Smarter Not Harder

Can Sup Forums convince the black community that it would be empowering for them to move back to africa?
We all know how easilly manipulated blacks are, and we all know how much better off white countries would be without them... why hasnt there been a campaign launched to convince blacks that their still slaves and that the only way to free themselves of their chains is to officially renounce their US/Euro/Aus/Whatever citizenship and move back to africa.
All this talk of a race war is pointless, easiest way to get one person to behave in the way you want them to is not through force but by convincing them its in THEIR own best interest

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Am I right or am I wrong?


You're right. They have to be convinced to go back because they can't make a living in a high tech economy. They will be poor and have to stop breeding because the welfare money is running out. But if they go back to Africa, we will give them money for 30 years and they will live like kangz. They will like it better there because it's sunnier and the people are more like them, not cold like white people.


You have to do that on a one by one basis.
Make a fake FB account, contact American black people telling them that you are already in Africa and that you quickly become a respected warlord, and that you are now looking for other Afro-Americans to join you in your pillage and rape activities, offering rewards such as gold and women and guns.
Then, tell them that you'll wait them at Lagos airport, they just need to buy the ticket and all other expenses will be covered.

>yfw niggers call you african because you have dark skin



your right about the money, they'd never leave their nice kushy welfare check behind

Break Your Chains! Move To Africa & Finally Be Freed of Your White Masters

^ Wrong Photo ^

Its worth considering if we should pay them to do this? It could be completely voluntary and therefore fit white ideals of not violating the NAP.
Imagine putting up a pot of money of say $50B - and each black that agreed would share the pot. Obviously there would be no trouble getting the first few thousand to sign up, since they would be splitting an immense amount of money each....however, soon the poor and more desperate would also join....diluting the pot even further....eventually it may wind up like each got $2k or so, and we could work a deal with the final host nation (which could of course tax them and then remit a portion back to the US Treasury).

They were born here, most resent the term "African American" because who they are has nothing to do with Africa, they would much rather just be called Americans.

Just print whatever we need, the devaluation is a small cost to pay to get 90$ of black out volentarilly... thing is youd have to either sterilize or preferably forceably remove the rest from your lands... or else theyll just respawn in a couple decades

90% of blacks***

Met a black kid outside the pub once. Drunk as I was, I asked him where he was from.

"Insjön" he said.
No, you are not, where are you from - genetically i asked.

The look in his eyes was fucking amazing. The butthurt/invaded safespace, wow. I never got an answer, he probably don't know himself. Witch is a shame, he should be proud of his heritage and his peoples culture, and re-join his fellow brothers in Africa, and DO SOMETHING with that place. But somehow, this is racist?

It may suffice to just get the 90% out. That would cover the poorest, dumbest, most uncivilized.
I'm willing the bet that the 10% who remained would be mixed with a fair amount of white DNA. They would probably be the most educated and peaceful, and probably their breeding would be on-par with nominal rates.
The real cost would not be in the actual repatriation payment, that itself could be done for 100-200B (which wouldn't put much inflationary pressures), the hard part would be paying for all forms of media needed to sell the idea...would need to have a steady stream of "good news" on CNN, NBC, Facebook - stories of blacks who "went back to the motherland to live as kings".

Honestly, the best way to get them to go back in the US would be to deceive them. Niggers aren't smart after all

Get into contact with
Get a civic nationalist democrat/republican government, say you're giving them "reperations for slavery", whose terms would be:
>A one-time payment of 100k US Dollars
>Revocation of US Citizenship
>Get citizenship into a african country of their choice, and deported there
>Not elligible for citizenship ever again

Obviously, the last would require cooperation with subsaharan countries, but why the fuck would they refuse? It's literaly free labor and capital.

The money may seem like alot, but if they all accepted (100k* 42million), it would cost about 4trillion all at once, which would cost the entirety of the yearly US budget(they could always borrow). Not all of them would accept it to begin with.

It would cost a shit ton but in the long term the lack of instability and crime would probably help the US a lot.

You fools greatly underestimate the quality of leadership that the black community has, while white boomers were smoking dope and succumbing to commie brainwashing, the black boomers were reading the Bible and figuring out how things work so many of them are BASED and can see right through this bullshit.

