Heh really makes me think

heh really makes me think

I'm 30 and have a six-figure job, married, three kids. What's your excuse again?

Also Chili's lunch menu isn't bad.

The polar ice caps are still there
The housing market is still alive
The economy has been fucked for at least half a century

If you're going to be irrationally mad at boomers at least make sure you have facts

Fuck off, get a goddamn job, and get the fuck out of my basement.

t. Millennial

we killed golf and paper napkins?
damn this is some low quality b8, but maybe that's the point, is this post-modernism?
either 2/10 or 10/10, can't decide.

So you're a millennial that only makes six figures and fell for the marriage meme and likes shit food? Well, my excuse is that I'm not braindead like you.

My school didn't teach me anything of value or encourage me to pursue an education in an in-demand sector. Not to mention had nothing in the way of exposing us to different jobs and what not; no IT classes, no engineering, etc... Just typical book work and standard math through calculus. The closest thing to career advice I got was one of my math teachers said I would be good as an actuary.

My parents hit me with that "you can do whatever you want to do when you grow up!" - Grew up not wanting to do anything in particular.

Finally reached adulthood, had no interest in anything, no dreams, no aspirations.

Also I am a disfigured cripple with no social skills.

Also I have no money.


>only six figures
>marriage meme

You have to stay where you are, Paco.

>it's everyone's fault but my own!



Says the racist who had everything handed to him in life...

>no one did anything for me, I boostrapped myself to the top


to the top of the thrash pile?

casual dining is for old white people and niggers. i dont like bland food in a corny atmosphere.

Polar ice is currently expanding. Housing prices are high. And the economy is humming with low unemployment and high stock markets. Why you complain so much? Quit being faggito.


>Housing prices are high.
Thats the problem you dumb nigger.

>six figures
>still eats at chilis
shit/10 larp.

fuck chilis. who has 10 bucks to spend on a small bowl of rice with 5 shavings of chicken on it

Are you implying people who make six figures don't enjoy reasonably-priced American fusion cuisine in a casual setting?

I'd wager many of them are gen Z'ers actually. Sup Forums is, or was, a home for disillusioned millennials who fell through the cracks of a system which is actively screwing them over. This new wave of trump supporters seems too naive to have any of that kind of experience or resentment. They just blindly follow the "god emperor".

Typical right wing logic. We'll if the Earth still exists then global warming must not be real. The point is these things are MUCH worse than they used to be. You used to be able to get middle class job with only a High school diploma and save for retirement. The boomers fucked that all up.

definitely not at fucking chilis dude

What's with all the hate towards millennials lately? Half of you don't even realize they you're Millennials yourself. If you are in your mid 20's to Mid 30's you're likely a Millennial.

what's wring with chili's? it's a quick $10 burger. who the fuck plays golf? since when was that ever a thing anyone cared about? and what's wrong with napkins, how are they ruined now? i think OP is off his meds or something, this makes literally no sense.

>Half of you don't even realize they you're Millennials yourself.

Ugh, don't remind me.

We really need two names for this generation: one for the young professionals with families who are Making America Great Again, and another for the useless NEETs who, like the SJWs they claim to hate, want to blame everyone else but themselves for their personal failures.

>waaah a bunch of 60-year-olds beat me up and took my lunch money

Typical millennial blaming everyone else for your shortcomings.

>the golf industry
They could have just said "golf"; I don't know why they have to make golf sound menacing, like "the tobacco industry".

>6 figures
2017 and ppl still lie on a Austrian counterfeit sneaker website

The only people that would say "falling for the marriage meme" have never been with a woman.

>paper napkins

someone pls explain

Why is this so hard to believe? Maybe I get tired of bringing my lunch to work every day. Maybe I work out in an office park where there aren't many options and they are all chain restaurants. Maybe I don't like going to the Applebee's next door because I had a one-night stand with a girl when I was in high school and she works there now and she always gets my table and I can't stand looking into her dead doe eyes because it reminds me of our brief liaison and by extension the poor decisions I made in sexual indiscretion as a youth. Plus she has a super-obnoxious laugh.

It is an industry, these days. Have you been to a place that sells golfing goods recently? Filling your bag with high-tier clubs would set you back 20 grand. That's just on the consumer side, and isn't even getting into the costs associated with running the courses themselves. Color my grandfather surprised when I showed up to his invite with a bag of clubs from the 70s that I bought at a garage sale for $80. He kept making fun of the fact that my irons were made of steel and my woods were actually wood.

God I hate when I go to places and someone our age serves us, you feel bad for them and they resent you because once the bill comes due they know you have a better job than them.

At 40 I'm ending, we've suffered enough...

>heh really makes me think

me too, millennials really do suck at everything

Millennials are Boomers 2.0.

If left to continue on course they would have killed Western civilization.

>More stuff that millennials killed:
>Self sufficiency
>Gender reality
>Unbiased Journalism
>Fact based Science
>Going Outside
>Entertaining Television
>Good Movies into bad remakes
>Riding bikes without sissy helmets

I think Chili's is alright
t. poorfag

marriage is only a meme in countries where women sell their children to the cartel, pinche pedro

Yes, they still are, because they're the ones pushing this leftist subversion shit and getting up in arms about "microaggressions" and shit smeared on bathroom walls because they have it so good they can't find REAL things to get angry about.

this 100%

Boomer marxists brainwashed millennials into believing their anti-everything that made America great.

Blaming one generation is like the whole chicken and egg question. Or a final nail in the coffin analogy might be better. Millennials are the nail and Boomers are the hammer.