once it was pointed out.

Those anyone know what day the Cochlea invasion happened on? Since the island invasion started on the 13th inside the story.

The amount of time on the island wasn't clear.

>The amount of time on the island wasn't clear.
No, that's the one I understand. The first thing I quoted in my post is what I'm asking about.
>Eto's timeline with her speech and showing up at the ccg.
This, specifically.

It actually was the same problem just with the recon team instead of the massed attack.

You mean when mophead came back to report? How was that confusing?

>Those anyone know what day the Cochlea invasion happened on? Since the island invasion started on the 13th inside the story.
Never mind, found the answer to this. The Cochlea invasion was on the 19th.

So yeah, when the announcement was being made in chapter 67 that the island invasion had begun on the 13th, we were supposed to assume that a few days had passed since then. It was confusing since no one paid in any mind from that one mention.

Ok so what was the point of that dwarf/mole ghoul woman? She got introduced and now she's dead. There are seriously more than enough characters already. I can't remember the names and faces of half of the people. I often have no idea who is talking about who or where they are and what they are doing.

Okay, so, the torso is placed in the same area as Mutsuki's was. So if it's not Mutsuki's body, then we must accept the horrible truth. Torso is having an affair with somebody other than his waifu.

Though, yeah, now that all this fuckery with our perception of the timeline has been brought up, the last time we saw Mutsuki could have taken place in the past (during the earlier days of the invasion) rather than "now".

What was the point of Nutcracker or Matsumae? Just another "major"-ish arc character to make us sympathize with.

Miza is definitely still alive, though. It's just a matter of whether or not she survives this to escape with her husbando or she lives only to die a more tragic death. Perhaps in front of Naki, so that he can "remember her forever". Or die together, who knows.

Why would Urie make a shock expression over a torso and made much emphasis on the smell, a familiar smell judging Urie's expression?
I would very disappointed with Ishida if he create a cliffhanger for the sake of it.

So is kaneki on naki's level yet?

Nuts was just a plotdevice to develop Shirazu, I guess Matsumae was just another for Homoprince.

>Why would Urie make a shock expression over a torso and made much emphasis on the smell, a familiar smell judging Urie's expression?
I was being farcical, user. Hence why I mentioned this
>Though, yeah, now that all this fuckery with our perception of the timeline has been brought up, the last time we saw Mutsuki could have taken place in the past (during the earlier days of the invasion) rather than "now".
There's also the low, low chance of Torso having another torso around as he's found his "soul mate". Unless he caught a CCG soldier and brought her body back to his love shack to cheat on Mutsuki with.

Oh yes, for sure, but they're also there to add a bit of bitter-sweetness to the situation.

>i would be dissapointed if ishida made a cliffhanger for the sake of it
That already happened twice recently, first with yomo getting pierced in the throat and nothing happening and then with the garbage compactor and nothing happening. Not to mention all the last second saves, first ayato getting saved at the last second by yomo and then yomo getting saved by ayato at the last second. And then yomo being saved by kaneki at the last second and re being saved by eto at the last second. Id be really happy and thoroughly surprised if it is mutsuki, but it's definitely just another cheap cliffhanger.

Ishida should stop drawing and just write a novel. At least then I could understand what's going on.

That would be cheap, cheaper than the whole Kirishima-Yomo situation.

Oh shit i just realized kuronas kagune didn't have a hand.


I thought her kagune had a hand at first but it doesn't.

>this arc

The timing of Eto's speech vs coming for her editor.

>coming for her editor.
Huh? What do you mean?

Eto cames for her editor before Kaneki arrested her, then she and Kaneki went to her speech because the CCG allowed her to.

The special class were finishing their meeting when the recon team arrived. The editor had already been interrogated for a while.

The Recon team heard Eto have a speech at Aogiri's base.

Eto arrives shortly after the meeting.

Kaneki was already searching for Eto. They first approached her editor, then took him into their custody. When Eto came, they released him. Then she had her speech afterward.

>The special class were finishing their meeting when the recon team arrived. The editor had already been interrogated for a while.
Yeah, the scouting was chronologically before this. When mophead arrived to report on what happened, that was after Eto's speech had already been reported on in the papers.

Anyway, I got you. I can understand why that's confusing. Either the scoutteam remained on the island for a while after witnessing Eto's speech or Ayumu was getting treated first for the injuries she sustained. It may have even taken her a while to return from the last time we saw her on the island too. That's the only way I can explain it.