What you see on TV is meant to sow the division, to make you think that all blacks are looting animals, but the ones you see are just stupid kids who rebelled against their based parents. They drank the kool-aid of gangster culture, becoming brainless tools of Soros and sickos and are no different than our own boomers who fell for an earlier version of the same shit, it's like a generational skip.

I might have a solution for the African Question.
One of the reasons Africa is so useless is because of tribal minded crownieism that results in infighting due to the artificial borders and sheit.

What is one of the most unifiyng forces in history? Empires

We round up an expeditionary force composed of "diasporan" blacks (let's feed them the idea that diaspora blacks are superior) and prepare them for invasion. We'll organize the conquered lands between the nogs in semi-feudal states and support their conquest of a heartland for their modern empire in subsaharan Africa.

This way we kill three birds with one stone: we solve the African question, get rid of the niggers and destabilize the Muslim North Africa, locking the subsaharan empire and the arab world in a Cold War.

the media sell would absolutely be the hardest part. their so far up their own collective sjw ass right now i dont think they'd see the long term benefits... may want to start the campaign off with a pre-campaign campaign to sell the media on how it would be empowering for blacks to return home... if the msm actually believed it, they would sell the hell out of the idea without any pay off needed (or with minimal pay-offs being needed)

once an african,always an african

Didnt all of humanity originate in africa tho...?
I think were gunna need a an expiration date on that rule

This implies they'd be able to conquer the africans in the first place.
Many africans go to european military schools then back to Africa.
It's likely the AU would coalition against such a military force and stop it, which meant we'd have spent a lot of money for jack shit.

In a way it would actually work, because they'd be more united if they beat back the invaders. So we'd still make Africa less of a shithole.

It doesnt matter if its a sucessfull ethnostate... as long as they GTFO who the hell cares what they do, we'd be giving them a massive amount of money and land and the teachings of western society from the past 200+ years... if they cant forge civilized conditions from those 3 things then fuck em, not our problem.... id say its more than generous on our part... i mean we could always just gas em... trying to be nice here

the point isnt to improve africa, its to get blacks out of white counties...

How are you gonna convince the blacks to go there if your diaspora force gets purged?


NOT MY FORCE, some other user brought up the idea of invasion... personally i think thats not the right path to follow though. i said we convince them through msm (and social media, and planted black leaders, etc...) to take some reparation money and leave of their own free will (with the agreement they renounce citizenship and can never regain it)... we can gas the rest later if we want, though another user pointed out how the 10% who stayed would probably be of higher value to society and not overbreed... either way the weight of crime/welfare/popularity-of-stupidity/etc being taken off said white counties shoulders would be IMMENSE

It may be beneficial to make the terms worse rather than better. For the same reason that Nigerian scammers use terribly written and ridiculous 419 helps pre-select the extra gullible. So offering blacks a "one time repatriation fee of $35K" may really motivate the stupidest, poorest, most genetically inferior first...then once that program has run its course (and the media is showing the smiling happy faces in Africa now resettled into their 'mansions') you could came back for phase II and offer $50K this round, after a few rounds of this you may've been able to move the whole lot for far less than 100k each. (for one, we should work a deal with the host nation that we get a portion of taxes collected - after all we are giving them free tax crops for them harvest)

Not a bad idea OP, smart and more feasible than most on here

Lemme turn that idea on its head tho

What if we, as people of European heritage, return to our home countries in Europe to save them from the muslim and african hordes? They actually have far right anti immigrant parties we can support there, are whiter (le %56vs%90), share common cultures, languages, and an ethnicity within each country, and they are the beautiful ancestral homeland of whites. All things the US lacks. What's not to love?

My diaspora force.
Our blacks will win. They are more instructed and skilled in industry and warfare since African blacks been infighting for so long. We can hit specific targets like Somalia, or some land infested with Muslim insurgency so the African nation's wouldn't mind. There a realm of propaganda possibilities:

>United black race stands for Africa and sheit!
>We are KANGZ and sheit!

