The iPhone X and iOS 11 are just around the corner. Does Sup Forums plan to tell the world of some of its new features?

The iPhone X and iOS 11 are just around the corner. Does Sup Forums plan to tell the world of some of its new features?

>kikephone 6 gorillion
No, sage.

Isnt it drop proof? The new hardware allows it to become drop resistant, unlike the other model with the software

it's not without activating the feature

Fuck off buzzfeed.

I'm a mobile developer. I'll never buy one of these. If you want an iOS app from me, I'll only test it in the simulator. Fuck you.

I will buy one, but only if it is expensive enough.

I'm about to dump my iPhone 5 for something else.
Fuck Apple, their products became shit when Steve died.

All of the feature with the exception of the face scan have been available on the samsung s8. So I can pay Apple $1000 for a phone that keeps a permanent records of my face scan and personal data that I have no access to or control of. Sounds like a good deal.

>new features
you mean the shit that android had for YEARS?

Android is just as shit and it's API is literally one of the biggest trainwrecks I've ever seen

We really need to get together and make a phone OS that doesn't fucking suck

steve isnt dead, he faked his death and hes hiding out in australia

Will never go back to iPhone after experiencing the freedom of using an Android phone. Fuck iTunes and fuck Apple

This, frankly. Why pay 1k when you can mail that shit straight to your very loving gov', while having a better phone for half the price and invest the other half in a budget tour at Lisbon or any cheap-ass-but-nice city in the world?

I wouldn't be surprised if it were true.

The iPhone X doesn't have a home button but a peripheral can be purchased for $79.99 that adds home button functionality back.

First Apple ditched the headphone port for wireless earbuds and now the home button for more screen real estate. They are truly paving the way for the future.

Not politics.
Take this shit to or >>>/someotherboardthatgiveshalfaflyingfuckaboutyourhipstershit/


On a software viewpoint, you're right. On your individual freedom, I've got bad news for you, because both Google and your gov'-oh wait no, you're swiss, fuck that- is spying on your ass.

meant to

also google has monopolized everything - making everything accessible at the cost of privacy

I'm not Swiss I'm French
If you think the NSA through Apple doesn't spy on you, you're a cuck.