How does Europe deal with the rise of the Gyppo Empire

How does Europe deal with the rise of the Gyppo Empire

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lol gyppo? everyone knows you are Latin aristocrats living in castles

Your national anthem is butiful.

>have 0$ gdp
>western europe feels sorry and buys a crate of milk from you for 10$
>+infinite% gdp growth

wow so rich

>sends a gyppo for eurovision
>orban is literally part gyppo
show your flag gulashnigger

>when the turks have better gdp growth then you

wow guess all those immigrants didn't do fucking shit

I'm a muslim, my brother :)

Best european country, all the rest are jealous and flavorless.

Best neighbour, may Allah bless u

Our nation will be dead in 40 years with the current birthrates.Also we went from 100bil to 200 meanwhile small northern countries with less than half of our population have double the gdp.
Nothing will rise but nice b8.

filthy hungarian, get out of my country!

Idk senpai, good luck seeing those numbers gradually fall as you creep out of 3d world economy numbers in a few years

If REAL GDP growth, then congrats. Haven't been the easiest time for economic growth.

If nominal, then fuck you. No one cares about your inflated prices.

Switzerland is fucking awesome fags.

they are roaches, only one way to deal with roaches.


last year in 2016, despite all politic chaos, many terror bombings, hidden european embargo our gdp grew +5.3% which put us second place just behind china.

turkey becoming global super power is inevitable and when you realize this it will be too late.



I'm pretty sure there were plenty of third world shitholes that grew by more than 5.3%. Not trying to offend you or anything.

turkey has a higher gdp per capita than you mate

What does it have to do with anything?
>our gdp grew +5.3% which put us second place just behind china.
This is simply not true because in 2016 India grew by more than 7%. I wasn't even comparing Turkey to Russia.

Lmao an economy built on pity

of course there are (ethiopia for example) but turkey is 17th globally by gdp. so we take first 20 countries into consideration.

also a correction: 5.3% is this years (2017) expectation.

higher than all eastern european countries except greece. equal to poland and croatia.