Then they work their way from there. We can put South Africa in the game too and support both covertly with guns and cash

The reverse is probably a better option. Kick out undesirables from US and import displaced native europeans. Let continental Europe fall, its too close to mid-east, Africa anyway to prevent long-term take over.

North America is isolated and much bigger, better agriculture, and more diverse ecosystem than Europe. We've got everything from snow capped mountains, deserts, swamps, euro-like New England, tropical beaches, etc. I'd be willing to see signs written in French or German if that was the deal....We could import the castles brick by brick to stop the nogs from living in them....

I agree 100%, untill this...
>(for one, we should work a deal with the host nation that we get a portion of taxes collected - after all we are giving them free tax crops for them harvest)
Dont over complicate it, that keeps happening and then we dont get shit done... just hand em a stack of cash and a plane ticket... yall keep focusing on convincing the african nations to accept them... why!? if they dont like it threaten them with regime change... bet they (countries leader) change their tune real quick when an abrams is knocking on their door

Why on earth would whites spend over 200 years building America into the strongest nation the world has ever known just to abandon it to go save a bunch of cucks who are willing to commit cultural/racial suicide just because their gov told them too... thats why we left the motherland in the first place... i own my land, you can take my guns and my dirt from my cold dead hands

THIS user is onto something here!
we did it with the london bridge, why not the castles too

Step 1: Set up fake social media accounts on facebook, twitter, youtube, everywhere. Make sure to present the accounts as blacks born in America. Stupid names and all.

Step 2: Flesh out a past. Choose a city with a significant black population in America as your home town. Don't over do it. Blacks need to relate to the account. Talk about things like working at the local Walmart or KFC. You need to make the life in America bleak and poor. Throw in a line or two about being stopped by racist cops over small offences like loitering or jaywalking(the system hates me! mentality). Also talk about being a high school or collage dropout. Bonus points if you can sell the idea about moving all around America and everywhere having the same bleak outlook.

Step 3: Flesh out the life in Africa. Choose a country and a city in Africa to claim to be living in now. Show the cities and people in the best possible light. Post the images of the rich neighbourhoods, but make sure that all images only show black people in them. We can't break the image by revealing the neighbourhood as Asian or White. Make an emphasis about how Africa isn't as bad as the media said it would be. Remember you are a mundane everyday blacks. Aim here is to make it look like you are now living in the equivalent of an upper middle class neighbourhood. Nice house, decent car, decent job.

Step 4: Speak to black culture. This is to help blacks relate to the profile. Talk about rap, shoes, bling, food and/or sports.

Step 5: Tie the story together. Don't go overboard, blacks must be able to dream about these stories becoming about them. Make sure to iron out inconsistencies. We need to make sure that the top 5% of blacks can't catch on long enough to tell the stupid ones.

Step 6: Post activity based on the story set up you have decided on. Make sure that activity is consistent. Post about 4-5 times a day.

>implying blacks are rich and smart enough to go through all the trouble of moving to another country, let alone another continent.

Could be memed into existence. Would require someone with deep bitcoin pockets to be willing to play the soros and coordinate various media pushes. /polacks/ could earn btc and be doing a good cause....

Africa is bigger than the maps say and has far more than enough room and agricultural resources to house and feed everyone comfortably. But you can't get German welfare in Senegal.
It really is the case that Africa would be a world-feeding paradise if it was run by whites. They don't even know what slash and burn is and almost none of their farmland is managed in modern methods, organic or not. When they evict white farmers, they sell the irrigation equipment for scrap or let it rust. The entire "decolonize" movement is the most egregious case ever of "how hard could it possibly be?"

Brazil is already an African country though, why would they leave?

Honestly If i was black and had even a modest savings I would do this. If your black and have 20k in the bank in the US then you live in poverty, but if you take that 20k to some decent african country you could easily start up a business, live like kangz, and make a fortune...relatively speaking. It's not like they have a sense of patriotism or deep love of this country to keep them here, I think if offered the opportunity for a higher standard of living elsewhere a lot would take it.
And this would be a good thing for Africa as well. 85 iq nogs here might be a massive seeping wound on society, but in most african countries the average african american (30% white typically) would have a 10 point IQ advantage over the natives. They would quickly become the upper class, and likely the government in their nations, hell they might even be able to make some of them marginally less shitty.

non-issue, whites would be handing them a reparations check to pay for a plane ticket and getting them selves set up like a 3rd world king... this has been mentioned over and over in this thread


We need to put the rich blacks on board too, to make sure they can be self sufficient at least for a while. Give us time to lockdown the continent.

