What the fuck is happening lately? Are people jumping the capitalist """"civilization"""" ship...

What the fuck is happening lately? Are people jumping the capitalist """"civilization"""" ship? I've seen people talking about Ted Kaczynski everywhere lately.

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Lol spelled "unabomber" wrong.



I know, I fucked that up. Still, my point remains. A LOT of people are talking about him lately around the web. Are people starting to learn about primitivism?

What the fuck is this shit? I literally said this in the second post already.


because he was right


Leave it to Sup Forums to fucking miss the entire point and just quote mine for shit they agree with.


All things return to earth.

Its not that I disagree with his other points, its just I'm a bit blackpilled on the achievability of implementing it

The new iPhone facial recognition has played a role, as it was something he predicted

Oh yeah, the guy who bombed a university.

A nice dream

But we all already know, the only way this will be happening is the only way it ever could have. Mankind will continue to destroy this world and itself until it becomes unsustainable and the population catastrophically collapses. Only then can anything alive on this world breath again. I really wish there were a way to wipe out 99% of the humans without just waiting for them to destroy everything, but I don't think it exists.

because he was right

Yes, but why the past month or so? Are people finally getting it? Did something happen? Did shit have to get THIS bad first?

It's probably because Discovery Channel just made a mini series about him recently.

Btw once again, Sup Forums hyperfocusing on "muh leftism". He also criticized faggots like you.


>faggots like you
Really, what did he say about "me"?

It just premiered last month.

He has an ongoing miniseries about what he did. That's why.

people are upset at society
>mass shootings are symptoms of the problem


>this video isnt wrong

That explains it.

>He also criticizes conservatives, describing them as "fools" who "whine about the decay of traditional values, yet they enthusiastically support technological progress and economic growth. Apparently it never occurs to them that you can't make rapid, drastic changes in the technology and the economy of a society without causing rapid changes in all other aspects of the society as well, and that such rapid changes inevitably break down traditional values."
He's totally right too. "Muh capitalism will save us!" is total bullshit only the retarded believe.

Only a society as sick as ours would not only have this many events like this, but continue to refuse to acknowledge they're signs of civilization-ending distress.

>I'm right!
>Kills elementary school children
Adam Lanza was either a plant or a retard.

Just as crime is a symptom of society, society is a symptom of the individual, and the individual today is being dissolved away through the many technological breakthroughs that put him into an environment he never evolved to live in.

>Adam Lanza was either a plant or a retard.
did you even listen to the video

There's a new television show about him. That's why you're seeing the spike,

I will, but it literally doesn't matter. There's no good excuse for killing kids. They're the least vile of humans. And no, muh "kids are cruel" meme isn't valid. Kids don't wreck entire continents of ecosystems or kill millions to steal resources and enslave people.


im not saying lanza killing the kids was right, but he (if you read his forum posts) talked about how school was a bad system and kids are being poisoned in it..he did it to free kids

Yeah, it's this. My parents were watching that like a week ago.

>youtube "celebrities"

It's not technology. It's capitalism and laziness. Technology is great. People just choose to become greedy and simple in this age. Look at this image: Look at her face. She's got peace of mind. Look at her dress and ornamentation. It's both intended to be aesthetically pleasing but also every symbol has meaning. She is connected to both her people and the Earth. Capitalism and modernity simply can't do this.

I'd imagine eating monkeys produces some nasty shits.

I figured it was something like that. In other words, he's a plant or a retard. The solution is not to kill victims, it's to kill the system. But that would be useful. I'm nearly 100% convinced Lanza was a plant to poison the well.

There was a 3 or 4 night special on him recently. Not sure if that had anything to do with it.

It seems to have. Everyone's already mentioned it.

There's a recent, semi-shitty TV series about him called "Manhunt : Unabomber" or something. That's why.

The tv series happened because he became a meme and anarcho primitivists did some bombings in the name of animal rights.

Have you watched it? It had potential but I never watched it because I assumed it was full of (((propaganda)))

A couple of the influences on Kaczynski:

The whole of Leviathan can be found online.


I thought the series was pretty good.

The only part I didn't understand is that he never left his cabin for a month when they were watching him, but he didn't have a bathroom. Did he just have a months worth of shit sitting around? It didn't look like he had a month's worth of food or water in there either.

I thought it showed his philosophy in a favorable light.

You know, now that I reflect on his own phrasing and actions, Ted Kaczynski is clearly not that smart. He blames "muh technology" for the world's problems, ignoring the fact that most of them are caused by just plain too fucking many people. And his actions in pursuit of his goals are those of a non-thinking ape. He should have targetted politicians and tech CEOs. Not fucking professors and students.

I've watched it. Parts they got laughably wrong and others they had the guy playing Ted really dial up the crazy. Other than that it was an interestingly honest take on what happened. I expected them to shy away from a lot of what he put in his manifesto, and they did in some respects, but a good portion of it was surprisingly accurate. It casts the FBI as being much more competent than they actually were though and that part pissed me off a bit. It's worth a watch if you have an afternoon to kill.

He is smarter than anyone on here.
Maybe he went after normal people because there would have been a higher probability of being caught if he went after high-profile people.
The actions of geniuses usually seem retarded to normal people because normal people can't understand them.

There was a post in reddit about the guy during that time that had a shitload of upvotes, so people looked it up.

>He is smarter than anyone on here
Not than myself, clearly. But yeah, Sup Forums is pretty retarded on average.

>Maybe he went after normal people because there would have been a higher probability of being caught if he went after high-profile people.
>Shit stupid people say when they think they're being smart
All he'd have to do is kill 1 Zuckerberg type to make his point, and he'd get approval for it. By just killing random people, he both got ain't shit accomplished and helped people turn AWAY from his cause.

>The actions of geniuses
Don't get carried away, faggot. If he was a genius, he would have killed Steve Jobs.

I assumed they were watching the town and paths leading to and from his property, not the actual cabin.

Hurr Durr I'm smarter than Ted. Yet I think I'd be able to kill someone as high profile as jewberg.

They made a tv show about him.
It's good

are you retarded

sure attacking the system is good..like what they did in erfurt..but lanza was right about what he did, sure kids died..but if he just killed like 5 teachers no one would care as much

Killing people, aside from being wrong, doesn't achieve anything. Especially in a society with inhuman laws where even the elites are replaceable, just like machine parts.

weev wrote some new bot scripts to coincide with his new (((narrative)))

Are people seriously defending killing children? What kind of drugs would you have to be on? Either that or you're a CIA plant.
No one in their right mind can think that killing kids achieves a damn thing. The only reason this exists is that we're living in the end times.
Kids are just an off-limits rule.

If they're that replaceable, they're seriously overpaid.

Was this ever a question? Facebook, which literally produces nothing, is said to be worth billions of dollars. We live in a fake economy.

there's a tv show about him dipshit

Fucking retard

>Hurr durr let's bomb civilians! Surely that will get people on board with my cause!

>but lanza was right about what he did
Not even remotely, you retarded frogposter. It was both stupid and immoral.

Oh I assure you, killing the RIGHT people sure as FUCK does something.