A 18yo kid brought a glock 17 for 4500 euros

>a 18yo kid brought a glock 17 for 4500 euros
>4500 euros
germany yes

Just because you have money doesn't mean you have good taste

>€4,500 for a Glock

A glock 19 costs around 1k USD here

>not sucking dick for a Glock 26

Just sold my glock 21 sf for 500 bucks. Euros are so oppressed on the gun rights front, I'm not in the least bit surprised desu

he aimed for muds only
he was a true arian hero and literally /ourguy/
as a half turk he saw both sides and decided to kill as many muzzies as he could
he wasnt even a muzzie since becoming a muslim is a choice
he chose the right side

>a glock 17, 10 magazines and 800 bullets
even for black market prices that's still a total ripoff.

An illegal glock goes for 500$ street price here ...

>im not gay though

Yeah but don't they make it impossible to get a hand gun in theses cucked nations?

Hero who did the right thing. Especially killing himself afterwards

/k/ is full of fags in denial.

Somebody should let Jamal know there's a 9mm mag shortage in germany, he'll make top dollar with that insider info

And furries

the kid an heroed after shooting a mall up

What country are you in?
>at least you have the ability to obtain these weapons.
>the barriers to weapon ownership put forth by cucked governments are why I could never live outside of the us

>Yeah but don't they make it impossible to get a hand gun in theses cucked nations?

Nope you just need a legitimate reason to own one as it is not a right to own firearms.

Legitimate reasons include being a hunter (and having the necessary licenses for it) or a sports shooter (and being in a shooting club).
Licenses for self defense are not granted to civilians but only people that are bodyguards etc.

It's still pretty cucked

it takes an american to suck dick for a goddamn pistol
holy shit you deserve your continent-sized containment zone

>legal market
Gadsen retard detected

holy fucking shit

>sucking a dick for a glock