Is there any African symphony with blacks only? There's bound to be.
Show black "sophisticated" places populated with negroes and so on.


Pretty rick for a basketball-european to be making fun of basketball-americans.

We've been through this, guys. Have you never heard of Malcolm X?

Even before him we already did this, we made a country in Africa. The country Liberia.

It was very successful and it's a nice place and definitely not one of the absolute worst countries even by the region's standards.

Pull some Jew shit and plant seeds of African "Nationalism", in a couple generations given the oppurtunity they will move back, just like you would if we were in a world with an all white europe

The trick here is to push the idea into SJW circles as well. Make a small presence on BLM and work from there. Remember SJWs are stupid enough to fall for anything, but unlike blacks they have money(a ton are trust fund kids). We convince them to pay for this. If SJW circles grasp the idea it will eventually leak into the liberal media.

>Its OK to destroy borders if it's just between white people.

Enjoy becoming Polish.

That seed is already planted and sprouted and reached maturity... blacks dont feel like their part of this society and like the other user said have no sense of patriotic duty holding them here... just throw them some propaganda and a stack of 100s i bet they take off in droves... never been a better time than now

maybe we could get a good sized portion of those dishits to go with them... bonus points

I don't understand how you think this is anythign but complete idocy.

If it was going to be a movement, it would have happened with Malcom X. He preached it and everyone just ignored the separatism bits. Blacks don't want to go, they know it sucks, they know they can't run countries.

There is hope for us. In a step-by-step guide:

Demographics: 47% white; 43 mixed; 1% Asian, 7% black and 0,1 indian

>round blacks and ship them to Africa.

Then one of the two:
>contain mulattos at northern Brazil and declare south-southeast independence or
>enforce strict etonopolicies, 1child per Mullato. Import Argentineans or Uruguayans to bleach out the mixed people. White and white marriage only with 3 child minimum.

Some heavy natsoc (Bolsonaro 2018) will have to happen but it's the same with the US.
Even if you deport all blacks, still there's Hispanics.

i remember when I was in highschool there werent alot of black kids. We had 2 black kids in our class. Any way the teacher was making some random point that I wasnt paying attention to and made a claim that the 2 black kids in the class had something in common. That they were both "African American". Then the stupid fucking sheboon interrupted with "I aint black I be Egyptian and shieeeet". The conversation fucking died immediately and the teacher didnt even try to continue with it because this bitch was so dumb. Even if she was Egyptian (she's not) its still in Africa which would still make you an "African American". I fucking hate niggers.


Apparently, there is no patriotic duty holding this user here either as he just said he would abandon his country at the tip of a hat for Europe if it was just white.

The biggest fucking hypocrites live on this board. They won't stop until all white skinned peoples are put into a blender and come out a single ethnic group, but it's OK because its just white. Except for Asians because people here make exceptions for that, so we will all look like Mexicans when they are done regardless.

I'm not racist, but the faggots here don't even realize how globalist they are despite the memes they try to push to the contrary.

>white ppl doing reverse social engineering to bring them back

What a time...

I meant this person.

Are you high white boy? You think I want to live in a shithole like africa? I enjoy having my limbs attached to my body, I like the fact I can drive on paved roads, and I like the fact that your woman are brainwashed to think my dick is bigger.

I'm good right here senpai.

Things like statistics and culture matter more than the color, young grasshopper. It reminds me of the Jon "kill em on the Safari" Jafari debacle, what he was getting at isn't the preservation of "whiteness" the color, but the kind of thing blacks rip on eachother for "acting white". Well, you can't act a color. What they really mean is "ha what a fag, being all civilized and shit"

It's more about preserving Anglo-Saxon culture and an identity. Strict specialization is one extreme and blending into one race are two extremes. You hear discussion of blacks because of you know the reasons.they are one of the older lines, subspecies, whatever your choice of name. Most of them don't even have neanderthal DNA like all the other races,

Genetics and statistics aren't a meme

Don't you understand it? The humanity will be reduced to a single, artificial and cultureless race.
I don't know about you but I celebrate my explorer/conqueror crazy pioneer ancestry.

