Why can't we get one of the many mulattos on Sup Forums to BLACK Anita Sarkeesian and destroy her kike bloodline?

Why can't we get one of the many mulattos on Sup Forums to BLACK Anita Sarkeesian and destroy her kike bloodline?

She's a lesbian

When has that ever mattered to a nog?

Nigger if she is a lesbian she won't reproduce which is better than her having some form of offspring and fulfilling biological purpose

>tfw too hot to become a feminist

I'm gonna jerk off to this later.

>she will never jerk you off while calling you a problematic gamer boy
why even live bros?


>complain about sexism in videogames
>appear in public in a dress with the possible biggest cleavage to draw attention
I hate that hoe so damn much

Three things:
1. Shopped.
2. She's Armenian, not Jewish.
3. If you can hook her up with me, I'll dilute her bloodline with a smile on my face.


Antifa Sarkeesian

For a woman who constantly bitches about the objectification of women, that's a pretty revealing dress.

Idiot lesbians can still have kids

Why does she sexualize herself?

It's fake, tard.

It's still real to me dammit!

Woah, when did she get those cans? A few years ago she appeared rather flat. Or maybe she just didn't wear such clothing? Hm.

That's an obviously Armenian name. She's not a kike.

yeah wow it's like her head was transplanted onto a whole different body

her dad possibly donated to trump.
or it was a very dedicated troll

also stop posting e-celeb bullshit you faggot.


>tfw no face-to-face frequency