Unless nuclear genocide. I'm ok with that too.
We can survie the winter and in a century or so we can resume doing business as usual.

> OHHHH Nooo honey, its YOU that GOTS TA' GO. I ain't goin no-where, LORRDY NO. NO its you that gots to go. WE gon' have you all got before long, just you wait. I wont leave NOT now NOT EVA'

and they would stick to that conviction as if it was the last lifeboat off the titanic. They otherworldy stupid people, and as such they are suspicious of everyone, and would quickly rationalize this plan for what it was.

Your reading comprehension is shit.

I was commenting on the attitudes of posters here. They are all 'yea nationalism and borders n sheeet' and then are all 'im going to migrate to this other country because it's convenient for me' on the next line.

They don't want to preserve any sort of culture or borders, they want to blend Poland and France and such until all the only cultures left in Europe is 'europeanese', which is just 'american' but in Europe. Ethno-nationalists in England shouldn't want Swedish people moving into their country.

You don't understand how simple blacks are. The biggest driver of their behavior is to be contrarians toward whatever whites are. If white people and the media start advocating for repatriation, they will immediately refuse to consider leaving. Since the rise of the alt right, blacks who talked about building a separate black state in the U.S. now get ridiculed for doing what the alt right want. Hell there's more and more black people now who believe they wuz the real natives and didn't even come from Africa. There's no solution that will leave your hands clean.

I just don't quite understand. >Ethno-nationalists in England shouldn't want Swedish people moving into their country

Why not? Is there evidence they won't assimilate properly? Is there a culture clash? Why shouldn't they?

>easiest way to get one person to behave in the way you want them to is not through force but by convincing them its in THEIR own best interest


you tried already


There was a black dude that advocated this. Uh,
And apparently it goes further back:

I think there was an even more popular muslim guy who made this argument. Can't remember his name though.

Your American, your situation is different than Europe's. Brexit happened because enough British people were sick of Irish and Polish people coming in. Try thinking like a real European ethno-nationalist. You care about your own tribe, and every other country in Europe is Mexico to you. Saying 'it's just white people' is basically the anti-nationalist thing to say over there.

Besides, 'English + Swedish = Minnesotan', can't you maths?

behold the glory of black power

>Brexit happened because enough British people were sick of Irish and Polish people coming in

heh heh heh are you sure it wasn't those millions of rapefugees there bud?

1 word... MONEY... its all about the benjies yo... i fucking bet you anything if you gave them 100k each theyd flock right back where they came from... no way in hell theyd refuse that kind of money for nuthin

can we get a do-over...?

already a foothold for us, just gotta hype it up... thats what Sup Forums DOES... so lets get on this already... if we hype it up the money aspect will sort its self out... first step is to make them WANT to move to africa.

If I were going to abandon my country I would have said my goodbyes already. Almost everywhere else is more white than were I live. I don't want all white people to be put in one blender either because that would destroy what makes those cultures so great. I want the French to be French and the English to remain English. I want minorities to go back to being actual minorities again. The only way I can get minorities out without going to jail is convincing them that they want to leave.

Why in the fuck would anyone ever want to do that?

forfiture of citizenship and eligibility for citizenship as been mentioned several times... you can read right?

Nope, Brexit does nothing from commonwealth country migrations. Britain was already blocking the migrants in France from coming over. And Brexit is causing countless EU citizens to leave Britain. And Polish people have been targeted in Britain with hate crimes and discrimination.

Brexit was literal more about Poles than Muslims.

Eh, can't blame em. Polacks kinda suck

This is not a joke or a shitpost Sup Forums... is this something we could actually pull off...? blacks are amazing when it comes to raising hell till white people give them what they want, all we have to do is make them want to leave and theyll DEMAND trump send them back to africa... if we could pull this off it would be official...

I want YOU to shitpost blacks away from white lands
